Will you ever quit FAKKU?

Once a Fakkuist always a Fakkuist!
NeoStriker wrote...
Once a Fakkuist always a Fakkuist!

I approve of this
I am slowly but surely on my way to quitting Fakku for good. Not that there's anything wrong with the site, it's just that it hasn't been that interesting for me, lately.
theonewhoeats wrote...
I am slowly but surely on my way to quitting Fakku for good. Not that there's anything wrong with the site, it's just that it hasn't been that interesting for me, lately.

Everyone gets a break. But you'll be back. They always will.

I dream of a glorious Fakku convention, where every Fakkuist will show up, and we will all share our massive porn collection. The resulting mass of porn could possibly overload the universe with semen, leading to an unprecedented boom of healthy skin.

No sex, only masturbation.

Because we have no female members.

Except Jacob.

C-c-c-c-combo breaker.

I just broke my own deadpan snarking combo.
Sebastian wrote...
It's a good website, but things come and go
Nope never
Well Probably there will be a times that i'll gone
but still i'll be visiting time to time
If shit like this keeps going.
Maybe for a Klondike Bar.

In reality, only if it became a serious offense to view hentai in my country.
It's a good source for hentai and forums is good too. So, I doubt I'll be quitting anytime soon.
nah, i like fakku a lot.
Even if the site keep crashing, the HDDs keep exploding, and Jacob keeps satisfying his desires with the servers, I'll probably stick around for a while. Eventually I will fade off into the horizon we call life, but until then I'll be here.
Misanthropic Crass wrote...
If shit like this keeps going.
Lately I've been spending time reading the posts, they are so funny, maybe I'll quit the doujinshis, but certainly will keep coming back for the forums.
Yeah it's a shithole.
I'll stick around as long as Fakku doesn't become as retarded as Sankaku.
Maybe eventually, I mean I only come here for lulz and porn anyway..
There's no reason to completely stop coming here. Everyone who has is just a babe. Or has a government job that does not allow connections with questionable sites.

All that will ever happen is my activity will drop off.
I have no reason to quit. As bad as it's become, I still believe in FAKKU.
The Jesus wrote...
I have no reason to quit. As bad as it's become, I still believe in FAKKU.

Holy god, I thought you were dead.

Soon enough I'm going to see gizmo again at this rate.
The Jesus wrote...
I have no reason to quit. As bad as it's become, I still believe in FAKKU.

Holy crap you still live! I though we had lost you!