Large Breasts, a blessing or a burden?

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So recently I have seen an old girl friend from high school who had DD sized breasts when I was still dating her four years ago. On the first of August I saw her again when I was going to the hospital for a surgery on my ankle, (yes the one in my profile picture) and she (lets call her Hanna) was there in the waiting room sitting.
But she looked so different and at first I couldn't put my finger on what was different about her. When I approached Hanna and greeted her she was really excited to see me as I was excited to see her, so we hugged. That's when I knew what was different about her. Her boobs are way smaller than what they used to be. Turns she had gotten a breast reduction surgery!
Sounds crazy right! All the guys reading this right now are probably losing their mind but no worries fellas them puppies are still fairly large. I asked Hanna why she chose to get the surgery and she told me and I quote "They have caused back problems and I've always been insecure with the way my body looked"
I understood the "back problems part" but the insecure part kind of threw me for a loop. I mean the reason she was at the hospital was because she had to get a shot for her bad back, but why would a girl ever feel self-conscious about her BIG BOOBIES! If any thing that would boost a girls self esteem right?

Click the link or copy and paste into browser and prepare to see what girls think about one of their most awesome physical attributes [url=]

In response please state your sex, (male or female) opinion,(burden or blessing) and finally tell me WHY you believe that large breasts are a blessing or a burden or both. The whole point of this discussion is to see all the pros and cons of big boobs. This could be a serious discussion or this could be a seriously awesome discussion. Either way I would appreciate all of your input.
They're both.

They please people (and hell, confidence boosts never hurt), but yes, they are a pain to shop for, "carry" in life, and maintain to old age. But insecurity can certainly stem from them: if people are oogling them all the time, it can make one feel on guard constantly.
They're both.

Large breasts -- back problems, assumption that you're not very smart, self-consciousness (because people stare at you all the time).

Large breasts -- control over men

Its like being good looking. You get unwanted attention, but people bend backwards to make friends with you. Seriously, given all things equal being good looking is a very big advantage. Now, whether or not the advantage that offers you is worth it depends on the person.

If any thing that would boost a girls self esteem right?

When people don't look at your face or eyes when you're talking, its very, very damaging to self-esteem. Its as if you're not a person. Try it. Whenever you talk to someone, look at something ELSE other than their face/eyes. You're going to piss them off.

male here

while I will admit from a man's point of view, large breast is a great asset, once you start to age that can be a big problem, I've heard women complain about their backs and wanting to cut them off due to the pain, not to mention you maybe one of those poor souls who's boobs sag too low so it looks like someone squeezed all the juice from watermelon when you hit 60 and up. Not to mention the stigma of having large breast in the first place, I'm not sure how many men would actually remain full eye contact in the middle of a conversation. Would I love to see them, HELL YES, are they a burden, I like to think they are more terrible then they are worth
more of a burden than a blessing! Aside from the back pains it causes, you cant run properly with dem jiggling and pple always checking them out even if u wear loose shirts! Also here in my country its effin hard to find cheap bra for my size! and to be honest, i had a couple of accidents in the office becoz of em (srsly i am telling the truth!) i had my boobs topple a glass of water beside my manager's laptop, i had my company id break into two coz i leaned too much on the table so i can stand up on my workstation....heck my work on ms word got f*ked up like some keyboard malfunction or something then when i looked i saw my boobs literally sitting on the ctrl yeah =3=
gizgal wrote...
They're both.

They please people (and hell, confidence boosts never hurt), but yes, they are a pain to shop for, "carry" in life, and maintain to old age. But insecurity can certainly stem from them: if people are oogling them all the time, it can make one feel on guard constantly.

I totally get if people stare at them all the time you would feel on guard but (hanna) said she was scared of how people looked at her like she was a slut just cuz god gave her them tig ol bitties. I tried to tell her no one would think any different of her if they ever talked with her but she just said i wouldn't understand but i think i do.
If I walked around with an 11 inch dick swangin past my knee every day and all i wear is short shorts that i think i would all ways be paranoid and think people are staring at my dick (which they probably would) and that may force me to get a shrunken dick i guess.... does that make any sense

saintseduction wrote...
and to be honest, i had a couple of accidents in the office becoz of em (srsly i am telling the truth!) i had my boobs topple a glass of water beside my manager's laptop, i had my company id break into two coz i leaned too much on the table so i can stand up on my workstation....heck my work on ms word got f*ked up like some keyboard malfunction or something then when i looked i saw my boobs literally sitting on the ctrl yeah =3=

damn that's some real sh*t right there about all that but Ive seen her leaning against everything with her elbows to help support her back sitting or standing. she did it so often I used to get upset that is was hurting her. I had no clue that there are so many like her until just today doing all this research and shit. Im so sorry my ignorant speech can come across ass edgy and hurtful i just want you to know I meant no disrespect.
I'm a male, but to me they are both.
My female friend has large breast and always complains about back problems, bumping into people with her boobs, and men constantly staring at them. She plans to have breast reduction surgery later on. However, as fatman has stated they do have control over men.
Large breasts are a bit of a burden. They aren't really needed since our society does not breastfeed as much.
Lishy1 wrote...
Large breasts are a bit of a burden. They aren't really needed since our society does not breastfeed as much.

I See where your going with this you mean the larger the boob the more milk for the baby? but you know its not all about the baby, what about me I like the look of big breasts? don't you think that maybe there is a little bit of sex appeal to this too.
zman361 wrote...
Lishy1 wrote...
Large breasts are a bit of a burden. They aren't really needed since our society does not breastfeed as much.

