Rate the Last Movie You Saw

LunaManiax wrote...
Luck Star Ova Miaw

That ain't a movie, i know it's longer than your usual episode, but still not a movie.
Azuran wrote...
Without a doubt the weakest film in the Askew universe mostly because since all the other movies are so good.

I always thought "Chasing Amy" was the weakest one, it wasn't really as funny as the rest imo.
Forum Image: http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2008/06/19/mirrors-poster-sutherland.jpg

I started watching it expecting nothing special, since most horror movies nowadays suck balls, but it was better than expected, much better in fact.

It had a kind of Silent Hill'y feel here and there, and that i like alot as a big fan of that series, it actually felt more like SH than the actual SH movie at times lol.
Anyone who's played SH3 and been to the infamous mirror-room might know what im talking about :P

Best scene in the movie i would have say is the bathroom scene, at first it made my dick happy, then it got gloomy real quick, people who's seen it know what im saying.

I'll give it a 4/5
Maybe it was just cuz i really was in the mood for some horror, but this one stod out slighlty amongts all the other crap being released, like "Hills have eyes" etc.
Zeitgeist: Addendum


I don't often watch movies
i3ear wrote...
Zeitgeist: Addendum


I don't often watch movies

plx try to write something more than just the name of the movie, it's not a very fun read if everyone just does that :?
KLoWn wrote...
Best scene in the movie i would have say is the bathroom scene, at first it made my dick happy, then it got gloomy real quick, people who's seen it know what im saying.

I only watched the first 20 seconds and then I turned the hell away because I knew what was gonna happen.

Thank you internets.
Simple enough concept. Name the movie, give a rating out of 10, and a brief description. Discussion is fine but if you want to post a gigantic rant just quote what you're responding to and make a new topic rather than cluttering this one badly.

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead


Pretty decent flic. Phillip Seymour Hoffman plays a great scumbag (which seems to be the only role I've ever seen him play) and you pity him as much as you hate him. I liked the Memento-esque approach to the story telling and it was actually pretty dramatic.

It was a one-time watch for me though, I think. I'll keep it around NOT on my hard-drive and maybe I'll watch it again in a few months but I dunno if I'll buy the DVD.

Also, Marisa Tomei is 44 and I would bang the shit out of her. I'd put her on a list of "Hottest Celebrities" with people that are barely in their 20s.
Realize that I don't get out much, and this was simply on late one night as I was typing away.

Who am I?

This movie stars Jackie Chan in one of his usual roles, the kind that we have all pretty much grown accustomed to. He plays a secret agent who crashlands his helicopter and loses all of his memory, thereby rendering him friendly and harmless. Naturally, people try to come after him in order to get his secrets and he fights them off in his frantic why-are-you-attacking-me manner that might as well be trademarked. The action reminded me alot of his Mr. Nice Guy movie, wherein he is also pretty much just fighting people alot without really knowing why. This one is a bit cheesier.

There are a couple of asian chicks in this as his sidekicks, but neither one is exactly that cute and hardly worth mentioning. The combat sequences are somewhat mediocre (There is one part where he is kicking ass in wooden clogs, that was kinda funny) until the last fight, which is actually pretty decent. Otherwise this barely qualifies as watchable. Well, I've seen worse, so 6/10.
Jackie Brown


This Quentin Tarantino film is kind of an homage to 1970s blaxploitation films. If you liked Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, you'll probably enjoy Jackie Brown. Seems to have a little less action, but still has plenty of sharp dialogue. Samuel L. Jackson and Robert De Niro's characters are pretty great, seeing De Niro take a bong hit made me laugh, Pam Grier was also good in the film, she plays an aging bad-ass chick, similar to her younger roles in the '70s.
This film's all right, a little older but still worth checking out.
blind_assassin wrote...

I like mine better.

Mine's cooler.
The Prestige


The last scene is really fucked up; both psychologically and visually. The movie did sort of dart around in an "Aha! This is how it is" Death Notey sort of way which is always a plus. The story was pretty cool but the whole Tesla angle was kinda wacky, particularly since it portrayed him as some kind of scientist-magician hybrid in contrast to the fact that he was pretty close to insane in real life (although he did a lot of smart stuff earlier in his career). Scarlett Johansson (I don't think I've once spelled her name right without having to use google) is stunning as always. Her acting and character were both solid in this one as well. She was somewhat peripheral though.
I dunno if I should be posting here or in Klown's thread... :?



