Stereotypes of blacks

My vote is mixed. I know very smart black people who are very good friends of mine, but when I look at the news every morning there is always a black person charged with a felony of sorts.
Well they are People who steal our bikes, they are people that eats lots of watermelon, and chicken. Their penises are long but thin, and they don't know how to have sex, since they just push as far as they can so they hit the end of the womans vagina, which hurts a lot, which is why people are stupid enough to think that they are amazing in bed, but in reality they are just stupid.
A person's a person no matter the colour of their skin. The are good black people and bad black people. Why do black people like fried chicken and watermelon? Because pretty much everyone else likes them too. Black people can become successful just like anyone else and fail just like anyone else.
Uninite wrote...
Well they are People who steal our bikes, they are people that eats lots of watermelon, and chicken. Their penises are long but thin, and they don't know how to have sex, since they just push as far as they can so they hit the end of the womans vagina, which hurts a lot, which is why people are stupid enough to think that they are amazing in bed, but in reality they are just stupid.

Uninite wrote...
Well they are People who steal our bikes, they are people that eats lots of watermelon, and chicken. Their penises are long but thin, and they don't know how to have sex, since they just push as far as they can so they hit the end of the womans vagina, which hurts a lot, which is why people are stupid enough to think that they are amazing in bed, but in reality they are just stupid.

As an African American guy, I reserve the right to say, "N---a, you just went full retard."
Tyranosaurus_Secks wrote...
Uninite wrote...
Well they are People who steal our bikes, they are people that eats lots of watermelon, and chicken. Their penises are long but thin, and they don't know how to have sex, since they just push as far as they can so they hit the end of the womans vagina, which hurts a lot, which is why people are stupid enough to think that they are amazing in bed, but in reality they are just stupid.

As an African American guy, I reserve the right to say, "N---a, you just went full retard."

I ain't racist! I got a Danish Black friend who is named Terkel!
Uninite wrote...
Tyranosaurus_Secks wrote...
Uninite wrote...
Well they are People who steal our bikes, they are people that eats lots of watermelon, and chicken. Their penises are long but thin, and they don't know how to have sex, since they just push as far as they can so they hit the end of the womans vagina, which hurts a lot, which is why people are stupid enough to think that they are amazing in bed, but in reality they are just stupid.

As an African American guy, I reserve the right to say, "N---a, you just went full retard."

I ain't racist! I got a Danish Black friend who is named Terkel!

No one called you racist, but you are ignorant at the fact that you generalize a group of people based on what you see on TV, the media, and the internet. I am also getting the feeling that you are insecure. Also you are worse than Freaky Green when it comes to ignorance.
Kutharos Not a dentist
There is big difference from stereotyping the culture of blacks and the people themselves. Mainstream Afro-American culture has degraded into a very sicking thing that older blacks are disgusted with. There still exist parts of the culture that fight against it, and may even go so far to make a culture based off aspects of the early 20th century when Jazz and other music were hip.

Sadly, blacks are statistically in a worst spot than any other minority and, slavery, among other things like drugs etc, has left it in a very horrible position of being the black sheep of American culture.

Blacks are still high in committing crime, drug use, prison, uneducated, and even the highest group in America to have HIV contractions (even more than whites)

Is this the essence of blacks being blacks, born that way? No. A study in on ivy league showed that despite there are more Afro-Americans than African-Americans, Immigrant Africans of 1st or 2nd generation were around 47% of the black population in Ivy league universities. This is not something unusual for just Black immigrants, this effect has shown within Asians communities to have a very high percentage of success in higher education.

So that means race is itself is not a factor, only the culture and the stereotypes of it. This leaves us with a very bare truth about local blacks in the states: Blacks have submitted to a culture of theft, egotism, and poverty to their way life. Whites have indeed built that foundation and blacks have sadly kept that house up and going, with no idea how to fix it (although many culture revivals have been attempted.)

It's a sad state. The culture is so broken that fixing it is a tough, if not impossible thing for just blacks to accomplish. There are and still many ideas to fix Black culture and in turn change American culture. I won't rant on those ideas, as it would just make me write more than this long rant.
Kutharos wrote...
There is big difference from stereotyping the culture of blacks and the people themselves. Mainstream Afro-American culture has degraded into a very sicking thing that older blacks are disgusted with. There still exist parts of the culture that fight against it, and may even go so far to make a culture based off aspects of the early 20th century when Jazz and other music were hip.

Sadly, blacks are statistically in a worst spot than any other minority and, slavery, among other things like drugs etc, has left it in a very horrible position of being the black sheep of American culture.

Blacks are still high in committing crime, drug use, prison, uneducated, and even the highest group in America to have HIV contractions (even more than whites)

Is this the essence of blacks being blacks, born that way? No. A study in on ivy league showed that despite there are more Afro-Americans than African-Americans, Immigrant Africans of 1st or 2nd generation were around 47% of the black population in Ivy league universities. This is not something unusual for just Black immigrants, this effect has shown within Asians communities to have a very high percentage of success in higher education.

