Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Summer Wars 8/10
Really good movie but it feels like they took the concept from Die Hard 4.0.
KLoWn wrote...
Tell us what the latest movie you saw was, give it a score and write a line or two (or a whole review if you want) about what you thought about it.

The Mist
Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a1/The_Mist_poster.jpg

Much better than i thought it would be, best Stephen King movie since like forever.
The ending was really nice too, although somewhat fucked up lol.

I'll give it 4/5.
Absolutely worth a watch.

Read the novel... yep it's awesome!!!
Battle Royale
Forum Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_pDwMkFfp93k/S9ermyEkXCI/AAAAAAAANvM/7xIJWpmBGOI/s320/BA+POSTER.jpg

It's as good as I expected it to be.
You've gotta love the japanese.

Requiem for a Dream - 5/5
My Man Godfrey (1936) 7/10
HentaiKitsune wrote...
Requiem for a Dream - 5/5

Love this movie.
Last I watched was Murder by Death, I'd give it 4/5. For those that don't know, it's a parody on murder mysteries, kinda like the Clue movie.
I been watching the old horror movies i never got to see in my youth because.. the video store didn't have a lot.

April Fool's Day 4/5
Burning 2/5
Happy Birthday to Me 4/5
He Knows You're Alone 3/5
Last House on the Left 2/5
My Bloody Valentine 1981 currently watching.. 4/5
Prom Night 5/5
Terror Train 4/5
Twitch of the Death Nerve 4/5
Sleepaway Camp seen when i was young... the penis scared me again 4/5
House on Sorority Row didn't understand it 2/5
Pieces 3/5
Silent night, Bloody night 1 and 2... 3/5 for GARBAGE DAY.
Cleaner 8/10
Contraband 6/10
Safehouse 7/10
Take me home tonight 8/10
The devil inside 6/10
Chronicle 4/10
The.Rise.And.Fall.Of.The.Slasher.Films.... which bought me back to why been torrenting old horror movies... 9/10

And half of the list i haven't even started yet.
I just saw The Dictator today, and it was my first movie in over a year (not counting the dollar theater) I give it 3/5. Too short.
Little Nicky,
I remembered this movie awhile back. (Back when Adam Sandler was actually funny) I'd give it a 8/10
Prometheus- 7/10...the visuals where really nice, but the plot lost me along the way.
Just saw prometheus. Can never look at tentacle hentai the same way again...
Piranha 3DD- 4/10...the only good parts of this movie where the gore and Ving Rhames.
MIB 3,at least it still a good sequel that worth to watch
Utena Revolutionary Girl - The Movie


Very metaphoric, I liked how it differed from the original manga.
MIB 3 8/10

It was ok. Nothing special. The first one was better.
Piranha 3DD - 3/10

do not watch
The Collector (1965 one) 4/5 rooting for the 'villain' the whole way through
Dude kidnaps a girl and keeps her for a while, good movie
No one has watched "Snow White and the Huntsman" yet? It's been out for almost 2 weeks now.

OT: This Means War 9/10
Enjoyed the fuck out of it. Not sure about Reese Witherspoon though.
Iv'e been watching all the leathal weoapomns these movies are the best

I can'[t decide which is best the 1st has riggs at his most vulnerable point, the 2nd has the most fucked up villians you ever heard, 3rd he gets riggs gets his new love, and the fourth has triads which is the coolest vilisns=========== I thinl I like to see it as one big feature I lovwe it man.