Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met online?

Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met online?

Total Votes : 3,596
Man it sucks to be asexual.
no but i tried to talk them out with it... My spring time of youth hasnt come out of me yet...
I tried to get a relationship onlne, but she wasn't that type of girl. She didn't like relationships anyways. I had friends who did have online gfs though, but they always ended due to not enough love for each other.

Luckily, I don't have to worry. I got a girlfriend two days ago, which was my 19th birthday. She's amazing.
haha ! i was in one then he didnt trust me ): so he broke up with me ;A;
Personally, I've had a few relationships online that honestly broke my trust a bit, some good and some just terrible. I even promised myself that I'd never start another online relationship if I ended up going through another attempt at it and failing, but I guess fate has really gotten to me. I'm currently in a great relationship with a girl my age that I actually met on a MMORPG (The luck huh?) and we're going on our 14th month of being together. The visits from time to time really help a lot though.
mshig11 wrote...
...But back to the topic at hand, no I have never been in a romantic relationship with someone I've met online, obviously the thought has crossed my mind, but I've never tried to make anything happen (I'm terrible with relationships, so it's better this way :D ).

Odds are you will not get any better at relationships or anything if you do not try. Work on improving yourself as that will give you confidence and most women find confident men attractive. I say most because there are some yandere IRL too.
I tried to get serious with a girl that I had met online we were together for 2 years or so until it just did not work out in the end. I even tried a similar relationship with someone else soon after. She was about 2 hours away and we met on Facebook that lasted a while but, that did not work out very well in the end either. Her online self and her real life self were 2 totally different beings and it just did not work out very well. The distance and lack of funds did not really help out either. Which is why now I am single and only date girls who live close...although there is very little options to go for.
Yes it worked and right now we're together 5 years and 2 months. : )
I wish that could work, but people behave so differently online and tend to be more obnoxious and rude so I never got something like that to work. :(
Read the signature.
I met a girl online, although we had shared friends irl. It lasted about a year then she dumped me for someone else.
tamathemad Cupcake Monster
I had a 3 year relationship with someone before we decided to cut off cause she was moving to England. She originally lived not too far from me so we met up and stuff. We met each other through a game called Grand Chase. xPP
There is no women on the internet
---> Forum Image: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/003/619/Untitled-1.jpg
For me I choose There no women on the Internet...coz base on my personal experience online relationships don't last long/doesn't work out...P.S. This is just for me...:D
Yeah, I met this one girl in a local server of Ragnarok Online and we started dating when we met by accident. Too bad our relationship only lasted for three years. Oh well, more girls to meet and bang.
I met my girlfriend over the internet.
ryo55564 wrote...
Cpl. Nyu wrote...
Tried, didn't work out. Now I'm forever alone.
. You're not forever alone you're forever available

Excellent point!

I recall getting romantic with five gals I met online. They all lived within an hour’s drive. It was critical to get them to meet in a public place face-to-face shortly after discovering a few similar interests. Only after meeting face-to-face can you really tell if there is any physical chemistry between you. Then each of you can decide if it is worth it to continue.

If you wait too long before meeting, one of you could lose interest plus you are wasting time. Each of us only has so much.
NeoStriker wrote...
Man it sucks to be asexual.

At least Asia's collective grandfather is applauding you right now xD http://i.qkme.me/3olyq8.jpg
If you count PlayStation Network, then yes.
Is online game alright, Ragnarok ;p? Then yes we've been together for 8 years, -_- without knowing we go to same college that time... We've been keep in touch when we graduated and have job on different country... Right now we're engaged! Finally!
Monster Girl
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