Which will you choose to get? Pick one only.

Kuri Lover of Dark and Tan
My lover. My family would suggest it.
Option 1
People who say money can't buy happiness obviously never had any.
Option 1. Most def.

But if I were to rank them:
1,2,3,4. :D
I can't make my family happy if I don't have money.
I can't hang out with my "friends" without money.
I can't meet my bf, who is currently abroad, with no money.

Yeah... I think option one is the only reasonable pick for me.
1) Millions of dollars that you can live the rest of your life in luxury.

No doubt about it. I'd rather be alone(right now).
number 4 works for me
Money. I feel like the other 3 have forsaken me so i might as well indulge in lonely luxury.
FruitFood wrote...
Like the topic.
These are you choices, but once you choose one the others will be destroy or sacrifice.

1) Millions of dollars that you can live the rest of your life in luxury.

2) Your family.

3) Your lover.

4) Your friends.

I'd never pick, as it's only once I pick one that the rest get sacrificed.
Nothing I don´t want my friends or lover get destroyed when I choose my family.
My friends and I aren't super close, but I'm close to my family. And I'm currently single, so I guess this is down to either family or money. And I'd never choose money over family.
I'll choose my lover.

Friends have come and gone. As much as I adore the ones I currently have, I can always get more if need be.

My family sucks. I'm currently in the process of cutting contact with most of them. I'll miss my Dad, but oh well.

Money is awesome, but even an infinite amount can't replicate the feelings of love and belonging that I have fostered together with my lover. So, there you go~ <3!
My lover. nothing else will compare sorry
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Can't say anything for lover right now, so I choose family.
Family. Blood is thicker than water.
The smart choice here, 1) Because having money will get a ton of people to take an interest in you. And often times that includes women so it covers 3.

However, if I could only choose one and the other ones would be locked out for me....I'd choose 3, or rather "a lover/relationship". Because you can work out all the other things, but having someone special is something you can neither buy nor value.
I really couldn't make that choice. As messed up as my family is, I can't ignore the kindness that a lot of them have extended to me. They took me in when I needed it. I don't have a lover right now so I couldn't answer that, and I have some friends that are very close to my heart.


This is a really messed up poll question.
Family, in family there's a friend who become your lover, a lot of struggles to overcome, when family business overcomes it, money will popup... In the end you'll spend the money with them together...
I've always done without my whole life, screw money. True love still evades me tho.
I would pick 1 one because I have issues with others including my family, friends, and love. I get pushed away by others frequently so I am ok with money. I honestly don't care for the money to. I would end up giving it away to organizations that would help mankind but it would make happy in away.
I will pick money.. if you got money you can take care of your family.. if u got money you will have friends.. if you got money u will have a of lover as well
Monster Girl
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