[Locked] Happy Holidays with a 2012 End-of-Year Mega Giveaway!

I'm thankful that I can even make this post, life has not been easy but i'm glad to have this site and its community. Merry Christmas.
what i am thankful for is that my sister survived her surgery last week and she is doing fine now.
I'm thankful for my family. Without them, I wouldn't be anywhere near what I am today. I'm also thankful for anime, video games and music. They helped me get through difficult times. And of course, I'm thankful for vanilla :3
I'm thankful for the [relative] peace that I witness every day in my personal life. I'm also grateful that I have such a great family that allows me to be who I want to be but also guides me along the correct path. And last but not least, I'm happy that I can enjoy the spoils of mankind on a site such as Fakku!
I'm thankful for Fakku... No, Seriously.

This website and it's amazing community eased my social anxiety issues, I talked to a complete stranger yesterday with no trouble, and I have friends I talk to pretty much everyday.
If I would have never used this website or made friends, I would have started sweating profusely and stuttered every other word.

I can't thank everyone enough.
Thank you, everyone.
I'm thankful the I have nadeko.
As always I am thankful for 7 things in No particular order.
1. I'm thankful for my family for birthing me and providing me with things to live with
2. I'm thankful for Video games for being so damn entertaining
3. I'm thankful for Women for being sexy in all shapes and sizes so that such excellent manga/doujins can be created
4. I'm thankful for Traps for bringing a whole new spectrum of fapping to my arsenal
5. I'm thankful for my Friends that I discuss porn with.
6. I'm thankful for Chrome Dokuro from Reborn for her eyepatch and miniskirt.
7. I'm thankful for Fakku for being my daily use of Masturbation aid. I bow down to you with my boner, oh mighty gods of fapping. Hail Pontiff Xavi, and Hail FAKKU!! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKUUUUUUUU!!!
I'm grateful for all the anime and games out there. So many hours spent being able to enjoy some great stories and appreciate great characters.

Not always easy to find those great experiences, but always worthwhile when found.
I'm thankful for meeting my girlfriend.
I'm thankful for my health, the health of my family, for having a job, for the roof over my head and the floor beneath my feet, for my dog Steele, for all the high quality doujin that's been and is being translated, for all the people that translate VN so I have an escape from the daily grind and finally I'm thankful for all the people at fakku for making it possible to find it all in one place.

Thank-you, sincerely.
I Am Happy That Found This Web-side Keeps Me Busy From Doing stupid Thing In The Real World
I'm thankful for my friends and all the good times we have together; also, I'm thankful for the internet and all its done for me.
I'm grateful that I can be the Christmas Days with my family and friends.... and grateful for the chance to win some stuff here.
Well, I gotta say thank you GOD for creating this world!! Because of You made me, girls, porn, and everything else cool in this world!! I don't really care what people say, but if GOD forbid things, he wouldn't make it in the first place! Praise Him, you darn fools! Because if he want it, we will all forgotten porn and hentai in less than a blink of an eye!
I'm just thankful for being alive. If I wasn't I wouldn't be able to enjoy the good things in life: friends, family, porn...yeah, porn...
Well, I am thankful for my wonderful parent that raise me. When my birthday comes in Christmas, I always get less presents from others but my mom always give me a bunch of gifts. Going through college with not enough money to get into was tough but my dad always work hard for me to go into. Pretty much my life is nothing without the hardwork my parent did for me and couple of my friends that help me who I am today.
I'm thankful for another year. It's been a another year I've been here in Italy, studying abroad as well as interning for the job that I work at currently. School and work keep me occupied, but it helps a lot that I know that I'm getting an well-deserved education that is needed to help provide the world with knowledge that I can share with everyone, as well as be fortunate enough to have a job within the hard economic times like these times.

I'm thankful for all the friends and coworkers for helping push through the stress of living on my own and no one to call family here but them. They made it a lot easier on me to feel welcome and at ease throughout the whole year that I've been here in Italy.

I'm also thankful for my family that supports me back home every step of the way. They've been there, helping me push on to keep on trudging through, even though I'm without them.

Last, but not least, I'm thankful to have Fakku. The group of people here are really enjoyable and this site in general help me relieve stress, while either H-Related or within the forum community, I'm thankful that this site brings together a lot of stuff that reminds me of who I am people who I can relate to outside of work.

Thanks to everything~!

I have 38 genitals that doesn't start bleeding every month. I am thankful for that.

Gentlemen please calm your tits. Vaginas are good too.
1st Off Merry XXX-Mas People Of Fakku! I Am ThankFul For This Year Because Of It I Have Found My Forever Girl, Im Not Religous and Shit But She And I Just Go Together. Im Also Thankful For The Fakku.net Staff, and Translators Because My Girl And I Are Big Fans And We Can Enjoy Your Ever Growing Collection Of Hentai. So Thanks Fakku! It Means Alot That Through You Guys I Can Strengthen My Realtionship ln Someway, Plus Learn New Tricks To Try On Her. XD Anyway Thats Some Stuff Im Thankful For. Merry XXX-Mas To All Fakku Memebers and Have A Hentai New Year!
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Me, I'm really Thankful just being born in a good environment, raised well and thanks to everything I've been through, i am who i am now and for that, i'm very grateful.
To be Specific, i guess i'm just grateful towards life itself, be it during the ups or downs of it.

Just as to the people who make this such an amazing community, they've had their fair share of hardships and happy times. It's those things that shape you as a person, and with them all together, we get a community as wonderful as this.

Merry Christmas everyone! May life treat you fair and well.