Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Valkyrie 9/10 Good movie.
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Rinne (Reincarnation)
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/10771-0AY3AAY.jpg


A japanese horror that takes place mostly on the movie set of a horror film. A long time ago, a man went nuts at a hotel and killed a bunch of people, and now they are filming the movie version of the event, and as you can imagine horrible, horrible things start happening to the poor actors.

The pacing on this is very reminiscent of pretty much any other asian horror movie, as in it's slow but has a general atmosphere of decent creepiness. The blood/gore level on this one isn't very high, but there are some creative scenes that somewhat make up for it. Sure, there are some half-way decent spooky parts, but I think the ending was the best on this one. There's this thing with a doll...I usually don't mind dolls, but man, I got a bit of a chill. So not bad! I liked how I was actually able to follow the plot.

Cool. This is available On-Demand with my cable, and I've been wondering if it was worth watching. I'll check it out.

It has been brought to my attention that a similar, if not identical, thread has been created by Klown a while back.

Usually, I would give credit to the original thread since I believe in the first-come-first-serve concept. However, in this instance, I would like to make an exception, since there are quite a number of quality posts found here, and it would be a shame to lock the thread. Therefore, I shall leave both threads open for now, to be fair to both Klown and Blind_Assasin.

P.S. I admit it is partly my fault for failing to notice the existence of two identical threads much earlier. *sweats*
The last movie I watched was Gridiron Gang. I give it 6/10 and that's being fairly generous. Sports movies always follow the same path, team sucks, coach motivates team, teams starts going undefeated, and then something bad happens to one of the players. The ending is always either they win triumphantly or lose respectfully. Throw in a few gang fights, a couple shootings, and cheesy lines by The Rock (I know he wants to be calle Dwayne Johnson, but fuck that, he'll always be The Rock to me) and you get this movie.
I didn't actually see the ending because I had to do take care of some stuff so yeah. I didn't really care that I missed it though.
[size=10]Seeing how Gambler will allow this thread to go on, I'll contribute.

Death Sentence (2007)- Pretty much the only movie I can watch over and over without losing interest in. The movie is pretty amazing, especially if you're watching it in High Definition (HD) and surround sound lol. If you like action, surely you'll like the whole ending part. And if you like, a strong/deep story.. then overall, I think you'll like the whole movie. The movie has a lot of aspects to it which really make me enjoy it. Maybe you'd enjoy it as well if you give it a shot. Or maybe you have watched it already. I suppose it's the acting of the main character that I like.. and the image.

Rating- 10/10 The Soundtrack was another thing I love about it.[/h]

One of the more recent horror flicks these days, starring Jack Bauer, or at least that's what you'll come to understand. Kiefer Sutherland has forgotten how to act like a regular person, and alot of what happens to him in this movie is his own damn fault. I can't even feel sorry for this idiot. That said, the rest of this picture was somewhat lackluster. There are two really awesome scenes that I enjoyed, where they got pretty creative with the carnage, but the rest is so slow mostly involves Kiefer walking around slowly in some random location. The plot itself is flimsy and quickly cobbled together, but at the very least, I enjoyed the ending. Not that much though.
Punisher Warzone

7/10... 8)

violence movie always a good movie...ray stevenson has done a good job giving his performance as frank castle/the punisher... 8) the plot line is a little bit thin, don't need to think so much...dominic west also give good performance as jigsaw except for his gangster dialect...but it's one of the best action packed and violent films...i prefer this punisher than the last two punisher's movie...i hope they're gonna make a sequel with barracuda as the villain... 8)
Taken 9/10

The action sequences were very entertaing, but I felt they could have added a little more to the Investigation scenes. It almost felt like he already new where his daughter was, and he was just screwing with the kidnappers.

But overall, a great watch that I suggest to almost anyone who watched movies.
Forum Image: http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee62/nafishasan60/GreenStreetHooligans2005.jpg

Surprisingly good, i went into this one with zero expectations (biggest reason being i've never heard about it) and it turned out to be a really interesting movie depicting the soccer hooligans in england.

Pretty much all of the actors were solid, and Elijah Wood did a good job portraying the american that gets sucked into the violence between the supporters/hooligans.

You don't need to like soccer and all that shit to enjoy this one.

schmitty wrote...
Taken 9/10

"he was just screwing with the kidnappers."

