Removing Malware

I need some help in removing specific malware from another computer. This program called otshot didn't go away after a full scan of the computer with malwarebytes. The only two other solutions that I've found through google were "Free Malware, Virus, Worm, Trojan removal Boot CD" which I have no experience with and the following code which looks legit but I don't know if something that simple will be effective.
echo Start
echo #
echo ######################## Default dirctory for x86 x64 ########################
echo #
echo this command is default system32 directory for x86 OS or x64 OS
cd %windir% & cd system32
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Otshot" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Otshot" /f
echo #
echo ######################## Change the dirctory for x64 ########################
echo #
echo this command is x86 application's registry for x64 OS
cd %windir% & cd syswow64
reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Otshot" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Otshot" /f
echo End

If anyone has more insight into either of these solutions or something else, it would be greatly appreciated.
Have you try Spybot Seach and Destroy?
Have you tried running Malware Bytes in Safe Mode? (if that PC is running Windows)
Also, if you are trying to remove a rootkit try this:


And if that don't work, i suggest ComboFix but be aware, it's a really powerful
tool that can mess up your PC.
Thanks for suggestions, I'll try them out next time I'm able to go on that computer.
Go with Kaspersky, all the antivirus I used before it didn't find the virus which killed my system.
2 Years with Kaspersky and hadn't had a single problem, though, it seems to be a cpu hog
Chyort wrote...
Go with Kaspersky

If it was my computer I would, but it's a computer at my aunt's house which is used by two young kids who know little to nothing about viruses and other such problems. I know it would be a good idea for them to get a good antivirus program, but I'm not sure their parents would like the idea of spending even more money on the computer. Because of this, I installed Microsoft Security Essentials last time I was there and it didn't detect the malware.
snakeinabush123 wrote...
Chyort wrote...
Go with Kaspersky

I'm not sure their parents would like the idea of spending even more money on the computer.

I lol'd, everything in the internet is free, you just have to know where to look.
Chyort wrote...
you just have to know where to look.

Haven't tried looking for antivirus programs on "those" websites. Now that I did, I'll have to reconsider. Thanks for reminding me of "them" and their ability to provide much needed services for less-than-normal price.
Chyort wrote...
snakeinabush123 wrote...
Chyort wrote...
Go with Kaspersky

I'm not sure their parents would like the idea of spending even more money on the computer.

I lol'd, everything in the internet is free, you just have to know where to look.

But that's just the thing, not everyone is a technical internet buccaneer.

I've got like three set up on mine. One I paid for and the others are the free ones. You definitely get away more from the paid ones. Viper has been relentless in its search of viruses and not one has touched my computer since.
I forgot to say that we live in New York and their house still has no power so it might take a while for me to try all those suggestions out.