I See where your going with this you mean the larger the boob the more milk for the baby? but you know its not all about the baby, what about me I like the look of big breasts? don't you think that maybe there is a little bit of sex appeal to this too.

I'm talking more about human evolution, and its biological purposes. Breasts aren't really needed anymore. Eventually, the DNA switch for larger breasts will turn itself off as humans evolve. Kinda like how some people are being born without wisdom teeth.
Lishy1 wrote...
zman361 wrote...
Lishy1 wrote...
Large breasts are a bit of a burden. They aren't really needed since our society does not breastfeed as much.

I See where your going with this you mean the larger the boob the more milk for the baby? but you know its not all about the baby, what about me I like the look of big breasts? don't you think that maybe there is a little bit of sex appeal to this too.

I'm talking more about human evolution, and its biological purposes. Breasts aren't really needed anymore. Eventually, the DNA switch for larger breasts will turn itself off as humans evolve. Kinda like how some people are being born without wisdom teeth.

I could also say that evolution supports my view more so than yours...
(natural selection) states simply survival of the fittest. If people with big breasts have more sex appeal, then that would mean if they had babies more often than woman without large breasts do to lack of sex appeal, it would follow in that gene pool that the females would better reproduce with bigger breasts,or so the DNA would say so would it not. but you had a good thought I really love biology. throw down some more knowledge and I'll give you my best argument.
zman361 wrote...
gizgal wrote...
They're both.

They please people (and hell, confidence boosts never hurt), but yes, they are a pain to shop for, "carry" in life, and maintain to old age. But insecurity can certainly stem from them: if people are oogling them all the time, it can make one feel on guard constantly.

I totally get if people stare at them all the time you would feel on guard but (hanna) said she was scared of how people looked at her like she was a slut just cuz god gave her them tig ol bitties. I tried to tell her no one would think any different of her if they ever talked with her but she just said i wouldn't understand but i think i do.
If I walked around with an 11 inch dick swangin past my knee every day and all i wear is short shorts that i think i would all ways be paranoid and think people are staring at my dick (which they probably would) and that may force me to get a shrunken dick i guess.... does that make any sense

saintseduction wrote...
and to be honest, i had a couple of accidents in the office becoz of em (srsly i am telling the truth!) i had my boobs topple a glass of water beside my manager's laptop, i had my company id break into two coz i leaned too much on the table so i can stand up on my workstation....heck my work on ms word got f*ked up like some keyboard malfunction or something then when i looked i saw my boobs literally sitting on the ctrl yeah =3=

damn that's some real sh*t right there about all that but Ive seen her leaning against everything with her elbows to help support her back sitting or standing. she did it so often I used to get upset that is was hurting her. I had no clue that there are so many like her until just today doing all this research and shit. Im so sorry my ignorant speech can come across ass edgy and hurtful i just want you to know I meant no disrespect.

No offense taken! ^3^

though it's a real pain, I'd rather not have them removed because id like my boyfiee to enjoy the perks lawl!
Lishy1 wrote...
Large breasts are a bit of a burden. They aren't really needed since our society does not breastfeed as much.

...cup/breast size has very little to do with breast milk yields.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
zman361 wrote...
I totally get if people stare at them all the time you would feel on guard but (hanna) said she was scared of how people looked at her like she was a slut just cuz god gave her them tig ol bitties. I tried to tell her no one would think any different of her if they ever talked with her but she just said i wouldn't understand but i think i do.

Needless to say, society and the world is still filled with shallow people who WILL think exactly that. Look around, I'm sure you'll find lechers that think girls who dress trashy and have big breasts are "asking for a dicking/raping".
I think most people said what I was gonna say.

Ultimately, BURDEN! They cause a LOT of back problems. It also causes it to be extremely difficult to find clothes that fit properly. I don't have massive breasts or anything (just C-cup), but I still encounter issues with button ups where it'll go "peek-a-boo" between the button and the clasp, because the shirt doesn't fit comfortably around my chest. Super annoying. Also, it's hurtful to have people only notice your breasts and nothing else. It's nice that you find them attractive, but it's much better to be valued for other things.
gizgal wrote...
Lishy1 wrote...
Large breasts are a bit of a burden. They aren't really needed since our society does not breastfeed as much.

...cup/breast size has very little to do with breast milk yields.

In that case, I've been schooled.

Why do women have boobs though? Seriously, why did evolution/god intend boobs to do for the survival of the human race? What is their biological purpose?
Lishy1 wrote...
gizgal wrote...
Lishy1 wrote...
Large breasts are a bit of a burden. They aren't really needed since our society does not breastfeed as much.

...cup/breast size has very little to do with breast milk yields.

In that case, I've been schooled.

Why do women have boobs though? Seriously, why did evolution/god intend boobs to do for the survival of the human race? What is their biological purpose?

To be honest I don't have a clue why woman have breasts but what I do know is the world would be a dark and terrible place with out them. that's why I consider them a BLESSING lol.
Dumb post dumb posts everywhere.
Typholsion wrote...
Dumb post dumb posts everywhere.

Did you contribute or add anything to the discussion?
Being a male and a fan of Pettanko, I'd say a burden.

They are, certainly, beautiful to some, as beauty is in the eye of that who looks, but I find them impractical, generally not pleasing to the eye as they just poke out like Cyrano's noes of a normally curvacious and evenly proportionned heavenly creation of god of a body, breaking the backs of those who carry them, and generally being impratical appart from being able top smother someone to death with them.
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