Attention Boston

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"It will be English over-dubbed exclusively for this big screen event." you have got to be shitting me... all the anime that was made into movies sucked hard... the over-dubbed sucked even more... we all know that this movie is going to suck one way or another, I anticipated it to suck; but to be dubbed? fuck that.. I'm gonna demand a refund for the tickets that I bought right now..
Oh man, I've been looking forward to this one for quite some time now. Luckily, they're showing this movie in a theater near me (like literally, 5 mins away) so I'm pretty pysched about it.
Does anyone know if Muscle Rider is in it? I think the relationship between him and the kid is so freaking adorable. Also what story arc are they following? The new arc is so awesome, I would love to see that in movie format
Just got the ticket today just need to print it. So far on the trailers I saw on youtube I think it's close to the Muscle Rider arc. Maybe if Gantz 2 comes out it would happen.
woahhh Ninomiya Kazunari of arashi is on the cast. Gonna be the Best show this year
it's going to be dubbed! i just found out yesterday that it's playing in my city and today i find out that it's dubbed! this is the most obscene thing i've seen all day. efff
I don't know why it is so terrible that it is going to be dubbed people... The death note movie was dubbed, and that turned out alright.

Subs are better than dubs, but only when the dubbing is bad. So hopefully they did a great job dubbing it .
Looky-tan Got Megane?
neko-chan wrote...
I don't know why it is so terrible that it is going to be dubbed people... The death note movie was dubbed, and that turned out alright.

Subs are better than dubs, but only when the dubbing is bad. So hopefully they did a great job dubbing it .

Yea I had a feeling it'd be dub, all past events they've done such as Death Note, and Eureka Seven movies were the dub, I am not sure if I'll be able to go see it however, my job has been cutting hours so I can't afford to take a night off to see this when I only get maybe 3 nights a week. For those that do go to this, I hope they enjoy it.
I Just got back from watching it and I got to say...I was dissapointed... I mean I wasin't expecting much but ya no boobs no use of the word fuck and no phyco serial killer kid... what a shame... part two looks good though
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Sweet :). Might meet a few people. Hope to see some people :)
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