Are you a casanova?

Can you be a Casanova? or be the one getting swiped by a Casanova?
Pinkie Pie wrote...
Can you be a casanova? or sometimes be one?


You said the same thing with both the subjects.

Pinkie Pie wrote...
Can you be a Casanova? or be the one getting swiped by a Casanova?

Yes.. im a romantic person with game. I ugly like no end, but i can get women's.
I can if I try.
Do I try? Rarely.
I have like a romantic reflex. often when a woman i'm dating says something or asks a question, i can answer with just the right thing with out even thinking. sometimes it sounds super corny to me, but if i just bite my lip to keep from laughing, i can pull it off.
I'm not really a flirt, but I do like listening to people and can sometimes be a little affectionate which can be misconstrued a bit, on occasion.. [size=9]but no, I'm not a..[/h] [size=7]particularly...[/h] [size=2]i don't know the appropriate feminine alternative to Casanova. [/h]
I can be really a sexy charming guy if given the right time and place.

They always fall for me and they always end up saying these words, " I wish every guy in the world can be like you".

So yeah hentai taught me a lot, and the credit goes to The Pandora Box and to my Mom and Sis.

Rule number 1:
Find out her positives and negatives, and use them to your advantage.

Hentai is still the coolest when it comes to fapping.
I can be... I rarely ever am though. I have a girlfriend, so there is no point being a cassanova... If I was, it'd just ruin things...
Any tips on being how?
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Pinkie Pie wrote...
Any tips on being how?

If you have to get tips on being one, you won't be one.
No, I stick to my GF, but I could do act casanova if I want, some several girls had fallen for me, they want me to cheat with them.
Nope....I have very little game...I try to win with charm and genuine personality...gets me friendzoned a lot, but when I do manage to persuade a lady, it's great while it lasts
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I've been told I can be charming when I'm not even trying. Thing is though, I don't even know I'm doing it.

That's a thought, I really need to shave.
Im apparently a natural romantic when its a one on one convo,
But when im with a group i normally tend to just be the joker