Whose modern gaming consoles do you prefer?

Whose modern gaming consoles do you prefer?

Total Votes : 4,667
i own ps3, xbox 360,nintendo wii if the next gen console comes ill probably just go with sony cus they havent screwed me over bcuz of malfunction on a console (xbox360). mario games aint worth buying a new console(nintendo)
I know this kind of topic will become a "Fanboy Wars" especially Xbox 360 vs PS3.

To be honest, i prefer PS3 than other consoles, but my favorite "gaming machine" is a High End PC.
I actually play everything, except for 360. Use to have one, but no exclusives I really care for. Nintendo and Sony have some awesome games, I own a 3DS, Vita, and ps3 (I emulate wii games, because Guar Plains in HD makes me cry.)
yea sony for me that's all i have to say
technically if you want to be really literal the pc can count as a gaming console, or platform, but just with more freedom and options. I prefer all of them just because they all have good games. Even though they all have ups and downs (such as console specific games, fees, etc.) They are all very fun, so i can't really figure out which one is better. So..hooray for all gaming consoles. Especially old school ones, yeaaah.
I own and enjoy everything. U mad?
There's no debate for me it's always PC or Microsoft. Wait, let me rephrase that I do have a problem choosing between the two. lol But then again, put a Hentai game or manga on any screen, and I'm a happy fapping gamer all night.
[color=#2e1a6b]My most memorable console is the Gamecube, but I prefer my PC (i7 2600k, radeon 6850, 64GB SSD, 8GB ram) that I just built last winter.
Man, Nikon. You do know what kind of avalanche did you start with that poll ?
Just keep a close eye on this thread. "Console wars" tend to bring flames like nothing else.
Anyways. On the poll. I would try all and every avaylable console and "nuclear reactor powered computers" but I'm on a tight paycheck. So I got what I could afford. Sadly it's not a flatcreen HD tv and a high-tech sound system. A Mid-to-high tech computer that runs most games smoothly on average settings. Nothing fancy.
I was a PC gamer until my hard drive died, so now I'm just a regular Xbox360 player. But I love it.
[color=red]Left the modern gaming console since 2008

...I stay with my PC because of MOBA games and Eroge/VN.

inb4 Fanboy war. woohoo.
I was raised on Nintendo systems: NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, GameBoy Color (I never had one of the first GameBoys), GBA, GBA SP, DS, DSi. I have a Wii, but I liked the GameCube much, much better than it. I still have all of em and keep em in a display case with all the games.

A year or two ago I bought a Xbox 360 Elite cuz a bunch of my friends convinced me to buy it, so I really only used it to play games with them. Never really played any single-player. In my opinion, the only thing that Microsoft's got going with the 360 is Xbox Live.

Now I am defiantly considered a PC gamer, over the past 6 years I mainly play on my PC. I've been slowly converting my friends into PC gaming, getting them to upgrade their hardware.

As far as gaming consoles go, my favorite would have to be the GameCube.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
I voted for Nintendo because Nintendo was my first console and well, who the hell do not like The Legend of Zelda? Favourite franchise since the first one.

I am also a PC Gamer, but I think it is possible to play both of them. :)
Sony all the way. I have been using the playstation since I was little.
I haven't been a console gamer since the PS2. Now I stick with my PC.
im fine with all of them (except xbox360)
Chosen PS3 mainly because I've always had the Playstation consoles (still got my PS1 and PS2) and also because it has better exclusives.

But old Nintendo games are better.
PC because in PC you can play almost everything.. just download the right emulator or program to play.. xD
Nintendo for life man. That's all I can say.
I'm a fan of whichever console can provide me with the most games. Last gen it was the PS2; they basically had everything. For the last five years or so it's been the 360. Though Microsoft's goal is to bleed their customers dry, the 360 has a wide selection of games and is an all around good system.
Monster Girl
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