Advance Wars

[font=Verdana][color=red](Disclaimer = I do not own this game for legal information purposes)[/color][/font]
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If you loved "Fire Emblem" ( Someone posted about it, I love the game too man )

Then you'll gonna love Advance Wars...

It a little old and it's on Gameboy version and OH! Checkout this site...


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"A scene of CO Jess of Green Earth"
Advance Wars Online

Im playing everyday with my friends around the globe. You need to Email your friends about it and set a time of match so the game is always ongoing.

For more information, visit the site...

[font=Verdana][color=red](All images are copyright from their respective owners)[/color][/font]
Advance Wars 2 is so broken. Colin and Grit are the only people worth using in that game. Lash is also broken on heavily forested stages. She's technically invincible during her powers.
I played Advance Wars: Days of Ruin on the DS. I can't say it was my cup of tea. Is there much of a difference between AW:Days of Ruin and the GB version?(Other than story.)
it was an interesting game

btw: attack a landing craft with a tank, standing on the beach and look wich way they are facing
Oh damn i remember this stuff... now i need to go dust off my old gameboys xD... assuming they haven't been crushed from being at the bottom of my "Old stuff i threw in a box" stash.
Im suprised there was no thread made for this already, this game is the only reason I have a DS and didnt get rid of my gameboy advance
Amazing Game.It makes me dizzy.-,-
This game is so much fun.I kept on lossing...
Cormac wrote...
I played Advance Wars: Days of Ruin on the DS. I can't say it was my cup of tea. Is there much of a difference between AW:Days of Ruin and the GB version?(Other than story.)

I haven't played it, but from watching I know Days of Ruin had completely different graphics and seemed more serious in tone, plus it'd obviously have a load more units and various other features.

I haven't properly played one since AW2, but I loved them on the GBA. Such a clever way to get so much out of a handheld, and easily one of the best and most challenging handheld multiplayers ever. Perfect scale and balance of tactics/action, not ridiculously complicated and yet genuinely challenging and - dare I say - stimulating. Dual Strike was decent but a bit gimmicky, and lost some of its charm somewhere imo.
I didnt play Days of Ruin, all the old CO's grew on me and it didnt feel like advance wars
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^ yeah....

just played AW 1 and 2 vor GBA, didnt get through the campaign though
Lold so hard @ copyright disclaimers if you were being serious

But yeah it is a great game. Not as good as Fire Emblem imo but still very competent.
I enjoyed the Advance Wars games quite a bit. I never managed to beat Days of Ruin because I lost my game when I got to the final boss. Sure as hell didn't seem like an easy match what with the factories, and cannons on the map...That and that one giant ass cannon that seemed to be a pain in the ass to try and get in on. D:
I beat all of the advance wars games on hardest difficulty, so worth it though, Sturm in AW2 was just plain kickass
I played the game...stuck at the Green nation(forgot what was the name)Green Earth...when we're using the Aircraft specialist in the middle of the sea and the enemy has anti aircraft weapons...arrgh~..i'm going to replay this...
FappingFury wrote...
Lold so hard @ copyright disclaimers if you were being serious

But yeah it is a great game. Not as good as Fire Emblem imo but still very competent.

I consider Advance Wars to be better than Fire Emblem. A lot more strategy is needed to win at that game. It also doesn't lose it's strategic aspect halfway through the game. When a character becomes strong in FE, all the strategic aspect of the game dissapears.

Advance Wars also has a kickass multiplayer. I spent days playing AWDS with my friends when I got that game.
The game is pretty easy, for strategists (even if you're not the type) just pick your "CO" which is compatible to your playing style, that should give you a background about the game... Mastering all the CO's makes you a real AW master, not to mention you can finish the campaign game even hard mode like chicken mode...
Monster Girl
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