[Locked] Happy Holidays with a 2012 End-of-Year Mega Giveaway!

I'm thankful for good health and lovely familly, kids & wife - I don't need anything else.
I am thankful for my family always being there to support me and the love they have shown.
well im really thankfull with the japanese culture for bringing us the videogames, the anime and of course the hentai n.n of course im thankful too with this great community for bringing us all these excelents doujins
Even if I might not win a prize, I'm still grateful towards this community of Fakku.net since this has been my number one site for online hentai manga and to all those cleaners, translators, buyers, of the hentai manga staff in this community. I would like to thank each and everyone of the staff for their hard work posting manga for us to read each and every day to enjoy. Overall this site is definitely fantastic, I mean I went through other sites but I have yet to find one site that has more hentai manga then Fakku.net!!! :) this site is so concise and detailed to its core like various links of genre as a description for us to understand and finding the right one satisfies our tastes. I be lying if I just say I'm only thankful for this site, but Im also thankful to God as well as many others to live in this era to have experienced hentai manga!!!!! :DDD
I'm really grateful for most things in my life; my friends, family, being born in a first world country, and many others, but one of the things I am most grateful for is Fakku! Believe me. I'm 100% serious when I say that. When I was first drawn to the interest of our community I thought that there might be something wrong with me, that I was the only one with this strange fetish, and I became super self concious of this fact. I looked for websites, but all seemed to want a credit card or carried pop-ups and viruses. Then I finally came across Fakku!and its citizens. Knowing that there were others, that I wasn't the only one really was one of the greatest experiences and gifts I had ever received, so thank you Fakku!, Jacob, nikon, and our whole community. You guys are amazing! =D
I'm thankful I'm alive...
I'm thankful for hentai I would never want to leave because I was in Thailand. No, I was not smart enough to read it out to me. After a long time I did not follow it long enough now that it is here, and where do we go. It is open almost every day. I will not miss it. Also, I appreciate this one. Also, happy new year to me.

Ps. I used google translate my English is not good. Thank you
I'm thankful for the 3 F's in my life friends, family and FAKKU!
Well I am thankful for many things in my life. First, God for giving my the gift of life and not putting Planet Earth to history books of the aliens last December 21. Thank you God! You gave us another lifetime to enjoy the beauty of Fakku!. Second to my family for being always there for me, and last but definitely not the least I am thankful to sir JaCob Grady for creating the only thing that motivates me to still open my old-fashioned PC everyday, Fakku!. I also thank all of my fellow Fakku!members and the other Fakku! staff,translators,buyers,cleaners, and authors for bringing this community ti us and keeping this community awesome! LONG LIVE FAKKU!
Well, I have to say that I'm thankful for my hands. Without my hands, I can't play video games, browse the internet, caress a woman, grab a bite to eat, FAP, the list goes on. Gotta love hands man...gotta love hands.
I'm thankful for my understanding wife.
I am Thankful for my family my house and the lovely community on fakku
I would like to thank the people in Fakku and in the forums for giving it their all to make it enjoyable to visit this site.

Moreover, the products are great and their is a wide variety of doujin available in Fakku! It'll take too long before you find nothing more to read.
Helseth Certified Drug Dealer
Thankful for being born in the electronic era where hentai (i.e FAKKU!) is but a click away. Anywhere. Anytime.
im thankful for my parents , i love them :)
Im thankful for my family and friends having no idea how much I like Hentai... Im even more thankful for my GF being okay with it; though she doesnt know the full extent of the addiction :)
I am thankful for the opportunity to go back to school.
I am thankful for Fakku believe it or not I searched the web for comics like these awhile back.I found Fakku by Complete chance I'am thankful for all of the people who work on Fakku everyday because with out you id never find all my favorite anime characters in one place. I cant find a website like Fakku anywhere else and that is what I'am thankful for.
I am thankful for not being a completely broke student.
I am thankful for Japan's existence.
Monster Girl
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