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artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
It's April 14th, hence a new year. How will all of you go through this one?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Well I just fapped, so I guess that's it.
Sure is still 13th here.
That is a mindfuck.
artcellrox wrote...
It's April 14th, hence a new year. How will all of you go through this one?

devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
yurixhentai wrote...
That is a mindfuck.
I just fapped to an awesome Zoe Voss scene whislt watching Coachella. Awesome.

Happy New Year.

[size=7]also, your country is shit at cricket.[/h]
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Garrick wrote...
[size=7]also, your country is shit at cricket.[/h]

You better not be talking about the Asia Cup. We did pretty damn good there.
artcellrox wrote...
Garrick wrote...
[size=7]also, your country is shit at cricket.[/h]

You better not be talking about the Asia Cup. We did pretty damn good there.

Oh no! You did well in the Asia Cup. When you're playing teams as good as India and Pakistan the home advantage comes in handy; but you still played well against them!

I'm English, so I can make fun of your cricket as much as I like...although I'm technically Scottish, which would give me no right to call anybody's cricket.
The fuck out of here it's new years day on January 1st
here in mother fucking United States of a fucking America and The World!
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Garrick wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Garrick wrote...
[size=7]also, your country is shit at cricket.[/h]

You better not be talking about the Asia Cup. We did pretty damn good there.

Oh no! You did well in the Asia Cup. When you're playing teams as good as India and Pakistan the home advantage comes in handy; but you still played well against them!

I'm English, so I can make fun of your cricket as much as I like...although I'm technically Scottish, which would give me no right to call anybody's cricket.

Exactly. >__>
artcellrox wrote...
Garrick wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Garrick wrote...
[size=7]also, your country is shit at cricket.[/h]

You better not be talking about the Asia Cup. We did pretty damn good there.

Oh no! You did well in the Asia Cup. When you're playing teams as good as India and Pakistan the home advantage comes in handy; but you still played well against them!

I'm English, so I can make fun of your cricket as much as I like...although I'm technically Scottish, which would give me no right to call anybody's cricket.

Exactly. >__>

First - lolwut? So it's Noboborsho already... Happy New Year.

Second - Homeground advantage.
Cricket is one of those sport where no one cares anyways... sport for faggots like football and golf. Also im talking about american football and not footie. Basketball is also terrible.
I don't really get how it is a new year but happy new years.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Dawnriser wrote...
I don't really get how it is a new year but happy new years.

Go to the link in the OP. It's the Bengali New Year. Made this thread now because it's already 14th April there.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Cricket is one of those sport where no one cares anyways... sport for faggots like football and golf. Also im talking about american football and not footie. Basketball is also terrible.

LOOOL Damd right
I'm spending this night as I spend every Friday night: By myself, in my room, in front of my computer, mouse in one hand and...well I'm sure you can guess what in the other.
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