What Was Your Biggest Regret?

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As for me I have no regrets whatsoever, mostly because I haven't made many mistake in my life, none if you refer more on the lines of morality. So lets hear it
I don't really have any regrets, I believe in things happening for a reason, and while I did face struggles throughout my life. I feel as if those struggles have helped me grow and also help shape who I am today as a person. So yeah I do not have any real regrets, of course I do still have the occasional thought of what would've happened if I did this instead, but hey I can't time travel.
The guilt and regret of not being present at my dear grandmother's funeral has been bothering me for two years now. I always said that I loved my grandmother and took good care of her and yet I never said goodbye to her. Some say that because of this she lives on in my mind, but NO. Truth is, I didn't say goodbye and I wasn't there when she needed me. That is my biggest regret as of now.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I regret all the times I've been a jackass to people for no good reason. I also regret picking the wrong major and not finishing college.
Tegumi "im always cute"
Haha okay. 2nd warning. Read the rules, seriously.
Loner the People's Senpai
I used to have several regrets but I've learned you can't change the past. As said before, regrets and mistakes shape who you are and teach you lessons in life. Anymore, I try and foresee future decisions I make by asking myself "will I regret this later?" It's worked out so far.
My biggest regret would be....
3 years ago on Christmas I went to my family gathering (which is like a 2 hour drive.) Everything was great until we were opening the presents. Then I remembered...... I left my presents at the apartment.
Always letting go of the "negative" side of friends, it's become a typical problem and just now I'm realizing that it has been a huge problem for a long time.
A life of no regrets is a life of no interest.

It's impossible to go through life with no regrets whatsoever, unless you're blissfully ignorant.

Life will always present you with decisions, and I'll be damned if there ever was a person who never made a wrong one.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If I have any regrets, I don't have any from the top of my head.
My biggest regret is not allowing my Grandmother to take custody of me when I was 10. I could have been spared so much, had I had the maturity to look outside of my narrow, terrified little brain. I try not to dwell on it but it's one of those things where you know that literally everything would've been different... better.
My regret is not punching that guy for steeling my bros shirt.
My only regret is not killing my ex. She almost did with me.
My only regret is that I was unable to stop OP from making such shitty thread.
My regret is the following :

Leaving my best friend ( Girl ) (She was really the best )
Revoking my probation ( Don't ask )
Laying my hands on my parents ( Because of my own selfish reasons )
Being the most idiotic figure in the history of an older brother ( Not loving )

I have so many regrets for moments in life but it is all in the past now, I am still 21 so there are many more regrets and laughter to come in life.

I am not even sure that the little things are what I need to regret, because without these events that took place I could have been a different person and had a different life, but I like who I am now.
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Regretting that i hurt people that are close to me....a reason why i started hating myself..
Saw a lady have her purse stolen by a teenager in the streets.
Could've run fast enough to catch him and beat the crap out of him.
Walked on.

Shit, I feel useless.
PumpJack McGee wrote...

A life of no regrets is a life of no interest.

It's impossible to go through life with no regrets whatsoever, unless you're blissfully ignorant.

Life will always present you with decisions, and I'll be damned if there ever was a person who never made a wrong one.

couldn't have said it better myself.

for me there are so many regrets it's hard to remember them all.

what if...

i had asked out that woman who was flirting with me?

i finished high school instead of getting a G.E.D.?

i hadn't worn a condom, would i have kids by now?

i hadn't gotten drunk and yelled at my ex, would we still be together?

i hadn't mouthed off to that cop, would i have gone to jail anyway?

i hadn't gotten bored writting these, could i remember more?
Not trying my absolute best at everything I could.
Ruinsku wrote...
Not trying my absolute best at everything I could.

Seriously this. I have made so many screw ups on college that I have fallen behind for quite some years. Sad thing about it, they were due mostly to laziness.
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