Any update one michingking and saitom box

hey i preorder these all the way back in February and I saw that some people already received theirs on twitter like a month ago so I was wondering when mines will ship.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I also ordered Saitom Box last December, with the release intended to be in November. However it'd be international shipping for me and the year's been a strange one due to COVID, so I completely understand the delay.

Apparently they've got reduced manpower to keep COVID-safe.

As they fulfill orders, naturally people are going to get their stuff sooner than others.
Yeah I just wanted to make sure because my most recent order hasn't shipped yet after 2 weeks while I'm seeing people getting their packages on twitter so wanted a confirmation everything was still good.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I've been keeping up with updates in this thread as well:

Michiking Boxes are in, but warehouse is still processing orders from Black Friday. Between reduced staff and safety procedures set in place, they're just doing the best they can unfortunately.

Saitom Box in general is delayed and I've gone over why in the link above. Apologies for the delays, but we're doing the best we can and maintaining the same quality for everyone to enjoy.