English Manga Restocked

Crazy Ben FAKKU Store Manager
You haven't heard from me in a while, and that's because I've been heavily drin- I mean...busy shipping out all of your orders. So to give you some good news, we just received a shipment of English manga for the store! Below are the titles we have updated quantities for:

Love Selection
Domin-8 Me!
A Strange Kind of Woman
Love & Hate
Too Hot To Handle
Pink Sniper
Milk Mama
Original Bondage Fairies Book 1
Original Bondage Fairies Book 2

In addition to these, we also have the new arrivals Colorful Harvest and My Cute Crossdresser available for your perusal! Drop by and check them out before they become... "Out of Stock".
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Hurr, i'm still too poor for these...
Thanks a lot Ben, I'll probably be placing an order for My Cute Crossdresser soon.
when I get money I would be glad to buy some of these
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
lets hope they dont go out of stock again
thanks for the update! when are you guys going to restock on shirts?
I don't have anywhere to put these, But I really want them!.
Crazy Ben FAKKU Store Manager
We have also just acquired more copies of Velvet Kiss - Volume 1. Stop by the store and have a look!
Crazy Ben wrote...
We have also just acquired more copies of Velvet Kiss - Volume 1. Stop by the store and have a look!

Ill probably buy Hatsu Inu, also I would buy Witchcraft if it was in stock.
Sneakyone wrote...
Ill probably buy Hatsu Inu, also I would buy Witchcraft if it was in stock.

Definitely buy Hatsu Inu, the whole book is delicious. I liked the manga more than the hentai anime.

I need to buy Velvet Kiss at some point.
yurixhentai wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
Ill probably buy Hatsu Inu, also I would buy Witchcraft if it was in stock.

Definitely buy Hatsu Inu, the whole book is delicious. I liked the manga more than the hentai anime.

I need to buy Velvet Kiss at some point.

I have the second volume but not the first, its funny how that happens.
Sneakyone wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
Ill probably buy Hatsu Inu, also I would buy Witchcraft if it was in stock.

Definitely buy Hatsu Inu, the whole book is delicious. I liked the manga more than the hentai anime.

I need to buy Velvet Kiss at some point.

I have the second volume but not the first, its funny how that happens.

I have volume 3 of the manga Girls Bravo but I've never read or watched anything to do with the series... It was a buy 4 for 3 deal for used manga and it was the only one that looked good. The other 3 books were Love Hina, random volumes.
yurixhentai wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
Ill probably buy Hatsu Inu, also I would buy Witchcraft if it was in stock.

Definitely buy Hatsu Inu, the whole book is delicious. I liked the manga more than the hentai anime.

I need to buy Velvet Kiss at some point.

I have the second volume but not the first, its funny how that happens.

I have volume 3 of the manga Girls Bravo but I've never read or watched anything to do with the series... It was a buy 4 for 3 deal for used manga and it was the only one that looked good. The other 3 books were Love Hina, random volumes.

You can find some good series that way too.