Not sure what to say about this.

what is the probability that he eats his own sperm.
Okay one can admire his dedication but its to much internet for me today.
A-G_Hunter wrote...
0_o... that guy needs a girlfriend...

Yeah well hes got one lol, go to his channel and watch his ps vita gameplay video im sure those arent his hands x3 btw shes called potato-chan XD
well lets posts the yt clip then :P gotta love his engrish :P

8:00 is hilarious :D
Crazy Polish People
Ammy wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Do a large influx of low post users stalk jacob or something?

Also, capped; can't watch. Video preview looks creepy though. Son, what?

Jacob has a lurkerfag harem.

It suddenly makes sense
Perhaps that's how he keeps them from getting dusty. He may be onto something...
*opens fakku for a fap, sees vid*

I think I'll come back later
Lol at the end of the part he was sucking the doorknob like it was a dick lol
I could ask mom to translate this since she speaks German.... but I won't.
I'm guessing he's trying to tell us how each figurine tastes like.

Then again, I'm not sure I want to watch the video with English subtitles because I have a feeling it would be more disturbing than that.
This is Deutschland... Hail Poland! HAIL FAKKU! :)
Well, on a scale from 1 to 10 im freaked out.
He must be a reformist, showing people how obsession and material items control our lives...
Not sure if disturbed or found a new hero to look up to
OP Secretly want's the guy in the video to lick them like his figures.
Hakkai_Requiem wrote...
I can't like that. And I can't find it funny. D:
It's just disrespecteful for the money he spent, I don't care if he's rich or not.
And I don't think licking PVC girls is so funny. I prefer watching them in my collection with a smile on my face, not with a spit on their legs. =/

I'm there with you, but isn't it nice we at least know people like this exist, because I didn't?!?
At times like this I'm proud I took German as my second language even though it's not as useful as Spanish were I live.