Fastest time.

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eh i prefer 10 minute ones but quicky is great so you dont get blue balls
Damoz ~Not A User~
Ryssen wrote...
I don't time myself.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I don't time myself but I do make a point to try to extend it as long as possible. sooo I don't know
Damoz wrote...
Ryssen wrote...
I don't time myself.
Make that one minute. Approximately.
Here is a song for all y'all

If you're in some fucked up version of the wild west, I guess being able to cum fastest would be admirable, but in the real world, you should be working on endurance and stamina.
Fuck I cant remember... 1 minute... Less? (Lets go with 15 seconds to be safe) HHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Is there a time difference between males and females? Do females take a shorter time than males?
I don't know.
A minute?
caesarott wrote...
Is there a time difference between males and females? Do females take a shorter time than males?

Women are deceptive, but from the research available, it takes longer for women to cum than males.
suki888 wrote...
Legendary_Dollci wrote...
Alright guys here is a question we all love to answer and sometime brag about.

What was your fastest record in time you cummed? ( Guys and gals apply )

My fastest time was 26 seconds!! ( Today I broke it, that is why I am posting it )

that was so fast, sure you enjoy it?

If I was with a woman right now I would ... but since the opposite sex isn't by me then I just do the quickie and lay down wondering .. Damn.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Never tried to time them, but average it takes me 10-15 mins
Antw0n Remember me?
40 seconds or so is my fastest- and it was to this doujin.
LOL Right when I saw the title, I just knew it dealed with masturbation(and maybe sex).

Anyways, a minute gotta be my fastest.
A doujin is worth around 6-7 minutes of fapping, so gotta say fastest time was 2minutes from a short colored doujin
a little under a minute...i was at summer camp and had very limited time, so i went into the stall and went as fast as i could
If i remember mine correctly it's a minute and 45 second estimation.
I'm not timing myself when ejaculate, and If I'm about to cum, I'll hold it for some time..

If I remember the time when I rushed it was about a minute.
Hm... after saving up for a couple days and reading 40 minutes worth of extremely arousing hentai, it took me a bit less than 30 seconds to cum.

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