So that means race is itself is not a factor, only the culture and the stereotypes of it. This leaves us with a very bare truth about local blacks in the states: Blacks have submitted to a culture of theft, egotism, and poverty to their way life. Whites have indeed built that foundation and blacks have sadly kept that house up and going, with no idea how to fix it (although many culture revivals have been attempted.)

It's a sad state. The culture is so broken that fixing it is a tough, if not impossible thing for just blacks to accomplish. There are and still many ideas to fix Black culture and in turn change American culture. I won't rant on those ideas, as it would just make me write more than this long rant.

I agree and + rep when I can.
As a < b > person. I have grown up in a world where you are expected to act in a < b > way.
You MUST be rich < by any means , have many sexual friends , be smart but dumb enough not to let others know , have children but not showing that you care in public , go to jail and LEARN at the same time , anything else is so shameful and devil-worshiping ( white people actions ) and you MUST be ready to DIE for respect >

I am < b > that loves heavy metal < as a child , I was pushed away and beaten for not being as < b > as I look.
I also watch , very white television shows and topics < I am not evil , just the first one that lives for his heart and not for his guns >

Before I go , I must say. That the real < b > people will always stay in the shadows , living , learning and loving ourselves and not what you see or hear from the media or blind-shallow-history-of-what-is-black.
I am 100 years in the future , right now.
-- signed -- D&D --
HiroyukiShota wrote...
Singapore is a mixed race country, to be racist here is as redundant as pouring water to the sea I'm used to it, i don't mind it and i don't hate it.

Being narrow minded isn't going make your life better.

Same situation but different country, but it's true. To me, for someone to be racist is just handicapping one's self. It makes no sense to look on the color of ones pigmentation, to judge them of who they are. Surprisingly, in my country, black otaku is common...hell, I have seen guys memorize hand signs and jutsu (with hand signs) and perform them perfectly. Yet they still have a good work and social life and even their girls are into it, so as far as am concern, stereotypes are just a barrier to human interaction and development.
Uninite wrote...
Well they are People who steal our bikes, they are people that eats lots of watermelon, and chicken. Their penises are long but thin, and they don't know how to have sex, since they just push as far as they can so they hit the end of the womans vagina, which hurts a lot, which is why people are stupid enough to think that they are amazing in bed, but in reality they are just stupid.

Forum Image:
Kutharos wrote...
There is big difference from stereotyping the culture of blacks and the people themselves. Mainstream Afro-American culture has degraded into a very sicking thing that older blacks are disgusted with. There still exist parts of the culture that fight against it, and may even go so far to make a culture based off aspects of the early 20th century when Jazz and other music were hip.

Sadly, blacks are statistically in a worst spot than any other minority and, slavery, among other things like drugs etc, has left it in a very horrible position of being the black sheep of American culture.

Blacks are still high in committing crime, drug use, prison, uneducated, and even the highest group in America to have HIV contractions (even more than whites)

Is this the essence of blacks being blacks, born that way? No. A study in on ivy league showed that despite there are more Afro-Americans than African-Americans, Immigrant Africans of 1st or 2nd generation were around 47% of the black population in Ivy league universities. This is not something unusual for just Black immigrants, this effect has shown within Asians communities to have a very high percentage of success in higher education.

So that means race is itself is not a factor, only the culture and the stereotypes of it. This leaves us with a very bare truth about local blacks in the states: Blacks have submitted to a culture of theft, egotism, and poverty to their way life. Whites have indeed built that foundation and blacks have sadly kept that house up and going, with no idea how to fix it (although many culture revivals have been attempted.)

It's a sad state. The culture is so broken that fixing it is a tough, if not impossible thing for just blacks to accomplish. There are and still many ideas to fix Black culture and in turn change American culture. I won't rant on those ideas, as it would just make me write more than this long rant.

Agreed, my family lived in a neighborhood of black people... in the rich district... where all of the black people where millionaire doctors and lawyers. The thing they all had in common was that they were immigrants.

African-Americans today are born into this "ghetto" culture where if you didn't eat fried chicken and watermelon, you were an outcast and didn't fit into the group. If you didn't join a gang, you were beaten up. You are born to impoverished parents who dismissed education as something unnecessary because they themselves have never experienced the benefits of not dropping out.

Rappers nowadays rap about things like going to jail, getting shot, raping people, stuff like that.

Hm... Now that I think about it, if you look at Riley from Boondocks, he is the representation of the influence of this negative culture while Huey represents the people who chose to deny this nonsense and pursue life normally like everyone else.
raichama Audio Technica Fanboy
The problem with the portrayal of blacks, is basically multi-layered. Each reason just adds to the pain it has inflicted upon this group of people.

The biggest problem, in my opinion, is the centuries old attitude of "the whites still think they're better than us", in the South, that is mainly true, but things are starting to thaw in the West and Northeast, but that attitude among the African American population still remains. These days, African Americans have taken to follow the sayings of Brooker T Washington, who supported a separatist ideal, rather than an integrationist ideal. This has actually caused more problems than it was supposed to, because the outcome is that the African American community is basically like pre-20th century American, isolated, but at the same time, they are quick, almost too quick, to lash out if they feel that their own is being threatened. Of course, if they weren't given many chances to FEEL threatened, than none of the problems would have happened. Unfortunately, this is where our supposedly "free press" comes in.

