We're back!

Yeah I was about to ask the same thing.
Yo thanks for the hard work Jacob, i tried to stay awake waiting the maintence to end to be the first one to see it but i coulnd't =(. Btw im new here nice to meet you all.
As have been said before:

the lack of a download button is depressing,
on the doujinshi sort-by-series it only goes up to the letter E
The Post-Quick-Reply is too close to the bottom banner
The lack of the Show button
And the top seems... a bit cumbersome for some reason.

Other than that though, thanks for your hard work.
Buff_Daddy_Dizzle The True Buff Bizzle
Ah, a good ol back end update. I can appreciate that kind of update any day, nothing sucks worse than trying to muck around with a jumbo bowl of spaghetti code. Thanks for the update Jacob.
Jacob wrote...
I just finished a pretty awesome upgrade to all of our backend code, this won't be very noticeable to you (the user) but it is awesome for me. It will make adding new content and new features significantly easier.

I'll write up a much more detailed post on what changed and what has been added later today, but for now I will be taking a much needed nap. Please use this topic to report any bugs you find around the site, if something looks broken post in this topic. Once I wake up I will try my best to fix everything that has been pointed out!

P.S. Multi-tag search works.

Awesome and thanks for spending the entire time updating the site!
Just tried ntr + vanilla search... YES MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE XD alas nothing comes up...
I'm probably gonna seem like a real idiot for asking this...but how do you do a multi-tag search?
Anamanaguchi wrote...
Bug 1: Hidden comments do not show up when you click show.
Bug 2: Whenever you up or down vote a comment, you get a 404 error.

Getting those as well....
[size=12]Yeah I'm new, but I've been here many times. I can't seem to find the download button. I may just be an idiot but can someone help me with this problem? Thank you.[/h]
I can not find the Download button D; can anyone tell me where it is?
Where is the image section?
Probably mentioned, but... mangas have no download links? That is my reasoning for coming to Fakku... to save the goodies I like. I don't want to "save as" for every page via the "read online".

Fix please.
did you erased the download page?
i can't download anytmore
Ehh... like everyone else. WHERE IS THE DOWNLOAD LINK!?!?!?!
that was the longest night into day i have ever had to deal with
i was tempted to watch....real porn *shudders*
DeathPhoenix wrote...
I found a bug with the tags;
Picking a tag category from https://www.fakku.net/manga/tags will take you to the corresponding manga with that tag, which is not the problem.
The problem is, if you pick a tag category from https://www.fakku.net/doujinshi/tags you will be brought to the list of -manga- with the tags, not the -doujins- with those tags. In other words, both lists of tags will only go to the list of manga with those tags. At the moment, the only way to search doujins by tags is by going to the page of a doujin that has the tag you want and clicking it from there.

[color=#2e1a6b]Thank you so much!
I don't know if this would be easy or difficult, but I would love the ability to exclude tags, so I could do a searches such as "group -forced"

And for those asking about the downloads:
Jacob wrote...
I have to rework how downloads work, so they may be missing for a short time.
When you go to forgot password and enter your email it brings you to a 404 error and says the page does not exist and you cant sign up for FAKKU anymore it just brings you to the same page and doesn't send you an email.
While the changes seem to be working well, there is no longer a nav link to the nosebleed forums, either as part of the primary nav or as secondary nav on the forums section itself.