What did you do while FAKKU was down?

What did you do while FAKKU was down?

Total Votes : 5,687
I'm afraid I woke up. Smiled at the front page of FAKKU, hit f5 to see if any updates were there, saw it was down, shrugged mai shoulders, went to work, came home, hit f5 again, raged, and went to bed. repeated this for a few days.

Anyway, glad your back

And First post complete. (I really took my time registering yep yep)
i fapped
I kept refreshing over and over again.
Glad your'e back Jacob i miss FAKKU sooo....much
Welcome back! :D

I'll spread the word on all of my blogs, even on facebook.

OT : The picture on the screen on the image is "Wanko to Kurasou" right?
I went crazy and start to refresh the page every hour on the hour.
i Watch FAKKU Geddan! over and over again
the answer is number 4
hiegen1 wrote...
I confessed my love to a giiiiiirl!
Whoooo thanks for dieing Fakku, now I am no longer alone in life.

....But thanks for coming back too..because we need something to read together ;)

Read together? Well now...that could get interesting.
Teach my daughter to play a violin - . -!
Kaimax Best Master-San
I finished 4 VNs.
I had life so I was practically outside 40% of the day.
Chose the last option. But technically, I did it every few hours, instead of minutes... I know, I should be ashamed >_
i cant believe that ,the fakku was down...unbelievable!! fortunately ,it is ok now!!!
while fakku was down i went outside... well, i always go outside everyday for work... but anyway last thursday and friday i did not have work and no fakku!!! big problem.... since i live in cebu and just near the beach... i went island hopping, soaking up the sun in the beach, catching some milk fish and prawns (damn... its hard using a fishing net)..., bird watching, dolphin watching, parasailing (scary and fun), and diving (even though i dont know how to swim i was still able to dive with the help from my instructors...)... well, anyway fakku is back and i got sunburned... so, back to my quite and peaceful life
well almost everyday.. then i think 4-5x a day refreshing and browsing.
I was at doujin-moe.com but nothing like the love of my life FAkKU
All of the above lol
I have the biggest exam on my life this Tuesday and I've been here refreshing every 15 minutes. Great to have Fakku back!
Last option. Pretty obvious answer gotta say to that.
Well, I also dick around for other inspirations for fapping. It's kinda weird, but I fapped even more when fakku is down! Probably a habit of releasing anger and anxiety. Anyway, I discovered this link for loads of doujinshi stuffs, yes, even more than fakku has even known. You can't actually watch anything or download from it, but you can "google" it and download it on your own. Pretty neat way to complete your own collection of specific doujinshi.


I also found new interest in hentai anime, like always, you just have to look really hard for the original Japanese voice ones then they don't suck! This site gives you a large information of hentai movie, again once you know the name, go google and download it yourself. Use Realplayer downloader to down load any clip you see on the internet, it's awesome XD


Because if you're poor like me, affording 30 dollars a month just for fapping is just a waste of money when you can actually get them for free.

Good luck googling ^^
Monster Girl
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