Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met online?

Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met online?

Total Votes : 3,596
Yeah, and we're still together, about 3 years. She also visits FAKKU too haha
I met a guy online, and he showed signs that he liked me, and I showed signs I like him.
I was about to confess one day, only to see he's in a relationship with my ex girlfriend.
Yeah once... But I discovered that she was just using me... I broke up with her. I wasted three months of my life. Well, we did meet in person.
Yup after awhile she asked me to quit video games and anime for her -.-
XD I tried...Sadly I was very naive at the time and led on, she never really had any interest in me. Due to various reasons she just never told me that, and I still don't believe it was for items or anything as she actually tricked me into taking back all the things I gave her. Details details, would take too long to explain everything and from my point of view it probably would sound like whining. Also it would be a mini essay.

I learned...to be careful with my feelings because it feels absolutely devastating to have your heart broken. I don't like her anymore but I've been extremely careful about getting to know any other girl closely for the last 5 or so years since then. Not that any wanted to get to actually know me mind you lol :P. They only hang around if they want help on projects/hw for classes like Japanese from me.

Edit: I realize people are skeptical about "girls" on the internet. In this case it was pretty much confirmed by the whole guild and such because everybody got on vent during guild events. Voice+friends who were closer to her = proof.
The Internet is one big Sausage fest. Some of you guys are simply in denial lol.
I never tried it so im going to try it later
Women.....online?....i must be lost, im going back to the real world now.
there's women on the interwebz?!" Nah seriously tried but I guess I was too young, I wanted to play videogames instead.. now I need to be pistondrunk to be able to flirt with women.. ;_;
What's an internet?
Any online relationship means that its more then likely a long distance relationship, those never work out; no matter what people try.

Yeah I met a girl who liked anime like me, but she lived in another country so meeting her wasn't going to happen anytime soon. We never really broke up, just fell apart; stopping seeing each other so to speak. In the long run it was a waste of time, there is no such thing as love; I was just too young to realize that.
Actually, I never really tried, whenever I start it just is not satisfying, I prefer to have a physical man over me than to imagine a guy who is far away.
in my case it started with chatting, then we started talking on the phone frequently but in the end, we never met personally, only through photos. She was ok, but I didn't care after that.
i voted that there were no women on the internet because there was no option to vote that i never tried looking for anybody.
Don't know if it counts, but my GF found me on Facebook. Well, she'd seen me IRL before that but had never talked to me.
I wonder if there's a cute girl here on Fakku ??
I didn't try, it just happened. The girl was the closest to perfect I ever met. It crashed hard, never got the chance to meet in real, I no longer trust anyone.

No she wasn't a guy pretending to be a chick, she was 100% legit. She was also 100% crazy, I feel sorry for all the guys and girls she sleeps with (she only becomes intimate with close friends and then tosses them away like dirt), she has no soul.
I guess I'll add to the depressing stories.
I dated a guy online for about two years. The day I went to go see him was the day he ended the relationship online, not knowing I was there. He was in the middle of fucking another girl when he decided to toss me out for this chick. Kinda glad I didn't get any closer than I did. Silly me I didn't even read the warnings. Oh well.
Seriously does it work?
why isnt there a no i never tried choice? lol
Monster Girl
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