Anyone up for a manga writer/artist collaboration?

Hi everyone, I recently made this character named Joanna Ember:

Forum Image:

And with the story I have in which she is the main protagonist, since I have no talent for manga creation (I can draw pin-up style art but have not the skills for a full manga) I'm looking for anybody who has free time to collaborate with me in illustrating my story in manga form.

Take note, I'm looking for manga artists who a) do not seek any payment for this, b) is open minded enough to try this story and c) has lots of free time.

Reply here if you're interested or if you have any questions with regards to this collaboration. Otherwise, be on your merry way.
I wanted to work with an original manga collab too but I prefer a paid work.
Anyway, good luck with your collab :)
Thanks ^_^

Something I forgot to add, as much as possible I hope the manga collaborator can copy the art style of my character up there (not necessarily the shading style as well, the lineart will do).
not another "lets make a manga" thread
how many of this similar threads have been posted in the past 4 years,and none of it ever made a successful manga, all were planning and rough sketches

edit: reason why?

1. no payments involve
2.rather than do another person's idea for free,the artist will rather do his/her own idea
3.not enough free time
4.artist who do OTHER peoples idea usually lost interest easily,giving up in the middle of it,
One thing that might help you is to have a " Name " ( picked on Bakuman ) ready and a nice story .... others might give it a try ....
Anybody interested in trying though, regardless of what crimson785 said?

Story title is "Chosen". Setting is a near futuristic alternate world. Themes are similar to Darker than Black and Bioshock.
I think your drawing is pretty good.
well I have several original characters too but I enjoy drawing them with random pose rather than making a manga
a 'name' is not the title of the story in japanese standard

a 'name' is more of a rough draft. when more or less translated
SeriousSAM wrote...
a 'name' is not the title of the story in japanese standard

a 'name' is more of a rough draft. when more or less translated

Could you give me an example?
this is the best example of a 'name' or 'rought draft' that is being asked for.

You can also look through the 'lets make an Hmanga' thread also
If you're referring to the manga layout rough draft, I'm actually gonna let the manga artist be the judge of that. I'm experimenting to see how he/she can capture my story in manga form.
i think youre better of joining a deviant art group than looking here then :/
SeriousSAM wrote...
i think youre better of joining a deviant art group than looking here then :/


also, you can draw well,i guess you can do the manga itself,
Like what crimson said, you're good enough to draw your own story.
You can submit your pages in SmackJeeves or other webcomic sites.

Just a tip, if you want a colored one, don't do a full blown colored pages. It takes a lot of time to create and makes your story a "coloring e-book" and most often the story is lost.
I really would love to do the manga myself - however, my skills are limited to drawing people well - I don't have enough skill in doing backgrounds, as well as manga style toning. Heck if I had these I really would go ahead and illustrate the manga myself...
That shouldn't stop you from doing what you want.
You should try, there's no loss anyway.
Everyone started with nothing, same goes how you started with drawing people until you get used with it.

Anyway, I'd want to see what your story is all about. (`・ω・´)★
MarkBadong wrote...
I really would love to do the manga myself - however, my skills are limited to drawing people well - I don't have enough skill in doing backgrounds, as well as manga style toning. Heck if I had these I really would go ahead and illustrate the manga myself...

you dont need to do the backgrounds so perfectly, just square,circle triangles will do as background, and you also dont have to add toning, whats important is the character appearance and actions itself and the plot,
i do my own manga, and i dont tone it nor do background
my manga add i got some readers who read it even though it got no tone,the background suck
Here's some information about the story:

Title: Chosen

Setting: Altheos, an earth-like world in a near futuristic age


There exists a world much like our own, known as Altheos. A beautiful planet abound with life, Altheos has one large supercontinent known as Meldena and a smaller one, known as Neidrith.

Seven goddesses were responsible for bringing forth Altheos and all life within it to existence. The goddess of flame, goddess of water, goddess of air, goddess of earth, goddess of metals, goddess of light and goddess of darkness together created the world, striking a balance between their abilities to create a world of harmony, beauty and peace. Working together, they also breathed life into the world in the form of plants, animals and humans.

For several millenia, they observed their creations and even walked among them so that all Altheos would be aware of their existence.

Everything went as the goddesses had intended. The prime race, known as humans, built shrines and temples in their honor, revering the goddesses as creators of the world they live in. In no time at all, the humans grew to populate the far reaches of Meldena and even Neidrith.

Satisfied with their creation and how Altheos had become, the goddesses departed on a day that would come to be known as "The Great Departure". The goddesses returned to the heavens and became silent watchers once more, watching how Altheos would progress.

