Do you read digital manga online or download it?

Do you read digital manga online or download it?

Total Votes : 4,242
Downloading manga is the best way to go for fidelity and enjoyment. I do like to test a manga by reading it online a few chapters first. Though I have been a manga/anime fan for a long time, most if it is shit. Character deaths, NTR, action, excessive drama; all done for the sake of story seem predictably contrived for me. I'm talking 40-60 chapters before hand accurate predictions. I didn't see an option to select "Buying Manga" as that is my favorite form of media. Becoming vested is simple, yet the depth of the art sticks to your retina. My book case full of manga is both a point of pride to friends and shame to strangers haha. Here's an example. I was rearranging my extensive collection and remembered when I had bought the final volume of Love Hina XX years ago, while I lived in XX doing XX for a living. Good times.
Ive been reading manga online for years, but hetai... most deserve a download.
well actually i just buy it from a book store or order it from reading online is not as good as holding it in your hands.
Manga on-line is easier to read. I can put half the Manga page in full screen. And the keyboard controls, to change the page and role up and down, are usually very good, and easy to use.

The Internet connection is not a issue.

But, any software that I use to see the .jpg, it simply show me all the page, making it very hard to read. Especially when the translated words are very small.
I trust Fakku so I read online
what little manga i read (Aiki) I read online.
Hmm. Where is my 'both' options?
Wow! Far more people read manga than I thought. ;)
Read most manga online. If one interest me I'll download it onto my external made only for Manga of all genres.
I used to download manga, but then I took an upgrade to my internet connection, and I now read it online.
read it online

when reading online, you have to scroll down every time you turn the page, unless you zoom it all the way out.
i just find it easier to load it in CDisplay, and downloading manga only takes a matter of seconds.
I perfer to download because I don't always have time to read it online. In fact I just got finished yesterday reading about 90 backlogged manga.
I dont read manga unless its Fakku ^^ I just watch anime on netflix on my ps3
Chopperman! wrote...

American comics like the new 52, I just Piratebay.
I like reading it online, I sometimes download it though when I really really like it.
mochure wrote...
Anivia Pwns.

I see you play LoL?

I just got level 20... finally time to buy some runes ^_^.

Also, I read manga online mostly, but I sometimes download hentai that I cant find online easily.
Downloading it works best for me I keep it on my phone or on my computer.
Definitely not enough space on my computer for download.
i read it online but i'll download it when its complete if it was a great manga.