FIGURE DRAWING as i promised. I'm posting both good and bad ones(or not bad but just... with issues) I hope this is useful.
30 sec. gesture drawing. not so good composition, the figure should be lower. centralize or if not- do it purposefully.
must have been a 1min. okay, this one's not so good. do you see the disproportional legs. kinda short, right? Composition's good.
1-5min overally good...may teacher makes fun of me for making weird faces in all of my drawing. this one is batman inspired XD
5min. a good 5min drawing must have all parts of the body addressed, a good composition, sense of weight (....uh), must be gounded i.e. have a place in space, not just floating in midair. a simple line for the edge of the table goes a long way ppl
15min. this one is my favorite for some reason
30min. (pencil and white chalk) that girl had weird hair. anyway as you can see the head is too big, hair or not, it's not an ecxuse, throws the whole thing off balance. also spacial relationship in the legs? hmmm kinda flat and weird looking. also it was not finished in the time that was given so- bad
30min (pencil) this is ok. it's not finished but it doesnt look so bad. good spacial relationship in the leg/belly area a good sense of weight. however- floting in space is a no-no!
edit: sorry for the fuzzy quality, bad cameras at school. oh.... now that i look at them maybe i should have done better jon shooting hmmm oh well