Countries Where Porn is Illegal

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Yeah I agree the Islamic lands are really strict, and because of that, sexually committed crime rates are off the charts. ( HAHAHAHAHAHAHA )
I have never felt so proud to be an American.
I happen to be a Ukrainian-American.
"In Soviet Russia, Pornos Fuck You!"
I never knew, thank you for the information good sir!
Flaser wrote...

Philippines - Illegal. Enforcement is lax. Webcam sex legal.

[font=Verdana]I do agree that the law enforcement is lax. If it wasn't, then I shouldn't be browsing Fakku right up to this moment.

I see illegal DVD vendors selling and displaying porn like window displays in malls. And guess what -- those stalls can be seen beside public establishments, be it churches or police stations.

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[font=Verdana]I can still access porn sites but with slow download speeds, which is perfectly normal.

About Saudi Arabia, I remember me and my co workers hide our stash of porn, alcohol and cigarettes before docking alongside the port of Jeddah. It is locked up so that the port state control will not inspect that room and we will not be charged for anything.[/font][/font]
If your country is in this list and even so you're still accessing [color=red]FAKKU![/color], Vive La Resistance.
interesting. The reason why America is not as strict as other countries is because they let corporations control the nation instead.
Pretty sure there's a unwritten law which have existed for ages here:the more you prohibit people from doing sth,the more people try to do it all.No wonder regardless of being listed up there,the amount of search commands containing "sex" still comes most from the IP address of my local place according to Google Trends
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The site that could be considered the largest porn site in my country also have been blocked by the gorvernment but thanks to OpenDns it's just the matter of whenever i feel like accessing to the likes of these site.
devsonfire wrote...
I still go to porn sites in Indonesia anyway.
I don't give a fuck. The system is so fucked up that what I need is just a proxy to be able to go to a porn site.

Just for clarification - if you want to hide from your government, then you'd need to encrypt your traffic, not only tunnel it through a proxy.
Let me cry for those who live in those country that make porn illegal.
Please let all those old geezer that rule those country died early.
Actually it's not illegal in the Philipines. You literally see people selling porn everywhere if in the right place.
I might look retarded here , but how is the porn "illegal" in these countries ??
Are sex toys considered as porn? Because I'v been to Singapore and am living in the Philippines. There are legal sex shops around. But it's not common to see around.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
monkeyninja2 wrote...
Actually it's not illegal in the Philipines. You literally see people selling porn everywhere if in the right place.

Just because something is widely practiced doesn't mean it's not illegal. As I wrote earlier, enforcement is lax, but pornography is illegal.
Wikipedia wrote...
Any kind of pornography is illegal in the Philippines. This is due to the influence of conservative Christian groups and churches, such as the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, more commonly the Roman Catholic Church and many others.[72] However, the current law does not specifically outlaw webcam sex sites, which are often based in the Philippines. Plus enforcement is lax, and pornography is available often through black markets and the Internet. There are also some areas in urban areas that are publicly known to sell these kinds of films.[73]

Despite the existing laws, some reports claim that the porn industry in the country is now earning around $1 Billion annually, making it the 8th largest porn industry in the world and the 4th in Asia. This also means that it currently holds the top rank in the whole Southeast Asia, despite the fact that almost every month, the OMB confiscates hundreds of thousands of counterfeit VCDs and DVDs. From January to September 2008, the OMB has confiscated 4,807,012 CDs costing P1.4 billion ($29,400,000; based on the prevailing peso-dollar exchange rate in September 17, 2008).[74]

...however it seems legislators want to plug even that hole too:

As part of a sweeping, controversial new law called the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, cybersex—defined as the “lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration”—is now a crime.

Anyone found guilty of such behavior faces a fine of up to to a million pesos (U.S. $24,018), and an unspecified amount of prison time.

“It does outlaw porn online,” Raissa Robles, the South China Morning Post’s Manila correspondent, told the Daily Dot via Twitter. “Some netizens here r concerned even sending each other explicit pics could violate law.”
i have been downloading/watching/reading hentai and porn for a long time now and i didn't know it is illegal in my country(Philippines)up until now and i haven't seen anyone getting thrown into jail because he/she is in possession of pornographic materials
well there is 2-3 magazines that is for "men" like playboy in circulation here and yes i know its not porn but a bit close to it since it pretty much features half naked or naked women

also there is a issue here in philippines about "reproduction health bill" and the church is against it
the only thing that i know about it is they give free(CMIIW)contraceptives and add sex education starting grade 5(about 9-10 yrs old) up to 4th year highschool
they're saying stuffs like the parents should teach their child everything about sex but what if the parents have no knowledge about the topic WHAT can they teach?

the only thing that i know that is illegal here is prostitution

that cybercrime law is almost the same or much worse version of SOPA/PIPA combined
since if a person make a remark on someone even if its true on the internet then he/she can sue that person
they say its for cyber bullying and what not but what we see is abuse of power from our senate(its near election time here)
Actually what's illegal here is Cyber sex and prostitution. Those doing these are the only people I've seen being thrown into jail and pedophiles. That's pretty much it but not people watching porn.And oh yeah I've seen on the news that people who are in the webcam sex business are busted and taken to jail.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Enforcement in Indonesia is very, very lax. But they have been blocking porn sites over in Indonesia. But, for some reason, I can still post on the forums when I went there for a holiday. Just wasn't able to read the manga. Still able to access Exhentai btw.
I live in Belarus, it seems to me that every person i caught would just get ignored. Well who knows ?
The more I find out about the Chinese government the more I feel sorry for the people who have to live under it.
Has anyone mentioned the UK yet? Even most of the porn posted on fakku is technically illegal there. Even they rarely prosecute people for it, there's the usual chilling effect heavy-handed censorship always produces.

The US really is quite unique in its speech protections.
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