I live near Oakland, and there's quite a lot of drama that occurs inside the city that really, shouldn't be of that much concern. However when stuff does happen in the black community, the local news covers it like no tomorrow, and the community laps it up like a bowl of warm milk. Each petty crime to each major crime, such as the shooting of Oscar Grant, just adds to the heated emotions of the black community. The day of the protest for Oscar Grant, Oakland Chinatown basically has a mass exodus as Chinese people fled the city, hoping their windows wouldn't be broken...but they were, but not by the Oakland black community.

Another catalyst would be...I don't want to say it so spoilers, beware
white trash, because during that fateful Oakland riot, they say more than 100 odd people were arrested, very little, actually from Oakland, and surprisingly, a lot of them were white/Caucasian, whatever you wanna call it. It may be a stretch, but "white trash" are frankly even worse than blacks, and they're vindictive, most likely jealous, whether they are aware of it or not, that the underdog has risen above them, as many black people have become successful. By inciting violence, "white trash" basically set up bad names for blacks, so they jump towns and "join in on the action". Of course the media covers that as well, but it's very brief, since...well the media is not exactly..100% truthful

The main problem I believe still lies within the African Americans themselves, but with the right sequence of events, I believed that could've been solved, with the catalysts adding fuel to the fire though, it has made trying to escape from the world of hate created by this concoction near impossible.

Take note though, African Americans. I will say this...and again and again. If given the choice between supporting the "Negro" and supporting the Chinese...America will always support the African Americans, it's just so true. Though, I might just still be a bit bitter about California's complete ban of shark fin.
Well , being black is really just being "normal", I guess you could say. You would live life as any other person. But in general or grouping blacks together that really just depends on what group your around, from my experience the majority of blacks I see are ghetto, thuggish or juts plain ignorant and other people see a lot of this in the media, or just get random acts of stupidity in their daily lives. Not all blacks are ghetto dumb or thuggish that's really just what people see a lot of. So before anyone can say that as a whole the race is like that then they should check every black individual there is . (I'm Black btw =D)
I used to think that they were all Mothafuckas and Gangstas and pot smokers with loads of bling on em.

Now it seems to me that they're some of the greatest people to be acquainted with.
I am a very multicultural person due to moving around ALOT. I am also not a racist by any means but in general from my experiences with them as a whole, they are very for a lack of better word primal. Weather hailing from Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, South Africa, or right here in america they care for nothing more then the exploitation of other to achieve there personal means.
Primary violence being there main crutch.
To speak historically they were also severely underdeveloped technology in comparison and are still to this date. Constantly waged wars against them self's(tribal wars mainly). And when it comes to slavery little know fact is that a good percentile chunk of the slaves exported were initially sold by the blacks them self's after they were captured kidnapped ect.

So in short yes they do a great job at perpetuating there stereotype.

Yes I will agree there are always exceptions and I have 2 male friends of african decent but if your speaking about the people as a whole, well you get the gist.

Edit: As I read your initial and you said you plan to uses these answers I decided to do some additional research I guess you could call it by doing the most simple yet revealing thing, Google search "black people" and click images it some what formulates the internets opinion.
The one benefit I've gained from hitting rock bottom is perspective. I've seen a lot of people, of all races, trying to claw their way up from the bottom. From what I've personally witnessed, white people are more likely to sacrifice their dignity for personal gain.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
I believe that what we perceive as stereotypical is really the effect of regional and social influences on a group of people, and they are further accentuated by portrayals by both the media as well as pop-culture icons.

It is true, in all societies and cultures, that non-conformity is a difficult path to travel. Whether it is in the schools, or on the streets, we are constantly faced with people who object to those who act outside the expected norm. Peer pressure is a fact of life growing up, and finding the strength to express your individuality among such groups can be very difficult. And so we find ourselves acting in certain ways in order to fit in, rather than discovering who we truly are inside.

I have always believed that a person must be granted the right to either earn your respect, or lose it, based on their actions and not by the color of their skin. Letting the color of a person's skin sway the way you react is a poor substitute for a realistic judgment of a person's character.

I have extended the hand of friendship to members of almost every race, and religion. Sometimes it is received and sometimes it is rejected, but I do not blame the race for the actions of one of it's members. Nor do I blame my own, for those times when the fault has been mine.

If we are ever to escape this human tendency for self-destruction, it is going to be through tolerance and acceptance. Each person should have the right to become who they really want to be, rather than as our culture or society wishes us to act.

Until we can learn to drop our preconceived notions, and learn to see beyond the narrow minded views of previous generations, there will always be those who can't or won't look beyond the color of someone's skin.
It would be simple if you guys just stopped liking fried chicken and watermelons so much.
Monster Girl
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