How do we stop the disease that is racism?

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leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
It may be because I am drunk. It may be because my cognitive processes are not functioning properly. But at times I feel that I am posting in Serious Discussion thread instead of a Incoherent Babbling thread.

And so, I would have to scroll down, ascertain which forum I am at and decide whether to discuss Economics with someone who knows better or continue to post random pictures and find some other way to amuse myself in the face of frustration, exasperation and a malicious intent to kill, slaughter and disembowel.


By the way, you have to come up with a more random title.
Rap videos... more rap videos....

But yea uh people just need to like stopped being ignorant and ghetto
then all would be okay with the world

P.S. Hardcore Pawn - True TV
There are many different kinds of slaves. By stopping one type of slavery you create dozens of other types of slaves. So , nothing has changed and nothing will ever change.
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