I LOL'd at those scenes
Mr. Bushido wrote...
Valkyrie 9/10 Good movie.

same here though i give it a 10^^

nice movie i ejoyed watching it and can only recommend it to you
Mr. Bushido wrote...
Valkyrie 9/10 Good movie.

sure it is
Street Kings


it was a cool movie, it had a (sort of) all star cast. hugh laurie, keanu reeves, forest whitaker, terry crews, and the plot was good to. it was a little hard to follow, but if yo upay attention then it is a movie that i say you can not pass up. because my memory on the plot was not too good i cant really explain it properly, but it is worth the watch.
hmmm movie review thread, me likie

guess i'll do one i saw a few months ago

Into the Wild 8.5/10

Forum Image: http://blog.afi.com/main/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/into_the_wild_movie_poster.jpg

adopted from the book of the same name, into the wild is a riveting tale embarking the jouney of a young man by the name of Christopher McCandless in pursuit of his own destiny embracing the alaskan wilderness. Interwined with the sincerest of emotional elements, chris's story echoed the compulsion of youth and an eagerness towards self-discovery, while at the same time directing a devastating criticism against shallow superficialities of materialism, as well as illuminating the alluring beauty of nature.

on a more personal level, i'm not a fan of bawy dramas, though i don't hate it either. however, chris's voyage towards self-actualization instigated me to contemplate about the true beauties of life. his exuberant impulses reflected on my very own, his yearning for freedom compare to mine. i guess the aspects of his resemblance to myself, in more than one way, stuck the my core of admiration.

on top of a great soundtrack, Into the Wild sums up to be a great movie for inspiration, period.
DUEL 1971 10/10

Forum Image: http://www.virtual-museum.net/plymouth-valiant/images/movies/Duel01.jpg

the fear of the unknown is perhaps the greatest fear of all...that was what mr steven spielberg said...yup this is mr spielberg first featured film before he making jaws...in the movie...a motorist played by dennis weaver was driving on a remote and lonely road until he was stalked by a large tanker truck...the truck driver was almost unseen in the movie...targeting the main character with unknown reason...the main key here is the truck itself...for almost of the movie which the truck driver never shown...the tanker truck has become the villain itself... 8) ...i always drive alone to anywhere i go...so the film have affect me largely...sometimes i scared a little while driving alone and see a large truck coming at my back... 8)
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/13328-7W7ZDLY.jpg

Repo! The Genetic Opera

Rating: 7/10

I hadn't seen a rock opera since I saw Tommy, so I looked forward to this when I first saw it in the video store. Naturally, I'm also a fan of Anthony Stewart Head, since he has a pretty good voice, so I went into this with fairly decent expectations.

The story is fun. Imagine a future where all of a sudden all of humanity suffers from organ failures. They don't exactly explain why, but it's the future, and apparently shit goes wrong there more often than we can count. Now with millions dying and everything in chaos, one man steps forward with a solution. Organ transplants. Rotti Largo, the head of Geneco, quickly becomes the most important person on the planet by supplying people with new organs. It gets to the point where people buy surgeries not just for need, but simply because it's the chic thing to do.

Naturally, these organs are expensive, and people that are not able to make their payments...well, that's what repo men are for. They will find you, cut your ass up, and take back the heart, or spine, or whatever bodily object you weren't able to pay for. This particular story is about the repo man Nathan (Anthony Head) and his daughter Shilo who is very sick due to some blood disease. Nathan does his best to take care of her while hiding the fact that at night he goes out to repossess organs from people.

This was a really well thought out story, and alot bloodier than most people would expect a musical of any sort to be. Anthony performs marvelously and fits the part really well; he can do creepy when he wants to. The only real problem I have is that the music isn't that great. I like the story and all the pretty visual effects, but the music itself could use a little work. Other than that, I would definitely recommend this.
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/15539-0D7N0DA.jpg
A Bittersweet Life

It seems like Korea makes some of the best revenge films.

A Bittersweet Life is a stylish South Korean crime drama by Kim Ji-woon, after finally getting my hands on it, I must say...it's pretty damn cool.
I don't know what to say about the story, it's a dark affecting gangster film...you'll have to watch it.
If you like modern noir and beautifully filmed violence, this film is definitely recommended.
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/15596-JVKS7DK.jpg
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

This movie was kick ass. As a whole, while I do prefer Marvel over DC Comics, I have never really been that into the X-men. Still, this movie managed to restore some of my faith.

This is the humble tale of how Wolverine got his start, and how he met some of the other fun characters. I don't really have to elaborate too much on that, pretty much any fan probably knows most of what they are going to show here anyway.

The action is good. This movie has some really well done stunts, lots of explosions, and more fighting than you can shake a stick at. Also features some of my favorite characters like Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and Gambit (Some guy I don't know who did a pretty decent job of it). The movie isn't needlessly long and doesn't go off any any pointless tangents; it simply brings the story, and the action, and that's all anyone could really ask for. Good job. Oh, and it has the Blob. That was funny as hell.
Posting again, a little over one month later.

Freedom Writers:
I was really bored today and actually considered watching all three "Spiderman" movies, though I have seen each of them. However, I ended up watching Freedom Writers and I loved it. I thought: "Wow, gotta post/rate it on Fakku" lol. So yeah, here I am.

Rating: 10. Good plot, acting, music, and more. It was pretty emotional at times. I didn't think I'd like it much but I was surprised. Well, there you have it.
Fast & Furious


This movie was so daaaamn kickass, except the name ... I mean come on, how silly sounds new model, original parts?!