How fast are you in drawing?

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A question like that just popped into my head.

I've always thought that I'm slooooooooooooooow. I cant finish a good looking sketch in less than an hour. Drawing a lineart (includes a sketch and then the cleaned lines on that) takes at least 5 hours. And full colored picture (full body shot) takes at least few days if I draw at least maybe about 5h a day.

Now I've been drawing for 3 hours with only few small breaks to check fakku. And guess what? I've only shaded a shirt, panties and 50% of a school skirt.

I didnt want to make a poll of this, because I wanted people to tell how long it takes for them to draw a picture. Maybe even with some examples.

When I can bother, I'll upload one of my drawings somewhere and tell you how long it took me to draw.
Honestly, I dont remember how many hours I spend on drawing everyday but I think 2h for least !!

Processing time to do CG:

+ when I had not had Tablet yet, So I had to use mouse to do my CG :

Sketch (45'- 1h) + Line art (2h-3h) + color (7h-8h+)

+ Now I have tablet:

Sketch (30'-45') + line art (30') + color (2h+)

This is my fastest work (3h)

Komaki Manaka - Natsu no Hi by *KahoOkashii on deviantART

PS: I cant wait to see your arts here ^___^

i take long from days to months so nvr expect something done from me fast.
kaho17 wrote...
PS: I cant wait to see your arts here ^___^


Well, it feels kinda silly to talk about my drawings and drawing in general, when I havent shown even a fast sketch to you. I think I'll also make a separate thread for my drawings, where I can show more stuff too. But that will take some time, because most of my drawings are on a hard drive thats dusting somewhere in the bedroom D:
For me, usually 1-4hrs. When im really into it. Otherwise, days or weeks. Plus, its not like a color my work. I just shade, tint, and what not. Im just simple, since I dont have a proper software to digitally color my work, or tablet for that. Ill show some of my quickest work, when i get to it.
JuniorAfro wrote...
For me, usually 1-4hrs. When im really into it. Otherwise, days or weeks. Plus, its not like a color my work. I just shade, tint, and what not. Im just simple, since I dont have a proper software to digitally color my work, or tablet for that. Ill show some of my quickest work, when i get to it.

use sai or one of the free ones of open canvas or just get keygen for the programs and tablet is not needed so there are other mouse users like u and me.

negative rep me XD
I lightly draw 30 minutes in one day,then leave it for a few days,sometimes weeks before tracing the lines and finishing my work.I rarely finish my work in one go.
Sketching is just sketching for me it can take from 5 mins to 8 hours for a session. Then usually cleaning up or straight to coloring which usually take 3-4 hours unless it is a speedpaint which is usually 1-2hrs. a full piece will take an average of 5 hours for everything. In short I have no consistency whatsoever.
For me it really depends on the style I am using! A sketch for me only take about 5-10 minutes digitally and traditionally up to 3-7 minutes. I apply fast and quick strokes and scribbles that sometime do not make sense, and to ink in a piece that I may like takes up a half-hour or more depending on the complexity. For digitally, it takes longer because I am still not use to the pressure with my Tablet. Traditionally, it is also a bit of a challenge because of my new manga inking pens having a different feel and use than my Sakura pigments; it's a pen nib that you must dip in ink and let sit to dry. Colouring really varies. But sadly, I am a very lazy artist as well because I don't like to finish all my pieces or some are destined to be in the abyss that is my computer. XD

For cel-shading, defined as two-three shades and highlight, it takes about 45 min-2 hours of my time to make a fullbody markup like this. CG Painting, if my time is openly spaced, would take me 2-4 hours, but if the piece may have shoddy edges, it means that it took me at least 3 hours. The more smoother and defined it is, means I took two days and total of 6 hours. XD Something like this is what I call extra release of artistic pressure, something that I wanted to just experiment with for fun, took at least half an hour or so. I virtually use up to 3 layers for sketching, and sometimes I go right into colouring right after sketching in one layer.

Manga is the devil for me; it racks up to 4 hours per page- including sketching, inking, white-out, then scanning for extra original copy before being toned. I can never apply the right computones I want for an image, nor can I ever keep consistency with the toning because I have too many tones to use. @w@ I do not have any formidable samples to show of my manga because frankly, I haven't done it in a while. XD
I usually take about 1 hour for sketch and another 1 hour for the line art over it, although my avatar pic took like 5 mins!
rough sketch 20mins
cleaning the lines, shading,ect ect 30mins
if i like it
post trace 30mins
color 1hr
scan then photoshop cleaning/fine tuning 1hr
Sketch + Lineart = 20-30 min

CG = 1-2 hr

I usually use tablet for CG, for the lineart I could alterate between using tablet or drawing pen.
Depends...A few minutes or a hours or days. Depends on my enthusiasm to finish and and how focused Iam on the picture.
Usually, when I full focus into the drawing, not that much. Like, sketch probably 20min, lineart the same, maybe 45 min, and the painting can be really fast, like 3~4 hours. It varies of course with the complexity of the drawing.

What takes me the longest is the BG, of course.

My problem is, that when I'm not doing it for work, I get distracted easily, and it can take up to some days >.<.
i take about an hour to draw and a good 2 hours with it very detailed, it takes me a day or 2 to paint over it, even tho the painting im doing now ive been painting for a year already, no motivated enough lol

Forum Image:
I take forever, for the most part. However, when it's a drawing that I'm really into, and I am enjoying, I can have it done in an hour at the latest.

To get something done that will resemble what I plan on it looking like; that will take only a few minutes. (Maybe 20?).

So, yeah, it depends, I guess. Usually hours, sometimes minutes.
Depends on my mood and whether or not I'm focused enough to be adding details.

Takes me a whole lot longer when I'm painting though. Blending with acrylic paints need to be done quickly since the paint dries really fast; otherwise I would have to add more paint to it.
I rarely color so I estimate my sketch to lineart about an hour ... if I color which is really basic then add another 40 minutes hehe XD.
as long i have ideas, attention span, and free time
seems like im the only one here who take too much time >w<

The longest time that I had remembered is 50 hours. My average time
now mostly took 20 hours to 30 hours. Its not straight but I work
everyday for it, 2-4 hours everyday while 10-12 hours for weekends.

My own CG Illustration map guide I guess :

[1] Concept, pose, background composition : 30 mins
[2] Sketch Finalization : 2-3 hours
[3] Line-art application [ Character only ] : 5 hours ~
[4] CG Coloring [ Character only ] : 5 hours ~
[5] Background Finalization : 1 hour
[6] Background Details and color lay-out : 2-3 hours
[7] Background Coloring and texture application : 3 hours ~

The main reason why I took time on my sketch section is because
of anatomy balance and the outfit design. I always make sure
that my outfit design is unique and on my own concept so this
process is taking too much time on my part.
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