Countries Where Porn is Illegal

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SolidShark wrote...
SkelliDrops wrote...
I think that is kind of ridiculous, what harm is it going to do to your country?

It harms the peace of mind lf the conservative sectors and of course your/our/everyones "concerned mothers" that we aren't living their way of life. So they pressure the government with bills, find some other polititian radical as them and vote for him/her.

Solution? None. Just leave the country, I would certainly do so if I could.

True, I think some people just honestly need to fucking grow up -_____- ..
That has got to suck, no one is getting laid and porn is illegal. Everyone is pissed off and can't get relief.
Oh god why. Why this thread again. I'm sure I remember this from a couple of years ago.
Well yeah I live in the Phil. porn is everywhere wherever I go for example in computer shops where customers watch porn publicly or selling DVDs in the streets
cybersex or sexual exploitation is the one that authorities here are most concerned at.
In Indonesia porn is banned but the regulation is lax. nobody will break into your house searching for porn, except probably some moslem extremist. people doesn't even bother to stop porn circulation.
prostitution and other service is prohibited, but somehow its still growing, and easily found. they even have a local prostitution site! everybody know this but they did nothing about it, even those extremist is a regular here(from what i heard)
the only problem is that they banned many sites fakku included, because of this i have been inactive for few years (too lazy to use proxy)
but after changing my ISP fakku become available again! I would have done this sooner if I had known this.
hell yeah! this is my come back post!
Those poor people. We must send them all doujinshi!
Well, at least if all goes to shit in the US, I can flee to Canada.
I have no idea what to think about the legality of porn, but I couldn't live without it I know that.
I heard that in Iran, that porn is not just illegal, but if any women, is seen undressed, even by accident if not married, or not by there husbands for family, they are put to death. And I heard it's like that in some other places it like that as well, would suck to be a porn star from those country's.
You can trace that all those counter have some historical (or even now) abuses...
Fuck the goverment what they do is taking tax from the people for personel interest.

Damn Religion for banning porn, if the is no sex there will be no children.

Fuck you world why can't this world be like in the anime.
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