Your heart's not into it

So i'm currently studying in college right now, and i'm already in my 3rd year. But for some reason, I feel quite depressed and unhappy lately, like anything I do, even when I finish my course, won't matter, at least to me. In other words, my heart's not into it.

I'm pretty sure that some here have experienced this feeling, so what should I do about this?
Why is that? i don't get you, don't get me wrong but you are doing fine in college and why are you feeling like this? it's more like a mental state i think, you have to see you are in a place like most of the people will envy, i'm glad you are in college and working your ass to get you goals, why aren't you?
Sounds like you're not going outside enough. Try doing something that forces you to be either creative or outdoorsy. Usually makes me feel better about a lot of things.
I have the same feeling sometimes, but I just ignore it and end up feeling depressed.
Common affliction amongst college students. I'd suggest seeing your college's health services about it. Could be a phase of burn out or could be stresses from life piling up without a decent outlet.
Are you studying what you enjoy, what your interests are? If not, and you make your major your job, you'll probably be misrable.

If it's just academia in general that's got you down, it may not be fore you. Some folks do better in the workforce than in school. If you feel better and do well outside it, why not?
If you're struggling with school and that's what has you down, seek help from a peer, teacher, tutor, etc... It's a blow to pride for sure, but it's so worth it!!
I pretty much have a very similar situation.

I have gotten annoyed and bored with the academic curriculum. The thing that keeps it alive is that one can succeed in school and lead a hell of a good life in the future.

Try meeting new people and befriend people in your class, join clubs or just go around campus and see who you meet, keep in contact with people you met from past classes.

Reasons like these why I'm starting to enjoy college more and more and waiting to see what is up with them.

One of the other factors , the teacher. At first I thought it was just a little thing, but no, I have had all kinds of teachers in my academic curriculum and have met great teachers who are friendly and know a lot of things. These sorts of teachers made the class better for me and everyone else and some of us just hate the fact that there is little chance we will have them for a teacher again.

The last big factor, what class is it. I enjoyed some of my English classes and one Math class because the teacher was great. But overall, one of my all times favorites is my Japanese teacher. It made it easy since the class was something I had a huge interest in and the teacher was always having conversations with all of us and at the same time helping us improve our Japanese.

So look up sites like "Rate My Professors" so you can at least have an idea who would be a good instructor.

Don't give up on college yet, just a few little stops isn't enough.
It probably has more to do with how long you have been taking these courses, as well as some possible anxiety about not having to take them anymore. But Im no counselor and I dont even know what youre studying so I couldnt say.
After you finish the classes you are taking now, can you take time off? like a full year? just to relax, or travel, or get a job, or all three. maybe try for an internship in the field you're studying for. like Gizgal said, are you sure you are studying for what you really want to do with the rest of your life?
No, not really. The course I am taking wasn't my choice, but my parents. And recently, I feel like even if I studied and took any type of course, even my preferred one, it still wouldn't matter. It's like I want to do something with my life that isn't related to finishing school and entering a static, boring business.
Drop out for now and take some time off, then go back into it eventually.
I have the same feeling when i start high school it just feels like aw another school year again, schools in my place in the past are boring as hell so i decide to have a break for one year and continue on the next year!And kinda help me to remove those feelings!
College was boring for me.. only reason i went was because by law i had to be 21 to go into the civilian police academy. After a BS in Criminal Justice and a CC in victimolgy and three years in the MP service.. i found out that my eyes were too bad to even join. By then i like the army and photography better so i just got my MFA and did my own thing.
Are you close to the end? if so, might as well tough it out and get what you need for that career. then you at least have one thing you can do to support your self while you figure out what you really want to do.
This is quite common among college students.

It does seem like you're running out of steam.
Gotta find that source of motivation again.

I myself sometimes ask "Why the heck am I doing this?"
Although I am interested in the field I am entering, I sometimes just want to get away from it all.
Here in the our college in Architecture, we have what we call a "Patapon" (not the game) literally meaning "thrown away". In context, somebody who doesn't do his job (at college, usually) and expects life to be somewhat better somehow and shit.

I went through that phase when I also started, cutting classes, going out for a smoke in a community park, not giving a fuck if i'll fail or not. To me then, life goes on and we can't do anything about it, or education is overrated in our country, etc.

But now, I realize that though life does go on, we can do something about it. We can either do what we can, accomplish what we need, and be the best we can be, or live life like a beggar, waiting for the next bone to come around.
Though I guess I don't have much room to talk (just finished my freshman year), I went through the same thing. My own advice is that you take it easy for a little while. Stress builds up pretty damn quick and, sooner or later, it's going to hit you. Best advice is to simply relax, go hang out with friends, do what you enjoy doing. Now if it's a simple matter of no longer feeling motivated, this can be remedied simply by making yourself believe you are working for the sake someone else. Not a good long term idea, in fact it's a downright horrible idea if used incorrectly but it did help me.
What about rearranging class schedule? maybe less classes per day, or take them later in the day, or spread out so there is time to rest between?
I understand what you're saying, latelyI have been feeling just like that but in my case it may be my thesis topic that I find so boring. sometimes I do this, I try to picture myself graduating and picking up my diploma, that sometimes makes me go on. maybe imagining the big picture is a good thing, but if you don't enjoy your career then you should drop it, you'l be forcing into a world you won't enjoy.
Monster Girl
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