Centuries passed, and the continent of Meldena became a country in itself, with a great megapolis known as Cydia as its capital. However, technology, progress and science changed most of humanity - the truth of the existence of the goddesses became a myth. The ancient tales of the goddesses and how they settled in Altheos became passed off as mere legends, a "mere story primitive humans believed in due to their limited intelligence and worldview." Science and humanity were hailed as the supreme authorities that dictated the course of Altheos.

In upholding this, however, the government of Meldena came to become akin to an authoritarian state centered around the supremacy of humanity, upholding strict and harsh laws to the point where belief in any religion had become punishable by law. Meldena's long forgotten peace was gone, now replaced by a cruel government whose harsh rule led to dissatisfaction among the citizens.

This dissatisfaction gave rise to several factions within the city - the Seekers of Truth, the Volluneists, and the Black Sun. Each had its own respective agenda - the Seekers of Truth is a group of extreme atheists who are in line with the beliefs of the government and their stand against religion. However, the government outlaws them due to their extreme methods, such as burning down an entire building they believed to be home to secret worship ceremonies for the seven goddesses.

The Volluneists, on the other hand, are a cult of religious people who believe in a divine creator - however, they do not believe the truth of the seven goddesses. They worship Vollune, their god who they claim to be the sole creator of the world. Naturally, they are in conflict with the Seekers of Truth due to their being on opposite ends of the spectrum. With regards to methods, however, they are no different from the Seekers of Truth - they have massacred many who refuse to be converted to Volluneism.

This conflict gave rise to opportunistic criminals who established an underground criminal organization known as the Black Sun. Unlike the Seekers of Truth and the Volluneists, they have no particular beliefs. Instead, they choose to exploit the fanaticism of the two conflicting factions by offering each one the services of their assassins in exchange for nothing less than money.

In response to these growing conflicts, which have led to chaos in some parts of the megapolis of Cydia, the heads of Meldena strengthened their military and police, fusing them into a combined group known as CLE - Cydia Law Enforcement. They were given the task of upholding order within Cydia, which had been compromised by the existence of the three factions. Though CLE's outward appearance is a military police force that merely upholds law and order, their true purpose is the complete eradication of the Volluneists, the Seekers of Truth and any other similar faction whose existence compromises the so-called "peace" of the megapolis.

On the other hand, the lesser continent of Neidrith prospered in peace. The government of CLE originally made Neidrith a place of where people from Meldena who opposed the beliefs of their government were exiled to. Unknown to Meldena, the continent's vast forests are also home to humans, the only ones left who continue to believe in the truth of the seven goddesses. Meldena is unaware of the fact that Neidrith is occupied by civilized people, believing it to be a massive island jungle of wild creatures where no human could survive. In truth, the Neidrithians, having tamed the animals of the area, take the exiles to live with them in their towns and share with them their belief in the goddesses. They alone continue to worship in the goddesses' shrines and temples, praying for peace to be restored to Meldena.

The seven goddesses, seeing the selfish beings majority of the humans had become, decided that humanity was no longer fit to live in the world without their guidance. In order to punish humanity for its sins as well as eradicate the flawed world order that existed in Meldena, the goddesses sought to plunge Altheos into chaos and destruction and start anew. Elreoia, head priest of Neidrith, was given this vision and made this known to the Neidrithians. The Neidirthians begged for an alternative to the destruction of the world, believing that humanity was not beyond redemption. Elreoia prayed on behalf of the people for the goddesses to change their minds and give humanity a chance.

The goddesses answered their prayers and decided to change their plan - instead, they decided to pick seven women from Neidrith who would give birth to the Chosen Children - Seven humans who would each wield the power of a goddess' element.

The Chosen Children were to become living proof of the existence and power of the goddesses, convincing the sinful people to give up their selfish beliefs and put their faith in the goddesses once more. The goddesses let Elreoia know about their ultimatum - in 30 years, through the Chosen Children, at least half of the population must have changed their ways and become believers of the goddesses once more. If the Chosen Children and Neidrith failed to make this so, the goddesses would destroy Altheos and recreate it.

And so it was. The goddesses each put a small mark in the right hand of each woman who would give birth to a Chosen Child. Whoever became their husband did not matter - as long as they bear a child, that child would become one of the Chosen Children.

The women were made known of the 30 year ultimatum, and so within the year they chose to seek a husband. All was going well so far, and Elreoia believed that they would be able to fulfill the wish of the goddesses before it became too late.

