Ordinary Newbie

Hi! I decided to join this forum because errr... i love ecchi (nosebleeding).
i'm tryin' hard in English and my grammar is still a mess...
well... i hope you enjoy with me (^_^)/
Welcome to the forums RBW! Enjoy your stay here, and don't worry. Your English grammar is perfectly okay, except for the 3rd sentence but hey, welcome and good job bro! ^^
Welcome to fakku, you're certainly in the right place if you like ecchi stuff.
Hi RBW~ Welcome to Fakku! What's with the long name?
Welcome to Fakku !Dont worry about your English as long a we in understand it its ok!
Hey there and welcome to Fakku.
thanks for your attention, and about my name, it's a secret okay?
Red Black White?
Yo Wats up welcome to the forums and enjoy the Faping Fun of Fakku
[font=verdana][color=green]Your grammar is a lot better than others already here on the forums, so I wouldn't worry about us not being able to understand what you say. Besides, if you read what others (by others, I mean others like myself, whom use proper grammar and spelling), you'll gradually improve anyway.

Welcome to the forums, at any rate.