Great film about heroin junkies in the early '90s. The characters are what really make this movie, Robert Carlyle plays an asshole you just love to hate and Ewan McGregor is the pretty cool heroin addicted anti-hero. This film also has the best/most-disgusting bathroom scene, it's hilarious.
Definitely worth checking out.
Friday the 13th (the original)

If a horror fan - 8/10
If not a horror fan (why would you watch this?) - 5/10

Everybody knows the story. A boy drowned in Camp Crystal Lake because the counselors weren't paying attention, and the camp has been closed down for years. Now, it's being reopened, and on Friday the 13th, while counselors are there to get the place ready, people start to die.

It's pretty predictable, and not much goes on. People die. That's it. The ending is pretty good, with the revelation about who the killer is (something that a lot of people probably don't even know anymore), but this is not a movie that is known for its plot. It's about killing, and the killings are nice, though most of them are done off-screen. Often, you see a person being frightened as the killer closes in, and then the movie will cut to another counselor. But you still do get to see a person stabbed through a bed with an arrow, and another person take an axe to the head. Oh yeah, and Kevin Bacon's ass. If you've seen Friday the 13th and Wild Things, that means you've seen Kevin Bacon's ass and dick.

This wasn't the first time I've seen Friday the 13th, but it was the first time I've seen it in over a decade, and it's aged pretty well. Too many modern-day slasher movies try to be something they're not. Friday the 13th is simple and good because of it. You don't work your brain trying to figure out anything, and there's not a bit of confusion in the entire movie. Just killing. And that's what slashers are all about.
Well since Palmas and ShaggyJebus both responded in this thread, I guess I will to.

The Machine Girl
Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d3/Machinegirlposter.jpg

6/10 - Fine

Its a Japanese film about a girl that gets revenge after her brother is killed by bullies. Except for the fact that after she loses her arm she gets a Machine Gun (yes, like the girl in Grindhouse) attached. She even uses a Chainsaw attachment for close combat.

It is a cheesy, bloody, cliched, predictable movie and you know what? It works. This was so hilariously funny it was great. Sure, you could see the outline of her arm beneath her shirt when she didn't have the gun/saw attachments, and sure, ninjas blocked machine gun bullets, and it may have taken her 100 bullets to finally kill someone, but that is part of the experience.

If you like cheesy Japanese movies, this might be for you.
Forum Image: http://www.iwatchstuff.com/2008/06/26/death-race-poster.jpg

DEATH RACE(remake)

good action movie involve cars and vehicles i can say the best cars' action after mad max the road warrior...not so good story but what the hell...just enjoy the movies... 8)
The Reader (7.5/10)

Set in post war Germany , Kate Winslett stars as a tram operator who one day meets
a young boy who is sick & needs her help. The boy accepts her goodwill and after he becomes better goes to see her again. Soon they become closer and start to have an affair. The boy starts to read to her during there time together and they develop a close bond. Untill one day he goes to visit her and she is not there. It is only untill many years later he discovers the shocking truth about her , her past and their relationship...

The acting here was very good and Kate Winslett is flawless in her performance. A serious film and perhaps one that you wouldnt watch over and over but still very much recommended. Perhaps one of the biggest factors that keeps you watching is the anticipation if the two main characters relationship will ever resume. You cant help but feel emotion for Kate Winsletts character and her past and the consequences it has had on her life.

In my opinion its a good movie, very similar to the real history. Tom Cruise as Claus von Stauffenberg, its cool!
Rinne (Reincarnation)
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/10771-0AY3AAY.jpg


A japanese horror that takes place mostly on the movie set of a horror film. A long time ago, a man went nuts at a hotel and killed a bunch of people, and now they are filming the movie version of the event, and as you can imagine horrible, horrible things start happening to the poor actors.

The pacing on this is very reminiscent of pretty much any other asian horror movie, as in it's slow but has a general atmosphere of decent creepiness. The blood/gore level on this one isn't very high, but there are some creative scenes that somewhat make up for it. Sure, there are some half-way decent spooky parts, but I think the ending was the best on this one. There's this thing with a doll...I usually don't mind dolls, but man, I got a bit of a chill. So not bad! I liked how I was actually able to follow the plot.
The mist 9/10

Interesting as fuck, and this movie is one of the very few that actually pissed me off. Best moment of the movie was when that religious bitch finally died. I was like
Forum Image: http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e305/Rbz879/Fun%20Pics/0013epew.jpg