Longest you have gone without masturbating

10 to 14 hours...
I would probably have to say about 3 weeks because I had family staying over in my room. Also, it helps me sleep to do a quickie b4 sleeping, so rock on.
I'd say a month and a half. I was really occupied with school with finals, studies, and sports. Not to mention the swim practices being at 5:30 in the morning. I didn't get home till around 5 or 6.
Two weeks... I want to see how much i will produce after a month's wait... too unbearable though. :P
Hmmm... I'm tempted to say that the longest I went without fapping after I started was about a month. I just got too busy with school and family stuff that I totally forgot about any and all things masturbatory.
About half a year, after the worst break up in my life. My dick couldn't even get into the mood after that.
One or two months, I think.
Hum, about a month. That was when I got my circumcision.
After a month, I fapped. I loaded so much, I needed more then tissue...
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Can't really remember, but I think about 2 weeks or so, I had chicken pox at that time and I would rather spend my time scratching my itchy body than fapping
At the moment I haven't fapped in six days. The longest I think has been a couple months.
I did the "2 weeks without fapping" challenge...

That's as far as I'll go...
WELL. Nowadays I live alone so no reason to refrain. feels good, bro. And why would I ever remember the amount of no fapping time in the past?
2 Months.

Yeah that was two months.
Since, I started, 3 weeks.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
4 months once, just to see how long I could. bad idea...
2 weeks. I think was sick so I couldnt move much.
1 hour..... jk, umm i think the longest would have to be about 1 month without any solo love, but I wont count that because my gf at the time kept me honest :P but I would have to say 3 weeks when I went on a family vacation to visit relatives, entire trip I had to share a room...that was a couple years ago tho....in more recent times, just like Stylish-End, I was too sick to fap, and that was about 10 days (8 of those days were in a hospital...and its just weird to fap in a hospital...not impossible...thought about it but I just wasn't even able to move at that time).
Maybe two weeks.... Actually, it's kinda bothering me at times, because I tend to go for more than once a day with no breaks in between... even 4 or 5 times a day..... I I probably need to stop.....
Like 2 or 3 weeks... really a miserable time. I usually have a go at it at least once a day.
I think 4 or 5 days is the max I've gone without
Monster Girl
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