However, a tragic event happened about a year later that would jeopardize the plan - a new faction that had risen in Meldena known as Exodus came to the island with one intention - to kidnap the seven chosen women. Unknown to the people of Neidrith, some of the exiled people were Exodus spies planted within the land to gain knowledge about the seven goddesses. The head of Exodus, known only as E, was one of the few people in Meldena who believed their existence, but his belief is twisted by his own selfish ambitions, so much so that he seeks a way to use the power of the goddesses for his own purposes.

As such, when his spies let him know of the Chosen Children plan, E, unable to contain his desire over the fact that a chance to wield the power of the goddesses was within his reach, sent several of his people to Neidrith to coordinate with his spies and kidnap the seven women - slaughtering anybody else in their way.

Desperate to keep the seven women safe at all costs, the people of Neidrith fought back against the technologically superior Exodus soldiers - some to the point of losing their lives in a tragic night that came to be known as The Massacre of Neidrith. Despite their sacrifices, however, the Neidrithian people lost. Exodus found all seven women with the mark and took them away to Meldena. The head of Exodus, known only as E, intended to use all seven children the women would bear to take over the continent, wielding the power of the goddesses, brainwashed and completely submitting to the will of E.

Elreoia was heavily shaken by this loss, and wasted no time in praying to the goddesses as soon as Exodus had departed. His prayers were answered soon - when the Exodus ship reached the shores of Meldena, CLE forces ambushed the Exodus forces. Going to Neidrith was forbidden by the government apart from ships transporting exiles - defiance meant death.

The ensuing chaos scattered the Exodus forces and gave the women an opening to escape. Thanks to a nearby forest, six of the women were able to flee safely away from the conflict between Exodus and CLE. One of them, however, was not as fortunate, having already been transferred to one of the APC's of Exodus, which immediately fled the battle to make haste to Exodus HQ.

Marlinna was the name of the one woman successfully kidnapped by Exodus. E, seeing that his plan to have all seven had fallen apart, changed his scheme to use the one Chosen Child he would have to kill the other six and become the only living Chosen Child, imbued with the power of a goddess.

E had Marlinna brought to him and immediately violated and impregnated her. Afterwards, she was forced into a coma, given nourishment through her veins in order to nurture her unborn child. Nine months passed and the child was born - after which Exodus injected a lethal poison into Marlinna's bloodstream, silently killing her. Her body was soon after incinerated.

The young child was named Joanna by E, after the heroine of an ancient tale who was said to have conquered all of Meldana and made it the single united continent it was. Joanna was then kept inside Exodus HQ all throughout her childhood - she slept in a closely guarded private room, she was educated by a private tutor, and every fiber of being was being molded to fit into E's model of a powerful human being succumbing to his will.

At the age of 7, E finally found proof of her abilities when at one time she sponatenously combusted for five minutes, after which she remained unscathed. Apparently, the power of Anora, goddess of fire, was the one she had.

The event, though harmless to her, traumatized Joanna. E used this as an opportunity to convince her that she would be kept safe from her abilities in exchange for total submission to Exodus. Left with no choice, she complied, and soon after her training as an elite assassin began, eventually developing the ability to control how she summons flames and effectively wield it as a weapon to kill.

E, satisfied that he had indeed a Chosen Child as a loyal daughter, began seeking out any possible leads regarding the other six women and if they had given birth. As soon as Joanna was ready, he would immediately take out the other six once they were found.

However, unknown to E, the Chosen Children do not only inherit the powers of the goddesses - they had also been imbued with the wills of each one. Anora is the source of the burning will to seek the truth, and as such, despite Joanna's submission to E, a small portion of her was beginning to doubt the history and purpose of hers that she was told by Exodus.

The lie Exodus has told Joanna is that she was an illegitimate child, left by her mother in the streets but rescued by Exodus. As a token of gratitude to them, Joanna would become an obedient foster child of E, submitting to his will alone and putting his need ahead of anyone else's. Though these lies were planted deep in Joanna, they did not take root - something within her was telling her that there was much more to her life, her purpose, and even her abilities. However, she chose to keep this a secret from E and chose to comply until something happens that would force her to change.

Little did Joanna know that this 'something' that she was waiting for would soon come. Now at the age of 19, there being only 10 more years left before the forthcoming destruction of the world if left as is, Joanna will soon discover her destiny as a Chosen Child and the great role she has to play to change not only herself but all of Altheos.

This marks the beginning of the chronicles of Joanna, who has chosen to call herself...

Joanna Ember.
soo my above post said, why not try to draw it yourself?

also deviantart is a nice place to do/look for collaborations rather than a HENTAI/anime site like fakku
Monster Girl
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