How often do you visit FAKKU?

How often do you visit FAKKU?

Total Votes : 6,392
Usually multiple times daily, just quick glances for new updates that might interest me when i've got nothing to do.
I come here a few times a week. That way there are bound to be some new releases to read.
i usually get on a few times a day. read some get bored and then come back later.
Multiple times daily to check for new posts on the forum. I only read hentai from Fakku occasionally.
Whenever i feel like fappin, around once a day
I come here almost every hour,praying for a new release..........
God i need a life! XD
I check multiple times a day like if I have a random boredom spell I'll check Fakku.
SirTweetums The Emperor of Ecchi
This is the only thing I honestly do regularly on the internet anymore.... I check multiple times a day..... I love it here.
Aside from the hentai goodness, I enjoy browsing the forums and chatting with the other users. So, I check the site multiple times everyday.
How are did "I've never been to FAKKU before" get 9 votes? If you've never been to FAKKU, how did you vote?
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I'm always here whenever I'm at the computer, from the moment I arrive at work until the moment I go home to sleep, with only a break for dinner.
i check here either by habit or thru boredom
so i tend to come here......6-10 times a day?
like 6 or 7 times a day
Wut is Fakku!? Never heard of such site before. :3
mmm i tend to multiple times a day, must check if theres new or not mostly, and man i lurk the forums waaay to much
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
I'm always really busy, but i love this site and it's community so i would always try to find time to visit it at least once a day. Well, after i'm done with the day's work, anyway. It's a good stress-relieving site, after all.
I drop in around once a day to see what's up.
Several Times a week to be exact only on weekends and my only free time.

Edit:But if lucky enough once or twice on weekdays
I visit here a few times a day usually. I should really start going on the forums to get acquainted with the community.
Normally once a day. Many times a day when on standby.