Student Revenge over Corporal Punishment

I would like to discuss a topic that I can't find anywhere on the net. Has ANYONE ever heard of a student (or students) taking revenge or striking back a teacher for dishing out corporal punishment (caning, flogging, birch, etc) in a school?
My great, great grandfather was a teacher--a very infamous one--and when the students got mad at him one time, they blew up his dunghill (everyone had a farm back then). I don't know if that's what you had in mind, but I just came to think about it.
The only time I had a teacher who used physically punished her students was when I was in a boarding school in China. That was when I was 3-4, so I doubt any of us dared to strike back or enact revenge (or survived to tell the tale).
Never heard of it here but I'm sure it will be a definitive possibility. I had heard students raping teachers too even.. ;D
LunaWard wrote...
Never heard of it here but I'm sure it will be a definitive possibility. I had heard students raping teachers too even.. ;D
Another painful reality, see? You often see this type of hentai everywhere on this site, the magic of NTR and rape. Now, about students who takes revenge on their teachers, that's not quite the matter in some cases, but you hear nicknames everywhere ya? Fisher, Slicer, the Dirty Hag, you'll get tired of memorizing them all. I often think of teacher having a thousand knives stuck at their backs, of course, it's not something you can take away from the students, well, it's a hassle, isn't it? But, I really heard and saw someone standing up to a teacher. And where is the student now, out and fapping.

See, I wasn't called the Faculty's Favorite Bastard for nothing.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
This thread is asking a question about activities from over half a century ago, when physical discipline was allowed.

Am I in 1950?
I don't know if this counts but when i still lived in my home country way back when I got hit by my teacher with a meter stick and it broke. I later told my dad and he went to complain to the school. After that the teacher would only pull our hair or slap up upside the head.
Fuck y'all mean, there is still corporal punishment, at least here in good ole Mississippi. I've got a friend that went back to being home schooled, because a teacher would paddle her all the time. And yeah, if someone paddles a passionate person, they'll likely get paid back.
Gravity cat wrote...
Am I in 1950?

Never heard about corporal punishment in school anymore. The last generation(at least in venezuela) who got punished like that was 1960's kids.

Even parents are being legally judged for hitting their kids. A single slap and its a conmotion. Imagine if a teacher hurts one of his students.
When to Christian school.. they were going to paddle me for listening to The Eagles but mom and pops threaten to sue for breaking the agree on corporal punishment.. was in the rule book for listing to satan's music. I would of burn that place down for the fact they tried.
kitty93 wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
Am I in 1950?

Never heard about corporal punishment in school anymore. The last generation(at least in venezuela) who got punished like that was 1960's kids.

Even parents are being legally judged for hitting their kids. A single slap and its a conmotion. Imagine if a teacher hurts one of his students.

This. And some of the kids these days deserve corporal punishment with how they act up. But that ain't gonna happen. I really haven't heard of a situation of where a student gets revenge on a teacher for getting hit.
I got whacked on the hand and bum several times when I went to school in India. The worst was the time I got dragged down a hallway by the ear... I hated that bastard teacher so much.

I don't even know why people like that would ever become teachers, they clearly hate children. And if you hate children in India, you can just beat your own, I don't see why you'd have to become a teacher to do it.
Revenge is a bad thing. Why do this? If the teacher has something to take revenge on, then you can also complain about him/her. If the teacher has nothing to take revenge on, then don't do it. It is necessary to study better so that there is no desire to take revenge. If you can't study on your own then there is the site that provides the best research papers for which students pay a lot of money.
Monster Girl
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