Are you afraid of Death?

I'd have to say the thing I'm most afraid of is the people I would leave behind if I did die.

There's a saying that nobody dies alone, but a piece of their loved ones dies with them.
No because to my knowledge I'm nowhere near it, can't let the thought of it slow me down.
No, I do not fear death. I would say I am slightly apprehensive about the method in which I die though, e.g. in excruciating pain and suffering versus a peaceful slipping away. However, death in of itself is not frightening. In fact, I would say I am looking forward to the day I die. I am filled with insatiable curiosity, about the nature of the universe, of existence, of life, of death, of everything. I wish to know what lies beyond, if in fact, anything does at all. If I had not desires I still wish to fulfill, I would kill myself this very instance to experience death. Unfortunately, the curiosity that consumes me won't allow that, at least not yet. There is still much to see, learn, possess, and experience in this life, and as such, along with reasons of honor, I cannot self-terminate. But when death comes for me, I will accept it willingly and perhaps with gusto.

I have no religious or spiritual beliefs, so there will be no afterlife or reincarnation for me. Death, I hope, will be an endless sleep of oblivion. I can understand the appeal of an eternal paradise or living again, but in all honesty, I would only wish to experience paradise for a few years before going finally to my rest. I have lived a sheltered life with little hardship and I am still very young by most individuals' view, but I am very very tired. My desires and honor are the only things that can keep me from death at this point. Honor, in this case, meaning I cannot end my own life. Many people live in this world who desperately fight to live, to thrive, to simply be. My situation, compared to theirs, is nothing, inconsequential, and yet I would choose to die? That is to spit in the face of those who strive to live. That will not do. As such, to be blunt, suicide is not an option. Secondly, is my desire. To put it simply, I want possession. Of knowledge, of physical items, and perhaps of things closer to my heart that I will not admit to, but whatever they may be, I WANT them. It's hard to express the extent of this desire, but its strength and capacity is why I am still so desperately clinging to life. Death is only second to this.

I apologize for going off on a tangent, but it's rare I get a chance to explain myself. It is a relieving feeling, but I should probably refrain from further such displays. To sum it up, I am not afraid of death. Perhaps this will change though, as soon, if I succeed, I should have a chance to come face to face with my mortality. Thank you for reading.
Am I afraid to die? I have given this a lot of thought and No I am not afraid to die. I Have lived my life well. I made some mistakes and made some good decisions. I know where I am going and i I kind of have this fascination with death.
No i am not.
The only thing i am afraid of is to die without having achieved everything i wanted to do.
Nope, i am not afraid of dying, if it my time,it's my time. I just make sure i do all i want to do if i can do it, a day at a time.
[size=12][/h]Well, I'm kinda afraid of dying, but if I've got a choice, I think I'll choose rather to die than to live.
My life's never been good in anything
Death's a scary topic, but I'm not terrified about it. I'm just mostly curious on what happens after one dies.
I'm not scared of death itself, if anything I'd be scared of how I die, but no more than any other source of pain. I'd be scared to die painfully, but then again, most people would. I don't believe in a afterlife, so death is literally nothing. No pleasure, no pain, and no boredom; you won't know your dead and you won't have regerets or sufferings.
Death itself? No.
The way I die? It depends. I just hope for it to be painless.
I am afraid of death. There is just so much to life I don't know yet. Until I satisfy my fill of life, I will not want to die.
I'm also afraid of death. Additionally I know that I'm going to die and when I think about it, it makes me extremly sad :( Does anyone else feel that way?
I think death become a scary concept when you realize people depend on you. So short answer Yes.
In all honesty I'm not afraid to die. Yes I would leave everything behind but it would be a lot less tragic then a suicide in my opinion. Heaven or Hell even if they do exist don't scare me because if Hell is real then the Bible must be all true and the Bible says you will not be there forever but until the rapture happens and it'll make Heaven that much sweeter. However it all depend on how you die. The only thing I can think of that would be scary ways to die are torture, a terminal illness, or (and this is going to sound weird) dying after I've grown old with whoever I grow old with before they do.
Well, I'm not gonna try to sweeten it with any philosophical or noble reasoning, but come out with it strait.

Fuck yeah I'm afraid of death. Look at all that's around us, our life and all that comes with it. When you die, it's all gone, family, friends, even worldly possessions that you hold dear, gone. All of it doesn't matter in the final seconds when it all goes dark, and the really terrifying thing? None of us know what's on the other side. I don't know, you don't know, and every religion doesn't know. Believe what you may, but in the back of our minds, we've got our fingers crossed and going "Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease".

We don't know jack shit, no matter how painful it is for me to admit it. I hold no religion to heart, a firm man of science, and I hope beyond all hope that there is something akin to some sort of after life, rather than just the lights going out.

Not sure about all of you, but if I ever had the chance to gain immortal life, I would take it.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I have a difficult time fearing death, mostly because I can't fathom it. The idea of my consciousness dissipating where I have no more dreams, no more internal thoughts, no more life.

We probably don't have a reason to fear it, because by the time it hits us - we won't know.
Terrified. I am a Christan and believe in an afterlife, but what if I'm wrong? What if its just darkness. So yea I'm scared.
Not afraid of it. Would probably welcome it. Suffering some debilitating conditions can make you really hate life. Don't believe there's an afterlife, and don't think about it. Won't be caring, because your dead.
Im not scared of death. the onlything that worries me is how i die or just how painfull it will be.
I dont really believe in an afterlife so once im dead thats it, game over.
The question:

'Are you afraid of Death?'

The answer:


The reason:

I have experienced so much in the last 22 years of my existence, that I would be satisfied with death at this point. It was mostly bad, but one must learn to appreciate all aspects of existence.

I look in the mirror, and am happy with the person I see reflected. I hear my thoughts, and feel they are both intelligent and healthy. My friends are true, and my family is my centre. I have no regrets and continually look forward to my next experience.

TL;DR: If I died at this precise moment in time, I would KNOW that I lived a good life.
Monster Girl
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