Are you bothered by male anal sex?

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Are you bothered by male anal sex?

Total Votes : 149
Raparperi wrote...
So, all of you people who are bothered by it, how do you react to it if some people start talking about it when you're there (irl)? Or how do you react if you see someone talking about it online (like fakku) in a place you didnt except to see it? (like that one guy didnt except to find it in "anal or vaginal" thread)

Irl with my friends we never take it seriously like the usual butt raep joke. Though we never ever talk about it seriously because were not interested in that kind of topic.

In online like in fakku. I have the choice to read or not the main topic then it's either ignore if it's too bothering or reply for something. In porn video sites, even a glimpse is a no no, an actual video of two man doing it is too disturbing.
I'm not bothered by it as long I dont have to watch it, I can talk about it anywhere I dont care really but I wouldnt like to see it, when I accidently see some yaoi manga I just skip it, I'm sure there are people who like it so why not let them enjoy it. For those who dont, they shouldnt be judged either, you dont argue about someones taste in things, you can say that you dont like it but nobody has the right to talk down to someone who does. This goes both ways.
depends, RL gay porn is very disturbing, but if 2d not as much.
Raparperi wrote...
Age wrote...
Yes (I'm a male) of coarse it disgusts me it doesn't mean I'm homophobic it because I'm not gay just like I assume a gay guy hates lady parts.

So, all of you people who are bothered by it, how do you react to it if some people start talking about it when you're there (irl)? Or how do you react if you see someone talking about it online (like fakku) in a place you didnt except to see it? [size=10](like that one guy didnt except to find it in "anal or vaginal" thread)[/h]

I honestly don't care that much.. if they go into great detail, i'd probably be disturbed, but nobody ever does.. so i'm all good. lol
I enjoy getting my ass stimulated from a woman but I'm not gay and I have no interest in male sex.I won't tolerate something too big in my ass though,fingers at the most.

So my point is that even if you like anal stimulation or anal penetration as a guy,you aren't a confirmed gay.
No, certainly doesn't bother me.

I'm not too fond of the idea myself. Should I find myself dating a guy in a serious relationship, rather than a gal, and he was interested in anal sex, I guess I would have to have a serious discussion about it. Ironically enough, I don't mind some forms of anal stimulation when I'm masturbating, but as far as sticking a foreign object in my ass that I have no control over, not exactly thrilled by the idea, let's just say that.
ryuuhagoku wrote...
I dislike broccoli and would rather not eat it. However, I would rather eat broccoli than infringe on a stranger's right to eat it. I believe this is a perfect analogy to my opinion regarding male/male anal sex and pegging.

Except broccoli is much ickier.

"Except broccoli is much ickier" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! that made my day HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
AvatarEnd wrote...
Does not bother me at all. What other people choose to do sexually usually has no impact on me.

Now I'm curious as to what occurrences transpire when it does.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
AvatarEnd wrote...
Does not bother me at all. What other people choose to do sexually usually has no impact on me.

Now I'm curious as to what occurrences transpire when it does.

Well, if someone had buttsex in my bed without my permission (and I can't see me giving such permission), I'd sure as hell be bothered by that.
ryuuhagoku wrote...
PumpJack McGee wrote...
AvatarEnd wrote...
Does not bother me at all. What other people choose to do sexually usually has no impact on me.

Now I'm curious as to what occurrences transpire when it does.

Well, if someone had buttsex in my bed without my permission (and I can't see me giving such permission), I'd sure as hell be bothered by that.

I'd prefer them using my bed than my butt, quite frankly.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
ryuuhagoku wrote...
PumpJack McGee wrote...
AvatarEnd wrote...
Does not bother me at all. What other people choose to do sexually usually has no impact on me.

Now I'm curious as to what occurrences transpire when it does.

Well, if someone had buttsex in my bed without my permission (and I can't see me giving such permission), I'd sure as hell be bothered by that.

I'd prefer them using my bed than my butt, quite frankly.

Can't argue with you there, but the bed thing is an example of what other people do sexually having an impact on me.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Its disturbing when two dudes have anal sex, but if a girl is using a dildo to butt fuck a guy, then I can tolerate it. I'm an open minded person so I wouldn't mind trying it if my future girlfriend wanted to have her way with me. Also, if I were to end up in jail, I would yell out "Fresh meat, come and get it!!" during meal time. I'd rather be someone's bitch and get raped in the ass than try to fight.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
AvatarEnd wrote...
Does not bother me at all. What other people choose to do sexually usually has no impact on me.

Now I'm curious as to what occurrences transpire when it does.

I can tell you what doesn't. Using my bed, after all I can clean the sheets. On the table I've eaten at. They said they used it and didn't clean it afterward, with grins on their faces. I just said any food that touches the table is dead to me and kept on eating. Decent lasagna too btw.
If you mix male anal sex and super robot music, it becomes AWESOME.
More than two words.

Forum Image:
[size=10]Yyyyeah, I kind of see it as a poophole, also. 8|;[/h]
I'd imagine that taking it in the ass is painful. When life gives you lemons, most people make lemonade, but that's not all you can make.
The Jesus wrote...
I'd imagine that taking it in the ass is painful. When life gives you lemons, most people make lemonade, but that's not all you can make.

Sure, but personally- I don't think lemon juice would be the best as lube.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
I'd imagine that taking it in the ass is painful. When life gives you lemons, most people make lemonade, but that's not all you can make.

Sure, but personally- I don't think lemon juice would be the best as lube.

Spit.. best lube around.. also shinji will be pleased.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
I'd imagine that taking it in the ass is painful. When life gives you lemons, most people make lemonade, but that's not all you can make.

Sure, but personally- I don't think lemon juice would be the best as lube.

Obviously. Since lemon juice is acidic, it would probably burn like hell. Aside from that, it's got about the same consistency as water, which means it wouldn't be that effective as a lube.

For what it's worth, women are impressed by creativity. If life gives you lemons and all you can make is lemon juice, keep your expectations low.
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