One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Today my household help quit his job so I had to sweep the floor, clean the cars and water the garden DX.
Also, temperature was 54 centigrade. The glare of the sun outside burnt my eyes.
My ankle is sore after work, the world is ending. First world problems holla back atcha.
ErErErgo "Weiss, You Dumbass!"
I went to an orientation and I had the wrong pants on.
Now I have to go tomorrow.

Fuck. Everything.
I ate before my new microwave oven came in the mail and now I have no reason to try it until dinner time.
I woke up at 2pm. That's what.
I went to go urinate, then came on the computer and it felt like at least an hour or hour and a half went by. I checked the time, it had only been 10 minutes and now I have to pee again. Screw you bladder, screw you.
I broke a nail trying to open a can of mike's hard lemonade...
Power outage while I was in the middle of making a Momoka hentai flash.
I forgot to save and lost 3 hours of work -.-
Damoz ~Not A User~
Leaking nasal fluid out my nose all day, FUCK, just stop already.... :(
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Today it's been really fuckin' windy. It woke me up at 4am. Fell back to sleep, alarm on my phone went off at 8 like I wanted it to, but I must've accidentaly turned it off 'cause it didn't go off again. Woke up at half 10.
Fruid Lurker of Threads
Visited parent's house today. We're not korean, but my grandmother was watching a korean drama. The OP groove is stuck in my head - so annoying.
I just lost about 150 bucks.
today I got woke up twice due to my phone ringing.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I had to drive like 20 miles to go sign a paper
ErErErgo "Weiss, You Dumbass!"
2 hour orientation =_=

Hadn't eaten in about 16 hours. Woke up 15 minutes before bus came.

First world problems ftw.
My laptop didnt get delivered today, I have to wait until Monday.
Too much playing. No productive work.
waiting for the gf to finish work... have no idea when she finishes, so I'm sitting here, about to fall asleep, waiting for her to finish... once she finishes, I pick her up, we come home (probably after a k-mart trip) then go to sleep :D
My arms hurt. And so do my legs. *sighs and wobbles around*