We're back!

Looks like the download option is gone. Bug or "Feature"? Granted, I only checked a few.
I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't download anymore... there were lots of bugs, and they don't have many servers left to use...

Also, loving the multi tag function... as for the top of the control panel thingo... it has my account, notifications.... but it's missing something... it just feels weird without it there... was it log off? it's not really needed, but I feel naked without it for some reason... and I just clicked my account button. you sly bastard. I do like that. :D

Whelp, I'm pleased
Well, there looks like there are a few aesthetic differences as well.
Hmmm, so we can not download anymore huh..

Try clicking the Manga/Doujinshi/Games/Videos Menu

The "Most Downloads" function is visible, it will not make sense anymore if still exist...
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Day 1.

Everything was calm. We never expected it. It was a perfect attack. Attack that we never hoped to be in the reciveing end. We felt the burn.

We were booted out of the HQ, but we managed to make Forward Operations Base in IRC channel south of HQ. We had to devise a plan.

Day 2.

After some scouting, our scouts noticed a wall infront of the HQ. The named the wall FAKKU Shop, since you could buy stuff from the wall.
(Side note: T-shirts looked awesome in that shop. Got to get them for so called "research".)

But our scouts found out the dastardly villan.

Fakku Headquaters has been invaded by the EVIL Update...

We need to act. NOW. The Radio transmission for support has been made. Supreme Code Monkey squad, filled with expert code monkeys should arrive tomorrow.

Day 3

Supreme Code Monkey squad arrived. We prepared for attack. The Users squadron devised a plan to use our IRC channels as a trolling battlefield, with 2 squads codenamed "Vanilla" and "Tentacles".
The IRC channel troll attack launched in 1 hour and it took the EVIL Update by supprise. But the EVIL Update quickly recovered and sent his troops of glitches and bugs to counter-troll.

While we fought against the EVIL Update troops, Supreme Code Monkey squad infiltrated the base and quickly started to finish compiling the U-CODE-F (Update - Counter Oppositsion Device of Explosive - Finish).

The battle in IRC channel was hell. Squad codenamed "Vanilla" took defensive tactics around squad codenamed "Tentacles". Squad "Vanilla" used shields to deflect the EVIL Update troops trolling while "Tentacles" used their Crafty Mind skill to launch massive Area of Effect trolling munitions.

Supreme Code Monkey Squad finished with U-Code-F and used it. The U-CODE-F, finished the update code in the EVIL Update and deleted his troops. The EVIL Update was taken down and added into the Hall of Defeats, where it served the USERS for the end of time.

After the battle, everyone went back to their duties like nothing happened.

Something funny to read :P
Glad to see things back up and running, and hopefully things have slightly improved now that the page has a cleaner look. Hope to see more like this for the site eventually for improved and easier browsing.
"Most downloads" will stay the same untill the site expires. Why Jacob, WHY?
Actually, the only thing I found broken is the download links are missing. Thanks
I dont think it works
I may be wrong.
I can no longer see the download links....

Was this intentional?
The designs are a bit clunky and can be worked on Pages are a little slow but thats forgiven since the site just got back online. I dont think putting "Fakku" in each of the red button was wise since you can see their functions. Other than that everything seems to be fine.\
@Data Zero lol that's a good one, I can just imagine who the defending team leader is. *cough* haruhi suzumiya *cough*
i love fakku bices i love the good animes comics :3
how come i can't download anything?
"Sort by Series" doesn't seem to be working properly, it only shows until letter E.
Seems like if you had many links to pages before they don't go to the artist like they had before, might just be from the new organization.. But for example this Joji Manabe link doesn't quite work https://www.fakku.net/manga.php?artist=Joji%20Manabe its the same with quite a few others as well. Is it just because the new organization and stuff?
afthotstreak719 wrote...
Seems like if you had many links to pages before they don't go to the artist like they had before, might just be from the new organization.. But for example this Joji Manabe link doesn't quite work https://www.fakku.net/manga.php?artist=Joji%20Manabe its the same with quite a few others as well. Is it just because the new organization and stuff?

Thanks for pointing this out, there are probably a lot of old urls that don't redirect to the new ones properly. If you all post the important ones in this topic I can fix most of them.
multi-tag search works as follows: in the search bar type in "tag1 tag2" and there you go, enjoy your tsundere megane vanilla :3
Can't delete any PMs in the inbox or sent folders.