How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

Total Votes : 5,244
What's funny is that I could go to my town Anime Convention (Montreal) whenever I want (when there is one) but I never had time (either cause I just wanted to no-life on game or cause I've been studying Japanese) :l Wish i could go to the next one this august. :/
Im going to Animazement this year after two failed attempts.
I would love to go someday. I don't have a problem with being viewed as a geek, it is who I am. I just get really shy and awkward when I do go to public places. I'll see something that will make me burn with otaku passion on the inside, but that will just translate into awkward staring and mumbling on the outside.
Just went to my first Con at AX last July.
Best Weekend Ever.
Best Fourth of July Ever.
I truly can't believe what I've been missing, and will definitely show up next year.
zabimaru12 wrote...
I'd actually like to go sometime,
I live in the Canada Ontario area, can anyone recommend any good places?

There's AnimeNorth coming up in May. I'm actually planing to go there myself. It will be my second anime convention. This time in cosplay. :3
I'm not a crowd person, not my type of place. But only exception I would go for would be E3.
I been to 3, want to go to more.
Never been to one because I live in PA, so it would be a pain to drive for two or three hours to attend one. Not saying it wouldn't be worth it, but I'd have issues fitting it into my schedule.
Never been and never plan on going since I have no friends that are interested in anime. I also hear that they are little more than teenage party weekends for 15 year olds.
I made my sister promise to take me to one even though she doesn't like anime that much
zabimaru12 wrote...
I'd actually like to go sometime,
I live in the Canada Ontario area, can anyone recommend any good places?

I would recommend Youmacon in Detroit. Aside from waiting in some pretty long lines I had a really good time there.
Kita Day 1 NaruHina Fan
Just made it to my 26th last weekend at Katsucon in D.C. Good times.
I've gone to my local anime convention for the past 2 years, but that's it. :p
It's the cost of going to one that makes it all so difficult.
just once...would like to go once in a while...
I've been to a small con held at RPI for the last five years and then Otakon Once. Hopefully this years will mark my seventh. OTAKON
Wanna go.. but don't know where the good locations are at in Germany.
never been and dont really have the money to right now but hope to do so sometime in the future
Started to get some cash flow 2 years ago so I started going.
I wish I could... I've planned to several times in the past, especially with my best friend (now fiance) but things never really worked out for us to go together. Who knows, maybe we'll end up at one on our honeymoon! XD