The Bookie's Nook

devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Sanada-Kun wrote...

[color=red]Yay *takes all melons*

Just fine, fasting month just started recently but no worries, I'm on holiday mode (done with exams e_e).

Okay - okay... I thought it takes space but nevermind I'll put it again

How's Uinny? She still around with you guys?

*sorry super late reply, busy at the morning -3-*

Where are you gonna be when it's Ied?
devsonfire wrote...

Where are you gonna be when it's Ied?

[color=red]Bandung -> Cirebon -> Kediri
Will spend Ied at Cirebon since it got religious atmosphere around.
Kediri is just for THR. LOL

devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Sanada-Kun wrote...
devsonfire wrote...

Where are you gonna be when it's Ied?

[color=red]Bandung -> Cirebon -> Kediri
Will spend Ied at Cirebon since it got religious atmosphere around.
Kediri is just for THR. LOL


Oh Kediri, close enough lol
devsonfire wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
devsonfire wrote...

Where are you gonna be when it's Ied?

[color=red]Bandung -> Cirebon -> Kediri
Will spend Ied at Cirebon since it got religious atmosphere around.
Kediri is just for THR. LOL


Oh Kediri, close enough lol

[color=red]I envy ur last destination. Never been there -3-

Well I'm bit distant with my family at Kediri. Too many kids. x_x
So Sanada, how many people did you kill in celebration to hitting Elite?
[color=red]Killing.. what? lol

I haven't killed anyone so far... In game. Hahaha
*draw´s flowers on bookih´s face* o n o
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Sanada-Kun wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
devsonfire wrote...

Where are you gonna be when it's Ied?

[color=red]Bandung -> Cirebon -> Kediri
Will spend Ied at Cirebon since it got religious atmosphere around.
Kediri is just for THR. LOL


Oh Kediri, close enough lol

[color=red]I envy ur last destination. Never been there -3-

Well I'm bit distant with my family at Kediri. Too many kids. x_x

LOL my mom is from there so I always go there like twice a year back when I still live in Jakarta.
Nowadays, I only go back to Indo once a year so yeah
devsonfire wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
devsonfire wrote...

Where are you gonna be when it's Ied?

[color=red]Bandung -> Cirebon -> Kediri
Will spend Ied at Cirebon since it got religious atmosphere around.
Kediri is just for THR. LOL


Oh Kediri, close enough lol

[color=red]I envy ur last destination. Never been there -3-

Well I'm bit distant with my family at Kediri. Too many kids. x_x

LOL my mom is from there so I always go there like twice a year back when I still live in Jakarta.
Nowadays, I only go back to Indo once a year so yeah

[color=red]But still, Bali is awesome place.
I never leave Java. D:
At last the train ticket in here is kinda cheap, I can go from Yogya-Bandung easily if I planned it weeks ago.
Sanada-Kun wrote...
TheBookie wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...
[color=red]See? I made it right? Elite?

*pokes Bookie thread with melons*
Ya, sorry my skype is lagging a lot D: Can't connect with this homie connection

haha You made it!!!!!!!!!!! ::throws confetti and melons::

ahhh no worries, I understand

but how are you? it's been awhile

and no melon sig :(

[color=red]Yay *takes all melons*

Just fine, fasting month just started recently but no worries, I'm on holiday mode (done with exams e_e).

Okay - okay... I thought it takes space but nevermind I'll put it again

How's Uinny? She still around with you guys?

*sorry super late reply, busy at the morning -3-*

YAY holiday mode. I wish I could be in that right now lol.

Ahh, and good luck with the fasting, sorry for not being more aware, but which religious holy observation is going on right now?

you didnt have to put melons back O_O, I just wasn't used to seeing you without them..... but I appreciate the gesture.

and Rui is doing well, whenever you get a chance to pop up on skype, say hi to her, I'm sure that will make her day.

BerryBerry wrote...
*draw´s flowers on bookih´s face* o n o least it's only flowers.....
TheBookie wrote...

YAY holiday mode. I wish I could be in that right now lol.

Ahh, and good luck with the fasting, sorry for not being more aware, but which religious holy observation is going on right now?

you didnt have to put melons back O_O, I just wasn't used to seeing you without them..... but I appreciate the gesture.

and Rui is doing well, whenever you get a chance to pop up on skype, say hi to her, I'm sure that will make her day.

[color=red]But still I have something to do at the morning, like taking my sis & mom to the school and more. hahaha not entirely being a lazyass person during this holiday.

Ramadhan, fasting month for Muslims. Don't worry about it, and yeah I need some luck (or more like immunity against disease, I sense flu is coming in this neighborhood D:)

Well no provoking melons for now. Covered melons is still good

I will, hoping I'll get some good signal later so I can log-in and say hi for them.

*woah, now I feel stuffed and sleepy lol*
Sanada-Kun wrote...
TheBookie wrote...

YAY holiday mode. I wish I could be in that right now lol.

Ahh, and good luck with the fasting, sorry for not being more aware, but which religious holy observation is going on right now?

you didnt have to put melons back O_O, I just wasn't used to seeing you without them..... but I appreciate the gesture.

and Rui is doing well, whenever you get a chance to pop up on skype, say hi to her, I'm sure that will make her day.

[color=red]But still I have something to do at the morning, like taking my sis & mom to the school and more. hahaha not entirely being a lazyass person during this holiday.

Ramadhan, fasting month for Muslims. Don't worry about it, and yeah I need some luck (or more like immunity against disease, I sense flu is coming in this neighborhood D:)

Well no provoking melons for now. Covered melons is still good

I will, hoping I'll get some good signal later so I can log-in and say hi for them.

*woah, now I feel stuffed and sleepy lol*

how often is Ramadhan? or does it change every year? Since I clearly remember my friends observing it in a different month....

p.s....can u pm me larger pics of ur avi and ur sig?
[color=red]Once a year, but we're using Islamic Calendar. 11 days shorter than normal calendar, since we follow the moon movement rather than the sun.

About avi, I screenshot it. For sig, wait a minute. My connection is slowass one right now.

Forum Image:
Sanada-Kun wrote...
[color=red]Once a year, but we're using Islamic Calendar. 11 days shorter than normal calendar, since we follow the moon movement rather than the sun.

About avi, I screenshot it. For sig, wait a minute. My connection is slowass one right now.

Forum Image:

thank you thank you!, who is she btw?
[color=red]Tsukishima Kyo~

Just realized you wrote PM, not post.

I feel stupid. x_x
Sanada-Kun wrote...
[color=red]Tsukishima Kyo~

Just realized you wrote PM, not post.

I feel stupid. x_x

no worries friend, the message was sent either way
Sanada-Kun wrote...

I feel stupid. x_x

Shit happens
Gahald_Mills wrote...

Yama-kun wrote...
Sanada-Kun wrote...

I feel stupid. x_x

Shit happens

greetings to Mills and Yama

btw, Mills, Sepias says hi, and he hopes you are well.
TheBookie wrote...
btw, Mills, Sepias says hi, and he hopes you are well.

ehh??..say hi back..and did something wrong with his connection?..since I don't see him online on the forums these days..
Monster Girl
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