Alo to all fakku users

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Hey there all fakku users my name is Luis Arce and i am a college student at Imperial Valley College i work as a tutor for little kids and i am studying to become a nurse nice nice alo to all of u fakku brothers and sisters and wasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha.
We'll be touching balls at the meetup. <3
haha yea i'll see u there.

Welcome to Fakku~
Yahoooo~ welcome to Fakku tsukune :3! I hope you are going to have a great time here ^^.

Forum Image:
Welcome. Is this your first visit?
[font=comic sans ms]hello and welcome to Fakku!

haha your quote makes me laugh xD I take it your an Ao no Exorcist fan yes?

Welcome to fakku and I hope you enjoy your stay!

Your favorite animes are? Your hobbies are? Or what are your favorite musics?
tsukune_19 wrote...
Hey there all fakku users my name is Luis Arce and i am a college student at Imperial Valley College i work as a tutor for little kids and i am studying to become a nurse nice nice alo to all of u fakku brothers and sisters and wasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha.

tone it down a bit. Other than that welcome..
Unsigned wrote...
Welcome. Is this your first visit?

No it's not my first time I have been here for about two years now and I barely became a member haha I woke up like I want to be a member... :D
Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay! And be sure to interact with the sophisticated members of IB.
JunMisugi wrote...
Yahoooo~ welcome to Fakku tsukune :3! I hope you are going to have a great time here ^^.

Forum Image:

I have been having a great time for about a year now haha thanks
azylsagara wrote...
[font=comic sans ms]hello and welcome to Fakku!

haha your quote makes me laugh xD I take it your an Ao no Exorcist fan yes?

Yes I am but I like that quote because it's true I mean life aint easy. I also love UVERworld because they play theme songs to like ever anime :D
Rise-chan wrote...

Welcome to fakku and I hope you enjoy your stay!

Your favorite animes are? Your hobbies are? Or what are your favorite musics?

Well I have alot of anime's I conceder my fave like mahou shoujo because it's not the tipical girls eating cake anime they do kick ass I mean k-on wasn't bad until the second season. Code geass is a must like Aeo no exorcist and bleach am bakuman I prefer the manga and also hitman reborn the manga too is way better. My hobbies are playing guitar and videogames I like o draw every now and then and obviously watch hentai haha.... I also like to watch movies and hang out with my bro's (friends). I like any kind of music as long as it talks about something or it has a catchi rithm haha and I love anime themes. And I think that's it. Nice to meet u too. Thanks :D
godotccf wrote...
tsukune_19 wrote...
Hey there all fakku users my name is Luis Arce and i am a college student at Imperial Valley College i work as a tutor for little kids and i am studying to become a nurse nice nice alo to all of u fakku brothers and sisters and wasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha.

tone it down a bit. Other than that welcome..

What do u mean to tone it done ?_? was mi intro not proper :(
Akasen wrote...
Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay! And be sure to interact with the sophisticated members of IB.

Thanks for the welcome. I sure will enjoy it here. And who is IB??
tsukune_19 wrote...
Akasen wrote...
Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay! And be sure to interact with the sophisticated members of IB.

Thanks for the welcome. I sure will enjoy it here. And who is IB??

Incoherent Babbling.
This place.
tsukune_19 wrote...
Akasen wrote...
Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay! And be sure to interact with the sophisticated members of IB.

Thanks for the welcome. I sure will enjoy it here. And who is IB??

Ib is a place you don't wanna fuck with, believe me
Akasen wrote...
tsukune_19 wrote...
Akasen wrote...
Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay! And be sure to interact with the sophisticated members of IB.

Thanks for the welcome. I sure will enjoy it here. And who is IB??

Incoherent Babbling.
This place.

Haha ok ok I will pay a visit later
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