Are you left-handed or right-handed?

Are you left-handed or right-handed?

Total Votes : 4,992
Right handed but that last option made me LOL "I don't have hands."
I'm one of those special ambidextrous types. Swordsmanship and kitchen work come naturally to me in either hand. I still need to work on my penmanship though. Haha
I'm rigth handed, tough I can fap with either hands... That makes it rather easier to scroll down pages when reading a doujinshi :)
Ambi here.. but i think the more appropriate question would've been " which hand do you fap with "
Big-One-Warrior wrote...
Depends, I fap with left, write and draw with my right T_T.

Exaaaactly!! xD
I'm right handed when i do most stuff but some times when i play airsoft i find my self shooting left handed like it's normal to me lol.
im right handed
1:5 people are LEFT handed
1:100 are ambidextrous
my left is totally useless i cant even punch properly with it (thats why i never get into a fight)
I use my right hand... I am still traversing the Path to Ambidextrosity.
WitnessX Starship Captain
Quoth the Raven: anyone who answers 'I don't have hands' is lying through their teeth.

Right handed for just about everything.
Right: Eat, Write/Draw, Shake, other common things, and Hitting someone.

Left: Touching "Weird" things /o/
I can do everything with both hands but I usually use my right hand. As it happens I actually write better with my left but just prefer my right hand. If I have to do calligraphy or something I might use my left hand but other than that i normally use my right. Fun fact - I have a steadier aim with a rifle using my left hand as the base than using my right. Odd, huh?
[color=red]Left for fap and smoke. Right for write and draw.
Wish I was ambidextrous
left handed + ps3 internrt browser was made fot left handed fapping :D
I'm right handed when it comes to writing, eating, drawing, and nervously twitching when I don't know what to do with my hands.

My left hand is for my personal use only.
I can write with both hands perfectly but i use my right hand for everything except I mainly use my left hand 4 fapping.
I'm Right Handed but I always wanna be an ambidextrous
Cpl. Nyu wrote...
coolmccool96 wrote...

Ah, who am I kidding, my left hand is for fapping.

I see you like to whack it lefty.
I'm right sided in alot of things I do. I kick with my right, write (poorly) with my right, ect.

I think I started off with my right when I was younger, but I ended up going left to use my mouse I think... I think I broke a mouse scrollwheel by getting it stuck with lotion when I was sixteen... and that was the end of that.
Fruid Lurker of Threads
NeroDBringer wrote...
im right handed
1:5 people are LEFT handed
1:100 are ambidextrous

1:5 people don't have hands.