Are you afraid of Death?

If someone held a gun to my face with the intent to kill me, sure I'd be afraid of death. It's only natural. To not feel afraid is unnatural.

This doesn't mean I'm afraid to take risks though, ie: bungee jumping, sky diving, base jumping, rock climbing, working in a dangerous country/place:such as Iraq or Afghanistan (note: I haven't tried most adrenaline adventures, but given the opportunity, I'd do it)
We all have one disease in common:


Life is fatal, and there is naught that one can do about it.

I happen to believe in Yahweh (The name of God) and Yeshua (Jesus, Yahweh's son), but that doesn't mean that I believe Yahweh to be kind. I believe him to be stern and generally unforgiving, thus I am in fear of Yahweh's judgment, regardless of whether Yeshua passes me.
Death is a part of life. There is no reason to be afraid of it. When it's your time to go then all you can do is submit yourself and go with some dignity.
afraid of death? No
willing to embrace it? absolutely not.
My personality is of self preservation. I have no intention of ever putting myself in any extreme danger. Without a second thought i would desert my country in a time of war. Not because of a lack of patriotism, but because i could never trust anyone to guide my life into battle except myself. I have fought for my life twice, once against man, and again against machine. I won both bouts and am stronger from them. The two time i have had my life in the balance it was not fear that i felt, but instead anger. Anger in the sense that something was trying to take my life from me. The sensation was more of theft then fear and i responded to it accordingly. My view on the matter is that you should live for the day because death waits for no one.
Jam Session wrote...
No one should be afraid of the inevitable. The time will come, but what you do while alive matters.

That's the biggest cop out anyone can give. We're talking about death and what might come after it. You can say "what you do while alive matters," but what if it doesn't? The fact of the matter is that you don't know. For all we know, living a good life while we are alive is irrelevant to the afterlife. Maybe there is no afterlife, maybe your churches or whatever, have led you down the wrong path. Maybe you should lead the best life you can, based upon what you think is right.

"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light."
Death is a curious thing, No one really knows whats after it or if there is something after death at all. Am I afraid of death no, however it is in the way I may die, I fear...
Death can happen sometimes when we least expect it. I should not be afraid knowing that I'll die one day. But of course, I would be afraid of death if it happens before I could achieve all the goals in my life.
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns...

Death is an important source of motivation. Afraid? Yes and no. I thinking, when one is actually dead, one does not care one bit about living.
I am not afraid of death at times, yet I am at other times - I look at the situation I am in logically, and decided what the odds are of me dying. If they're not that great, I decide not to worry - I'm pretty good at dealing with my life and I have excellent self-defense skills and I'm pretty strong and vigorous for my smaller size (not many women can outdo me in sports [soccer especially], and not to be conceited, but I kick the pants off of many men at my college too, regardless of whether they go easy because I'm a woman and then get creamed, or put up a good fight and actually challenge me), so I am not so worried about death unless I am struck by lightning or hit by a semi truck (which are actually the most likely ways I could die seeing as I walk the highways a lot on stormy days, not smart for most but for myself I can manage since I don't carry many metallic objects [lightning rods]).

But like I said - there are times where I am afraid of death - like if I am caught in a gang conflict and both sides have guns, and I had the bad timing to walk through during their shootout because I was not paying attention and wearing headphones while I walked. Or being mere inches from being hit by a train because of the same distraction.

When my senses work - all is calm and I can continue to logically analyze my situation as normal. When one of my senses is blocked - I tend to be a bit less attentive and will find myself in a bad situation before I can calmly analyze how to deal with it.
The Jesus wrote...
Jam Session wrote...
No one should be afraid of the inevitable. The time will come, but what you do while alive matters.

That's the biggest cop out anyone can give. We're talking about death and what might come after it. You can say "what you do while alive matters," but what if it doesn't? The fact of the matter is that you don't know. For all we know, living a good life while we are alive is irrelevant to the afterlife. Maybe there is no afterlife, maybe your churches or whatever, have led you down the wrong path. Maybe you should lead the best life you can, based upon what you think is right.

"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light."

"What if this" "what if that." That is the most whiny load of BS people say and its sickening.
I'm afraid of the concept of the unknown and the prospect of harming those I care about with my absence, but intrigued by the idea of not having to fake my way through life pretending to be happy for the sake of others any longer.
I don't see much of a reason to fear the inevitable. To be honest, I hardly put much thought into the afterlife either. Sure, there are certain ways of dying I'd like to avoid ( slow and painful tops that list ) yet thinking too much about death can interfere with how you live your life. I just believe that with all the issues we humans face, why add the worries of our eventual demise to the mix?
Jam Session wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
Jam Session wrote...
No one should be afraid of the inevitable. The time will come, but what you do while alive matters.

That's the biggest cop out anyone can give. We're talking about death and what might come after it. You can say "what you do while alive matters," but what if it doesn't? The fact of the matter is that you don't know. For all we know, living a good life while we are alive is irrelevant to the afterlife. Maybe there is no afterlife, maybe your churches or whatever, have led you down the wrong path. Maybe you should lead the best life you can, based upon what you think is right.

"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead he puts it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light."

"What if this" "what if that." That is the most whiny load of BS people say and its sickening.

You say this because you think when your time comes to die, you'll know ahead of time and be able to face it head-on. But Death doesn't come like that. You could be dying right now with some fatal illness and not even know about it until it's too late. Have you ever heard of the story about the 14-year-old Chinese boy who got killed by an exploding office chair that sent shrapnel into his rectum, where he then bled to death?

The More You Know!

I once tried to tell myself I wasn't afraid of Death, and that I'd be able to gracefully accept it whenever it came for me, but the fact is, I'll never be able to see when it'll come for me.
I fear life, but not death.
(Watch how many downvotes i get for this) There is a song by Demon Hunter that expresses this perfectly. Not Ready To die. I have Christ on my side, willpower, and the best friends a guy could have. When its time for my fight (Every man has a fight)I will win. I hold true that i will not die until im ready. So i have no fear of death i live my life through Jesus, but im not ready to die AKA you cant stop me from doing what i have to do, protect someone or do something in my life. The moment will come when my life is on the line, and once i have won i will die without a struggle. Until then come at me bitches
Ironically no, I'm not. I do not have any strong spiritual beliefs currently, however the way I see it is we will all die eventually someday. To live in fear of it and to try and prevent it deters from the enjoyment you could be having truly living your life.
Yah, I am right now...because I want to see, experience so much more in my life...I think it will change if I get old...I think I won´t be afraid then anymore.
I'm afraid to die, because I haven't chased my dream yet, but, I'm not afraid to chase my dream even if it kills me.
hmmm. I'm gonna say NO to this one because death is an enevitable (don't know if I spelled that correctly XD) thing that everyone must deal with sooner or later. What ever was done in the past before your death is staying in the past and cannot be changed, but can be over-written. Personally, I'm a "go hard, or go home" kinda guy lol. I'm very friendly, but I live life to the fullest, so there's nothing too extreme for me to consider trying. I'm not afraid of dying, but I do fear where I might go in the end due to my past.... :))
Death is inevitable but i would say no what is important is that it wasnt "rushed"like you got murdered but as a person who got hit by a car although the car had stopped before hitting me as it was making a right turn but if other situations(I was okay though no need for the hospital) i would be dead.
Monster Girl
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