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Ubisoft recently revealed a new video game called Watch Dogs in their press conference at E3, it's a third person action/shooter.

Triple A production quality, definitely one of the biggest surprises in E3 to see ubisoft reveal a new IP. Appears to be set in Chicago.

"Watch Dogs is being developed by a team comprised from members of the Rainbow 6, Far Cry and Assassin's Creed series, and it pits the player as Aiden Pearce, a hacker who's got the city at his disposal."

"Watch Dogs goes beyond the limits of today's open-world games by giving players the ability to control an entire city," said creative director Jonathan Morin. "In Watch Dogs, anything connected to the city's Central Operating System becomes a weapon. By pushing the boundaries, we can provide players with action and access to information on a scale that's never been seen in a video game before."

No release date or official platforms yet, though the man playing the demo was using an Xbox controller so it could be released on xbox and/or pc.

Official website

Thread updates as we get more information.

*Update: If you scanned the QR code that appeared in the trailer it directs you to dotconnexion, which seems to be related to the club in the trailer.
I was about to make a thread for it but I already made one for another game so I've let this one go :p
The game looks awesome and was the only thing that stood out so far in E3.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
EDIT: Also, here's the trailer, detailing the back-story of the game.

Dammit, Kuma! I was gonna make this thread!

Oh, also, there's something about the game that's not revealed in that US and UK clip that Ubisoft officially released. I figured something was up when I saw it, and thought it ended differently from the GT stream. I found IGN's one, which pretty much sums up another aspect they completely revealed as well:

Its multiplayer.

Figured out the difference between the OP video and this stream?

... no?

Well, if you haven't I'll spell it out for you: if it follows the streams perfectly, then a major multiplayer aspect of the game, from what I'm assuming, is other players from online (possibly from friends list first) can come into your own singleplayer game (hopefully there's an option like in Street Fighter to make sure your game doesn't get "intruded" on if you don't want it), and help you out on your missions. So far, only protecting Aiden's ass has been confirmed, but I'm already seeing a lot of potential for this, if all goes well.
Looks very promising.
say what! wrote...
The game looks awesome and was the only thing that stood out so far in E3.


It really looks superb.
This game shows a very great style. I can't wait to start hacking in on peoples conversations.
Looks extremely nice and will most certainly be on the top of my buy list. I've been waiting for a while for the videogame industry to interest itself in hackers.
The concept is refreshing and new, and I can't wait to learn more. Gameplay seemed odd, but of coarse, none of us know how the game functions.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
This game looks awesome. Really awesome.
A sandbox where you can hack into virtually anything? GOTYAY.
This has a ton of promise, and I personally LOVE anything with Modern-cyber themes!!

But the demo.. was seriously scripted, Everything from the NPC's to the car crash, and gunfight looked pretty well thought-out, right down to a dot.

Still looks fun, and i hope they can do alot with this.

for all you PC fans out there, good news!

The debut gameplay demo that ubisoft showcased in E3 was being played using a computer with an xbox controller.

RPS: And the demo was running on PC?

Dominic Guay: Yeah, we’re running on PC at E3.

The whole interview can be found here
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
SeventySevenMillion wrote...
But the demo.. was seriously scripted, Everything from the NPC's to the car crash, and gunfight looked pretty well thought-out, right down to a dot.

Maybe, but check out this preview that Gamesradar did on the game while on the show floor.

Sterling McGarvey wrote...
From there, the team took Aiden outside, but instead of simply setting off the traffic lights to cause a car wreck, they showed us how he can navigate this virtual Windy City. Aiden climbs a platform and makes his way onto the subway tracks. From the L platform, he sets off the EMP wave that causes the car wreck, then picks off De Marco’s bodyguards from an elevated position before dropping down to take down the others.

Also, a new detail revealed as to how connected they want players to be for this game.

Sterling McGarvey wrote...
As the gameplay section of the demo wrapped, Ubisoft revealed another important detail: if you have an iPad (no details on other tablets, or iPhones), you’ll be able to download an app that ties your in-game progress into the game’s virtual Chicago. You can check your in-game progress for every strand of the mission, from your clear time to your methodology. That also includes what your friends are doing while they play Watch Dogs. You can check their mission logs and see how they played and try to beat their clear times. You can see a timeline of how you did, and there are hacking minigames to get more info on the people you encounter (the developers cited the DeMarco employee who Aiden hacks – with the app, you can pull up more information on her, and using in-game currency, you can hack for more information, including offshore bank accounts). You can also help friends or hurt friends via the app by hacking traffic lights and playing around with their escape routes as they play.
artcellrox wrote...
SeventySevenMillion wrote...
But the demo.. was seriously scripted, Everything from the NPC's to the car crash, and gunfight looked pretty well thought-out, right down to a dot.

Maybe, but check out this preview that Gamesradar did on the game while on the show floor.

Sterling McGarvey wrote...
From there, the team took Aiden outside, but instead of simply setting off the traffic lights to cause a car wreck, they showed us how he can navigate this virtual Windy City. Aiden climbs a platform and makes his way onto the subway tracks. From the L platform, he sets off the EMP wave that causes the car wreck, then picks off De Marco’s bodyguards from an elevated position before dropping down to take down the others.

Also, a new detail revealed as to how connected they want players to be for this game.

Sterling McGarvey wrote...
As the gameplay section of the demo wrapped, Ubisoft revealed another important detail: if you have an iPad (no details on other tablets, or iPhones), you’ll be able to download an app that ties your in-game progress into the game’s virtual Chicago. You can check your in-game progress for every strand of the mission, from your clear time to your methodology. That also includes what your friends are doing while they play Watch Dogs. You can check their mission logs and see how they played and try to beat their clear times. You can see a timeline of how you did, and there are hacking minigames to get more info on the people you encounter (the developers cited the DeMarco employee who Aiden hacks – with the app, you can pull up more information on her, and using in-game currency, you can hack for more information, including offshore bank accounts). You can also help friends or hurt friends via the app by hacking traffic lights and playing around with their escape routes as they play.

This game just looks better and better.
Every game that's been showcased on the big screen in the e3 are run on PC. Not really a surprise there. That question was almost rhetorical because we all know none of the consoles can run these kind of graphic details at that level of smoothness.

That said I didn't say it won't be released on the PS3/360 but if it does, it will be less visually appealing.
artcellrox wrote...

Maybe, but check out this preview that Gamesradar did on the game while on the show floor.

Honestly I can't say that I think UbiSoft is above using staged demo's, But still if they are opening up more buildings like they are with the art gallery, i'm sure it wouldn't be too bad... the scripting that is. Still love the promise of the game.
I hope players can choose to eliminate there opponents melee style(Knife style or something of that nature). I like to kill my virtual enemies up close

Bumping this thread so everyone could see the epic new game-play trailer of Watch Dogs.

2013 is looking to be a great year for gaming
I gotta say after that trailer Watch Dogs has rocketed up to about number 2 on my PS4 must buy list, Number 1 being Infamous Second Son.
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