What Kind Of Voice On The Opposite Sex Turns You On?

What kind of Voice on the Opposite Sex turns you on?

Total Votes : 44
Earlier yesterday, while taking a bus down to the CBD, thoughts of Mimi from D Grayman flooded my mind. (Oh Shi-, if Shinobu, Nodoka or Haruna were to find out that I was thinking of some other girl, an Akuma to be exact, my life isn't going to be very peaceful over the next few days.) Call it one of the unsolved mysteries in our universe, but one way or another, it inspired me to start this very topic.

What kind of voice on the opposite sex turns you on? Cute and child-like? Deep, coarse and husky? Average, neither too high nor too deep? Or would you rather they remain quiet and silent all the time?

To make this topic slightly more complicated, have you heard of voices that are "incompatible" with the other party? A hot female with an excellent figure having a deep coarse voice or a bulky male sounding high-pitched? At the same time, there are people who possess the voice of angels, yet their looks aren't exactly to our tastes.

Share your "voices" experience in this thread! :)
i don't like high squeaky voices. it's okay if it reaches that tone every once in a while when she's excited or something but to constantly be around a voice that cut split glass will eventually lead a person to murder. i don't like the voice that avid smokers have either, like a rock is constantly being ground against the inside of their throat. other than that, i'm fine with whatever.

incompatible voice/body? a couple times. smoking hot body, really, really smoking but super high pitch voice. that didn't work. glasses and shy bookwormish type with a tomboyish voice kinda surprised me too.
Depends. The voice has to fit the person, and since I like many types of women I also like many voices. But mostly, I prefer a cuter type so I voted for cute voice.
^ agreed with it fitting the person. Personally I like deeper voices, makes intonation that much better.
option 4, though not "all the time", but more the silent character in general, like myself.

but what "being quiet" has got to do with the sound of the voice, for me not to know.
I prefer just a normal girls voice. Super high voices are usually face meltingly cute (Aoi from Myself; Yourself is pretty much the perfect example of this, though is she both bangably hot as well as incredibly cute in a platonic way) and deep husky voices should only turn you on if you're gay or if it's something like Barry White and you associate it with getting laid.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I don't really care.

Lol, deep and husky reminds me of Doctor Girlfriend from Venture Brothers XD
LOL, i love that show. "If you have an accident prone child, you make him wear a helmet. If you have death prone children, you keep a couple clones of them around the lab."
If they could play a 4 year old girl on an anime dub, not for me...

That being said, I like voices that are light in texture. I guess not really low either, probably in the middle range, but on the high side. But really, for me, it has more to do with the vocal timbre than the range.
Definitely huskier. Tanaka Atsuko is my favorite voice actress...
Since I'm the closet rapist type (Well, it sounded funny in my head, please don't take it seriously) I'd have to go for the soft quiet type. As for pitch, I prefer it to be the female pitch, meaning I have no fetish for a high pitch voice or a lower pitch voice. Like, Mamiko Noto or something.
I tend to treat voices on a case by case basis. Doesn't matter if the pitch is high or low, just so long as it sounds erotic. For that matter, the voice usually isn't that important to me. I can recall hundreds of diffirent hentai scenes, but what the woman actually sounded like tends to escape me. That said, the hottest anime voice I've ever heard would have to be the mother from Stepsister. Just lovely. Wish I could find other stuff that VA had done.
I went with average. Not sure how to explain my voice likings.. But I don't like men to sound too gruff nor do I want them sounding like girls. >_> Lol.
Neither high nor low just a sweet sex voice is what I'm into.
If it's an intimate one on one over the phone and nothing else, I'll take a Barry White over Clay Aiken any day. However, in a regular relationship, I prefer to assess the full package- not just the voice box.
Funny, but I love sex when I am high
I prefer my women to sound like morgan freeman
Monster Girl
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