Fakku's League of Legends Official Sign-up (BRACKET UP!)

Server: EU
Timezone: GMT+1 (Rome)
LoL Account name: Airea
Account level: 30
Can you be a leader?: No
Are you in a team: Yes (me and a friends of mine wanna subscribe in group, let me know if they have to register too, and, in case, to post each application)

LoL Account Name of Teammates: syNthe, Zarakoz, Warlikee.
Server: NA
Timezone: mountain standard
LoL Account name: KAODivina
Account level: 17
Can you be a leader?: no. i make i tend to be a one mabn gank force in 3s
Are you in a team: not a team in a clan though called KAO.

chars i play are Sion both ap and melee, Jax for when im not wanting to put much effort in Fiddlesticks for jungling, katarina as ap dps, nasus for an off tank/ap dps
Server: NA
LoL Account name: Saerkhiya
Account level:12
Can you be a leader?: No.
Are you in a team: N, but working on one lol.
Server: NA
LoL Account name: kplate
Account level: 11(as of post)
Can you be a leader?: Well I can but I dont know if I would be any good
Are you in a team: no
I will do my best for any team that will have me, and good luck to all.
Question, are we playing without runes? A fair amount of people are lower leveled, so they wouldn't have access to Quints and such...
just thought i should update that i joined team mango
someone invite me to a team; i kept getting busy and didnt have a form to fill out; whoever has me as on their team first I'll join; I don't have a job this summer or anything to do so I just mostly doing this for practice.
I have to go out for a bit though so I can't do any real accepting; I have 700 some wins and about 1200 some games played and will take any role any job and I'm good but i don't care if i get stuck with not so good people, just wanna play and maybe get a t-shirt ^.^

First team I can join and be able to compete that replies to my post gets me so there's no question who was first.

Server: NA
Timezone: EST
LoL Account name:Cylf
Account level: 30
Can you be a leader?: n
Are you in a team: n

Please edit the last option once you are in a team

Number for team fully signed-up :
NA: 16
EU: 2
Unspecified : 1
Bartre wrote...
Question, are we playing without runes? A fair amount of people are lower leveled, so they wouldn't have access to Quints and such...

While playing without runes is a good idea, it's hard to know if the people will be using them or not. Without spectator mode at the moment, I can't be checking on everything. Though most people are about 20-30. It's not such a HUGE difference. Player skill > runes.
Server: NA
Timezone: PST/PDT
LoL Account name: CyanideTastic
Account level: 30
Can you be a leader?: yes
Are you in a team: yes
Server: NA
Timezone: Us Central
LOL account name: Llanoraw
Account level: 30
Can I be a leader: yes
Am I in a team: yes
Server: NA
LoL Account name: Kageoni4
Account level: 30
Can you be a leader?: Nope
Are you in a team: Nope

Champs I play are:
Tank: Cho'gath, Sion, Rammus, Singed, Irelia, and Shaco ( Yes a tank shaco, it works the only downside is it damage ratio is lower)
AP: Sona, Vlad
AD: Nocturne, Ashe, Teemo,
Jungle/AD: Olaf Urdy
Support: Karma & Sona
I guess i dont have a choice...i'll be a leader too if some1 wants to join, spam a PM and ill set you up but im hoping for invite first of all :P
EU btw :P we need more teams here ^^
I need one more for my full team. Message me on Fakku if you are interested.
Server : NA
Timezone : eastern
LoL Account name: SynAptick
Account level: 30
Can you be a leader?: no
Are you in a team: yes bench for team mango
Server : NA
Timezone : PDT
LoL Account name: Drkcloud
Account level: 30
Can you be a leader?: no
Are you in a team: yes second bench for team mango
I don't know if I won't need +1 guy cause one of my mates doesn't answear me for a long time u_u
Ok nvm I already got 1 candidate who can play.
Server: NA
Timezone: PST
LoL Account name: Mrtakeiteasy
Account level: 30
Can you be a leader?: y
Are you in a team: y
Sign up for the tourny

Team Name: Buddha Palm
Team Leader: Nigweed
Team Members: Exergonic, Endergonic, HERMLT, Bouzakage
Server: NA
Account Level: Lvl 30, we are all Lvl 30
If I can get official date that would be helpful, Thanks.

I sent tc a private message to register the team but I'll just post this in case.

Team Name: Mean Street Vandals
Team Leader: albasuna
Team Members: itsbryan, killerkombat1, burgdorferi, bionic turtle
Server: NA
Account Level: All lvl 30

fakku names in their respective order
albasuna, itsbryan, killerkombat, shigella ... the last one I will find out shortly