Do girls prefer Hentai to regular porn?

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Hi everyone,

I'm fresh new here so if this thread sounds like "deja-vu", don't blame me please.

My question is simple ; do you think (or know) if girls prefer Hentai to regular porn? And if so, why would they?

Thanks for your answers...

I only prefer real porn vs hentai.
The only girl who i've talked to about porn and mentioned hentai said "I can't get off to hentai. It's either in a different language or crappily dubbed".
Almost all the girls I know like hentai more. Hentai is the best.
IMO most of the girls act like a bitch and say they hate porn or anything related to it, but its obvious they actually watch it. But i think they prefer either. I dont really wanna base my answer on my own facts since every girl is different from every other girl.
A lot of girls go for the yaoi. Bishies, romance and so on.

Personally I don't know any girl that who admits watching porn, but many proud yaoi fangirls. *shrugs*
Most of the girls I know prefer porn over hentai and we actually had a conversation about it
None of the girls I know (except on here) admit to watching porn or owning sex toys or anything.

Yet on the other hand- there are a few who readily brag about any number of sexual exploits of the downright whorish nature- such as sucking off and swallowing the entire football team.

I'll never understand some women.
I'm not to sure which girls would prefer. I guess it all depends on what there interest is. From the girls I've talk to about regular porn and hentai, more seem to like regular porn but that's only because they were used to watching real people rather than animated.
Not into porn, can't really enjoy yaoi for the means of "getting off", and not many hentai get me going anymore...
But I do like hentai to be honest...
... I Can Only Reference To My Sis, She Like Yaoi. So I Guess Hentai?
Kavi wrote...
A lot of girls go for the yaoi. Bishies, romance and so on.

I've never understood yaoi personally. I just dont like it at all (and I'm a girl). But really, I prefer hentai over regular porn. I've watched regular porn too and in some cases I wont say no to my bf if he wants to watch it with me. And to hentai I almost never say no to :D Its just that I like watching animu girls more than real ones. The cute facial expressions of anime girls and their cute bodies and the delicious looking penises and the huge amounts of cum :o~ And all the reactions on both girls and guys are better in hentai, and most of them wouldnt work on regular porn really. + there are some things in hentai that dont just work on regular porn like way over sized penises, tentacles, lolis (I'm not into real underaged girls).

And just think about one of your favorite hentai manga (or anime). Would it work in regular porn? Lets take about any manga by Shiwasu no Okina (chose that because his works usually have some kind of plot) and try to think about a regular porn made of it. The first problem would be the bad acting skills of porn actors. And that is the biggest problem in regular porn. They cant act really and because of that they dont have any good plots. And at least I dont really get exited just by watching some random sex scene unless its really REALLY good one.

I forgot what else I was going to say, but dont have time to remember, have to go to the place where all women belong, and thats kitchen, to do some cooking D;
Too bad I dont know any of my girl friends watching both porn or hentai...
The truth is, it's very 50-50. Hell, sometimes I use both!
I wanted to answer the question but I'm not a girl..

I'll just read some answers for preferences.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
If you ask this question on a hentai site, the answers are going to be skewed.

I love my hentai, I love getting new stuff in the mail to share with everyone and getting my own collection on my computer too. Though because I work with h-manga all the time it doesn't do anything for me.

If I want to get aroused, I go to real porn. If I manage to get aroused from a doujinshi or manga - it was AAA standard, and not many of those come around often.
[color=olive]It depends on the person really is she's into hentai or porn..[/color]
Err... I've never even tried "regular porn". Guess I'm a hentai naturalist? Haha. >_< But, I've talked to other girls who think hentai is weird. I quote "The eyes are too big and creepy." It really depends on the girl.
for me, and the last time I checked I was female, it's

good porn > crappy hentai
good hentai > crappy porn
good hentai > good porn
I prefer hentai.
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