
2 As, 1 B-, 3 Cs. Not exactly great, and definitely not to my parents. Had that talk from my dad about what I'm going to do in my future with such grades. Something I do horribly constantly, not through general stupidity, well maybe it is, but I'm smart, BUT GOD DAMN do i get distracted and apathetic at the worst times, the nights before a quiz or tests seem like nothing to me as I waste time. I don't know why I'm posting this, I don't want sympathy but I want to let it out. That I had a chance to shoot big and now letting fall flat to the brim. I'm in my senior year, with decent classes but never once an honor role of any kind. I'm Asian with Asian parents who I've managed to almost seem to give up on me with shitty grades for ANYBODY. I broke many promises both to my family, friends and myself over these shitty grades That I know I can improve on over myself./ Rant

I'm a lazy idiot and I need to get my act together.

I have a lot of regrets and I turned 18 I need to get my shit together for at least one more promise. To not royally fuck up like I did for the past 4 years of high school. At least College is a fresh start, now to get into one.....
Your being way to hard on your self and so are your parents but i've heard asian parents are just like that. I mean you passed didn't you? I mean i failed most if not all my classes in highschool (we are talking about highschool right?) and i still graduated at 15.
nothing935 wrote...
Your being way to hard on your self and so are your parents but i've heard asian parents are just like that. I mean you passed didn't you? I mean i failed most if not all my classes in highschool (we are talking about highschool right?) and i still graduated at 15.

OP is this a public school and are any of these AP classes, on and nothing XD it's pretty easy to graduate at 15(or simply graduate)I mean if I remember correctly the unit requirement is 65 and PSAT of [insert here] , the problem comes later on for early graduates I believe where although they have a HS diploma they're not eligible for most colleges,even on state level for the most lenient of courses.Back to OP, if your getting these grades really you need to be trying harder, no matter where you go, your pretty much assured a B if you do all your homework,even if it doesn't hold much weight point-wise, as for failing classes, not only do you have to be a lazy bum in most cases but should it be an accelerated,honors, or advance course you not only lost your chance to even try for any college units if it's accelerated or advance but theirs no replacement units, you must retake.Then again none of this should really help you as you even conceded you did a shit job your last 4 years.Any other points as to why a college would like to accept you?Sports,service, or do you have allocation issues on time because of family whereas that pretty much makes sure they don't root you out for having no preferences or outstanding talents to benefit them.
Darkhilt wrote...
nothing935 wrote...
Your being way to hard on your self and so are your parents but i've heard asian parents are just like that. I mean you passed didn't you? I mean i failed most if not all my classes in highschool (we are talking about highschool right?) and i still graduated at 15.

OP is this a public school and are any of these AP classes, on and nothing XD it's pretty easy to graduate at 15(or simply graduate)I mean if I remember correctly the unit requirement is 65 and PSAT of [insert here] , the problem comes later on for early graduates I believe where although they have a HS diploma they're not eligible for most colleges,even on state level for the most lenient of courses.Back to OP, if your getting these grades really you need to be trying harder, no matter where you go, your pretty much assured a B if you do all your homework,even if it doesn't hold much weight point-wise, as for failing classes, not only do you have to be a lazy bum in most cases but should it be an accelerated,honors, or advance course you not only lost your chance to even try for any college units if it's accelerated or advance but theirs no replacement units, you must retake.Then again none of this should really help you as you even conceded you did a shit job your last 4 years.Any other points as to why a college would like to accept you?Sports,service, or do you have allocation issues on time because of family whereas that pretty much makes sure they don't root you out for having no preferences or outstanding talents to benefit them.

Yeah its easy to graduate at 15 if you know how i just had to take the G.E.D test it took like a week and it was easy.
I don't understand y ya'll care so much what other people think on grades.
I went to a prestigious catholic school for ha and had decent grades.
After that I got hired by the railroad as an engineer and make
Over $100,000 a year *NO UNIVERSITY DEGREE* all I'm saying
Is if u can't get into a university, don't sweat it. There's so many
More opportunities out there ...if it can work for a simple farm boy like me
The same applys for you and anyone else.
Meh hitokiri while that's very true, you cannot doubt the exponential grace that even a bachelors would give. Also with that is the element of fun and of having the best four years of your life(well for some, truly its not really the best for all but those who know they will have no higher peak in their lives so pretty much anyone who was mediocre or a jock.)